PAF flexes its muscles

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Air Force (PAF) on Monday scrambled fighter jets over several major cities in a sign of increased “vigilance”, following last month’s deadly attacks on India’s financial centre Mumbai.

“In the current environment, PAF has enhanced its vigilance,” PAF spokesman Air Commodore Humayun Viqar told AFP. Residents in Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore made panicked telephone calls to the media outlets to ask about the low-flying fighter jets.

The air force declined to comment on the flights but issued a statement saying that “in view of the current environment, the Pakistan Air Force has enhanced its vigilance.” The apparent exercises briefly delayed two PIA flights, said a spokesman for the airline.

“Two of our flights were delayed for some time because the PAF was conducting some exercises but now everything is back on normal,” said Muhammad Latif, a spokesman for Pakistan International Airlines.

The flights were delayed at the airport in the eastern city of Lahore, near the Indian border, Latif said, while dismissing television news channel reports of a high alert at Pakistani airports.

Our Lahore correspondent adds: Flights of low-lying PAF fighter jets created panic among the people here who made frantic calls to newspapers and television channels to learn more about the unexpected movement of warplanes. Flights of fighter jets sparked rumours and debate among people. Some believed that the planes were IAF jets that had intruded into Pakistan’s airspace while others were of the view that the PAF had scrambled these planes to defend Pakistan’s airspace. People kept glued to their television screens following the flights to get themselves updated.


Sukhoi TNI AU Uji Coba Bom P-100

JAKARTA--MI: Dua pesawat jet tempur Sukhoi TNI Angkatan Udara (AU) berhasil melakukan seluruh uji coba bom latih P-100 di Kabupaten, Takalar, Sulawesi Selatan, Selasa.

Dalam uji coba yang berlangsung sejak Senin (22/12) itu, pesawat tempur Sukhoi 27/30 melaksanakan latihan uji coba penembakan air to ground (penembakan dari udara ke darat) di Air Weapon Range/AWR Takalar itu menggunakan jenis bom latih P-100, yang merupakan produk dalam negeri.

"Saat ini pihak produsen telah memproduksi sepuluh bom latih P-100. Dari sepuluh itu, enam kita uji coba dalam dua hari ini. Sedangkan empat bom akan dijadikan protipe untuk diajukan ke Mabes TNI AU, Mabes TNI dan Dephan," kata Komandan Skadron Udara 11 Pangkalan Udara (Lanud) Sultan Hasanuddin, Letkol Pnb Iko Putra di Jakarta.

Ia mengatakan, dari uji coba tersebut bom latih P-100 sangat layak digunakan atau dipasangkan di Sukhoi SU-27SK dan SU-30MK. "Mungkin setelah dievaluasi lebih lanjut bom jenis ini akan kami gunakan terutama untuk latihan," ujarnya.

Bom latih P-100 merupakan hasil kerja sama Dinas Penelitian dan Pengembangan TNI AU dengan CV Sari Bahari Malang, Jawa Timur.

Bom tersebut memiliki panjang 1.130 milimeter, berat 100-125 kilogram dan diameter 273 milimeter. Bom itu dibuat dari bahan besi nodular untuk bodi, baja VCN 15 untuk suslug (cantelan untuk dipasang di pesawat) dan ST-37 untuk bagian ekor, dengan panjang 410 milimeter.

Latihan uji coba senjata yang dilaksanakan selama dua hari tersebut, disaksikan langsung oleh Pangkoopsau II Marsekal Muda TNI Yushan Sayuti dan Komandan Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin Marsekal Pertama TNI IB.Putu Dunia, para pejabat Staf Koopsau II, Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin serta beberapa pejabat Staf dari Mabes TNI Angkatan Udara di lokasi penembakan AWR Takalar.

Adapun para penerbang Sukhoi yang terlibat dalam kegiatan latihan antara lain Komandan Wing 5 Kolonel Pnb Arief Mustofa, Komandan Skadron Udara 11 Letkol Pnb W Iko Putra, Mayor Pnb Yosta Riza, Mayor Pnb Untung S dan Mayor Pnb David Tamboto.


China to "seriously consider" building aircraft carrier

BEIJING, Dec. 23 (Xinhua) -- China's Ministry of National Defense spokesman said Tuesday that aircraft carriers are "a reflection of a nation's comprehensive power" and are needed to meet the demands of a country's navy.

The Chinese government would seriously consider "relevant issues" with "factors in every aspects" on building its first ever aircraft carrier, said the spokesman Huang Xueping when responding to a question on whether it was a good opportunity at present to build China's aircraft carrier, at a press conference.

"China has a long coastline and the sacred duty of China's armed forces is to safeguard the country's marine safety and sovereignty over coastal areas and territorial seas," he said.

The ministry was explaining to reporters the deployment of the Chinese Navy as a convoy task force against pirates off Somalia. Three Chinese ships would head for the Somali region on Friday.

"The deployment of the Chinese navy off the Somali coast was inline with UN resolutions," said Huang, adding it would "play a positive role in safeguarding peace and security in that area."


Russia to test-launch at least 5 Bulava ICBMs in 2009

MOSCOW, December 23 (RIA Novosti) - The number of test launches for Russia's Bulava ICBM will be increased from three or four to at least five next year, a senior Navy official said on Tuesday.

The intercontinental ballistic missile, capable of breaching anti-missile defense systems, failed a test launch from a submarine earlier on Tuesday.

"In connection with today's less than successful test launch, the overall number of Bulava test-launches in 2009 will be increased from three to four to a minimum of five," the official said adding that telemetry and trajectory measurements of the latest launch would be analyzed before the end of this year.

A source at the Belomorsk naval base said earlier in the day that the submerged launch from the Dmitry Donskoi strategic nuclear-powered submarine in the White Sea, off Russia's northwest coast, had been unsuccessful. The missile had been targeting the Kura firing range in Russia's Far Eastern Kamchatka region.

"The launch was a failure," the official said. "The crew performed well. The missile left the tube, but went off course due to a malfunction after the first stage separation."

A naval commission will investigate the cause of the failure, Navy spokesman Capt. 1st Rank Igor Dygalo said.

The latest test launch was Bulava's 10th, five of which have ended in failure.
The previous test of the Bulava missile took place on November 28. It was launched from the Dmitry Donskoi submarine in the White Sea, effectively engaging its designated target on the Kamchatka Peninsula about 6,700 kilometers (4,200 miles) east of Moscow.

Russia earlier planned to adopt the new Bulava for service with the Navy in 2009. But a senior Navy official said earlier this month that several more test launches would be conducted next year before there was a final decision on the missile entering service.

The Bulava (SS-NX-30), carrying up to 10 nuclear warheads and having a range of 8,000 kilometers (5,000 miles), is designed for deployment on Borey-class Project 955 nuclear-powered submarines.

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said while he was president that the missile would be a key component of Russia's nuclear forces.

Denjaka Lumpuhkan Teroris di Kapal Tanker Sele Pertamina

Pasukan elite TNI AL Detasemen Jalamangkara (Denjaka), Minggu siang (21/12) berhasil melumpuhkan kawanan teroris yang membajak kapal tanker Sele Pertamina yang sedang lego jangkar di perairan Teluk Jakarta.

Aksi satuan elite TNI AL ini merupakan salah satu bagian dari rangkaian kegiatan latihan anti teror dengan sandi ”Waspada Nusa” yang melibatkan satuan-satuan anti teror TNI dan Polri. Dalam latihan di perairan Teluk Jakarta ini, diskenariokan kapal tanker Sele Pertamina dibajak kawanan teroris pimpinan Abu Tenggulum dengan 7 orang anak buahnya. Para teroris ini menuntut pembebasan sejumlah tahanan politik dan minta tebusan 1 Trilyun. Negosiasi terus dilakukan pihak pemerintah lewat staf Kepresidenan dengan pihak teroris. Saat negosiasi ini dilakukan, pemerintah RI telah menyiapkan satuan anti teror Denjaka untuk melakukan serbuan dadakan dalam rangka pembebasan kapal tanker Sele Pertamina itu.

Pada Hari H dan Jam J yang telah ditentukan, pasukan Denjaka TNI AL pun segera dikerahkan ke sasaran. Dalam proses pelumpuhan para teroris ini, pasukan Denjaka TNI AL membagi kekuatannya menjadi 5 tim serbu yakni tim Kelompok Komando (Pokko), Alfa, Bravo, Charlie dan Delta. Saat serbuan, 3 tim menggunakan Sea Rider dengan kecepatan tinggi merapat ke lambung kapal yakni tim Pokko dan Bravo merapat dari lambung kanan tanker, tim Alfa dari lambung kiri. Sedangkan tim Charlie merapat lewat terjun tempur di atas kapal disusul tim Delta yang merapat lewat fast rope.

Setelah masuk ke kapal, 5 tim Denjaka tersebut langsung melaksanakan serangan dadakan dengan melakukan pertempuran jarak dekat dengan para teroris. Dari pertempuran ini, 7 orang teroris tercatat berhasil dilumpuhkan sedangkan seorang lainnya dijadikan tawanan yang seterusnya diserahkan ke pihak Kepolisian untuk penyelesaian hukum lebih lanjut.
Latihan pembebasan kapal Sele Pertamina tersebut disaksikan langsung Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (Kasal) Laksamana TNI Tedjo Edhy P, SH , Wakasal, para Panglima Kotama TNI AL dan pejabat teras TNI, TNI AL dan juga Polri. (Dispen Kormar)


Russia to allocate $35.3 billion for arms production in 2009-11

MOSCOW, December 22 (RIA Novosti) - State capital investments into serial production of armaments and military hardware in 2009-2011 will total about $35.3 billion, a first deputy chairman of Russia's military-industrial commission said Monday.

"In practice, over three years these expenditures will total about 1 trillion rubles," Vladislav Putilin said.

Putilin also said the government had approved the state defense order for 2009-11 worth a total of 4 trillion rubles ($141 billion).

Russia plans to put into service more than 400 new weapons, materiel and other pieces of military equipment, the official added.

In the period of 2009-2011, Russian armed forces will receive 70 strategic missiles, 30 Iskander missiles and a number of carrier rockets and spacecraft.

In addition, "Russia will buy 38 military aircraft, six drones, over 60 helicopters, 14 ships, almost 300 tanks and over 2,000 vehicles," Putilin said.

NEWS @RIA Novosti

Kasau: Infrastruktur untuk Sukhoi Sudah Siap


22/12/08 22:31 Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara (Kasau) Marsekal TNIB Subandrio mengatakan, seluruh infrastruktur untuk kehadiran tiga pesawat Sukhoi TNI Angkatan Udara (AU) yang baru, sudah siap.

"Seluruh infrastruktur seperti hanggar, termasuk SDM seperti penerbang dan teknisi sudah siap. Kami senang, kalau tiga Sukhoi dapat segera dihadirkan," katanya, di sela-sela penutupan Latihan Gabungan Antiteror TNI-Polri di Jakarta, Senin.

Subandrio menambahkan, tiga pesawat Sukhoi yang akan datang akhir Desember 2009 akan tiba dan dirakit di Pangkalan Udara (Lanud) Sultan Hassanuddin.

Sebelumnya, Dirjen Sarana Pertahanan (Ranahan) Departemen Pertahanan (Dephan) Marsekal Muda TNIB Eris Herriyanto mengatakan, tiga pesawat jet tempur Sukhoi dari Rusia, segera memperkuat TNIB AU, setelah beberapa kali tertunda.

Ketiga pesawat Sukhoi itu akan tiba secara bertahap yakni dua pada Desember 2008 dan satu unit pada Januari 2009.

"Ketiganya merupakan jenis SU-30MK2, karena memang jenis itu yang kini dibutuhkan TNI AU," katanya, yang baru saja pulang dari Rusia untuk menyaksikan "roll out" dua Sukhoi yang akan segera dikirim ke Indonesia pada Desember 2008.

Ia mengatakan, pengadaan tiga pesawat Sukhoi akan segera ditindaklanjuti dengan pengadaan persenjataan yang dibutuhkan TNI AU.

"Dengan demikian, tingkat kesiapan operasional TNI AU, khususnya Skadron Sukhoi dapat segera ditingkatkan," ujar Eris.

Perusahaan Rusia penghasil pesawat tempur Sukhoi pada 21 Agustus 2007 mengumumkan penjualan enam pesawat tempur tersebut kepada Indonesia senilai sekitar 300 juta dolar AS (Rp2,85 triliun).

Enam pesawat Sukhoi itu terdiri atas tiga Sukhoi SU-30MK2 dan tiga SU-27SKM, yang akan melengkapi empat pesawat Sukhoi yang telah dimiliki TNI AU sejak September 2003.

Penandatanganan nota kesepahaman pengadaan enam pesawat Sukhoi itu dilaksanakan pada 21 Agustus 2007. Pesawat tempur Sukhoi tersebut menggantikan peran pesawat A-4 Skyhawk dan berbasis di Skadron Udara 11 Pangkalan Udara Sultan Hassanuddin, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan.


MNOK 140 Penguin contract with Brazil

Today Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace signed a contract with the Brazilian navy for the delivery of Penguin anti-ship missiles and associated equipment valued at appr. MNOK 140. The missiles will be deployed on the Brazilian Navy's new maritime helicopters.

Kongsberg Gruppen (KONGSBERG) is a multinational, knowledge-based group with over 5000 employees in more than 25 countries. The Group delivers high-technology systems to discerning customers engaged in offshore oil and gas production, the merchant marine, and the defence and aerospace industries. KONGSBERG is listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (Ticker: KOG), and posted operating revenues of NOK 8.3 billion in 2007.


Russia denies supplying S-300 missile systems to Iran

MOSCOW, December 22 (RIA Novosti) - Russia is not selling S-300 surface-to-air missile systems to Iran, the Russian federal service for military cooperation said in a statement on Monday.

"Reports on deliveries of S-300 systems are untrue," the statement said.
Iran's official news agency IRNA, quoting a deputy head of Iran's parliamentary foreign policy and security commission, reported on Sunday that Russia had started supplying components for S-300 surface-to-air missile systems.

Russia's state-run arms exporter said earlier on Monday that Moscow only sold defensive weapons to Iran, in strict compliance with the international nonproliferation regime.

"Only defensive systems are being supplied to Iran, including surface-to-air systems.

Previously, Tor-M1 air-defense systems were supplied to Iran," Rosoboronexport said.
Iran's Foreign Ministry has neither denied nor confirmed the report.

An Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman said Tel Aviv had received assurances from Russia that it had not started S-300 deliveries to Tehran.

A deputy chief of Russia's federal service for military cooperation said last Wednesday that military cooperation between Russia and Iran was designed to ensure regional stability.

"Military cooperation between Russia and Iran has a positive impact on stability in the region. We have been developing and will continue to develop this cooperation," Alexander Fomin said.

According to unofficial sources, Russia and Iran are currently in talks on a deal to sell Tehran advanced medium-range surface-to-air missile systems.

NEWS @RIA Novosti, PHOTO @Danner Gyde (Flickr)

Pasukan Anti Teror TNI AL Lumpuhkan Teroris di Bandara Internasional Juanda

ARMATIM (22/12),- Pasukan Anti Teror TNI Angkatan Laut yang terdiri dari 2 Tim Pasukan Katak Koarmatim, 2 Tim Pasukan Intai Amfibi Marinir dan 1 Tim EOD (Explosive Ordinance Disposal) melumpuhkan teroris yang beberapa jam sempat menguasai Bandara Internasional Juanda, Minggu (21/12).

Serbuan Pasukan Anti Teror TNI AL ini merupakan seremonial Latihan Gabungan TNI penanggulangan teroris serentak di enam kota besar di Indonesia, yaitu di Denpasar, Bandung, Jakarta, Surabaya, Jogyakarta dan Semarang.

Minggu pagi tersebut suasana Bandara Internasional sangat mencekam. Teroris yang berjumlah 9 orang menguasai tempat pemberangkatan, imigrasi, tempat kedatangan dan ruang tunggu VIP. Di ruang tunggu VIP ini teroris menyandera 40 orang, sedangkan ditempat pemberangkatan dan kedatangan ada 2 teroris yang bertindak sebagai bom bunuh diri. Penyerbuan pasukan anti teror TNI AL diawali di tempat pemberangkatan yang dikuasai 2 teroris, kemudian serentak dilakukan penyerbuan di tiga tempat, yakni di tempat imigrasi, tempat kedatangan dan ruang tunggu VIP.

Suasana saat itu benar-benar mencekam. Suara tembakan terdengar dimana-mana, para penumpang yang berada disekitar tempat tersebut ada yang kelihatan panik, tapi juga ada yang malah menonton, mungkin telah mengetahui bahwa saat itu hanya latihan. Yang tak kalah mencekamnya, saat itu pasukan anti terror TNI AL dari helikopter kemudian meluncur masuk ke dalam ruang kedatangan penumpang melalui plafon atas, dan baku tembakan pun terjadi, Dalam penyerbuan tersebut, 3 teroris berhasil dieksekusi dan yang 6 teroris lainnya berhasil ditangkap dalam kondisi hidup-hidup. Kemudian yang meninggal dibawa ke Rumah Sakit Dr. Ramelan Surabaya, sedangkan yang berhasil ditangkap hidup diserahkan ke polisi.


Hanjin wins Navy contract to build new patrol boats

SEOUL, Dec. 22 (Yonhap) -- Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction has won a bid to build four new high-speed patrol boats for the Navy to replace its aging models, the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) said Monday.

Hanjin nudged out two other competitors in the contract for the patrol boats, equipped with guided missiles, under the PKX program. The new vessels will replace the 150-ton Chamsuri models.


Hanjin Heavey Industries and Construction, selected as the competent bidder for shipbuilding project of 4 next generation patrol vessels from the ROK

PKX I Yunyeongha

Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction (CEO Bak Gyuwon) (HHIC) announced the selection as the qualified candidate for shipbuilding of next generation patrol vessels for the ROK Navy on the 8th of this month.

The next generation patrol vessel, a part of ocean project of the ROK Navy, is named the Patrol Killer eXperimental (PKX). This project value for 4 vessels is equivalent to 130 billion Won.

For building the patrol vessels with superior arms to Chamsuri, the patrol vessel submerged during the battle on the West Sea, and with high-tech combat system, the ROK Navy has been pursued the shipbuilding project for the PKX since 2002. PKX I is under construction from Aug. 2005 after the basic design in 2002 by HHIC. It was named Yunyeongha and launched in June 2007 after completing the process for about 33 months.

With full load displacement of 570 tons and peak velocity of 40 knots, Yunyeongha adopted the steath technique enhancing the survival ability including mapping and tracking radar. It is evaluated as the high-tech patrol vessel with long range means of attack using electronic appliances, anti-ship guided missile and 76mm guns of warship.

With the first shipbuilding of patrol ship in Korea in 1972, HHIC achieved the largest quantity of shipbuding records including various kinds of patrol vessles, corvettes, landing ships, high-speed landing ships, defense ships, salvage ships, support ships for the ROK Navy and Coast Guard and Dokdo, the large transporter in Korea. Through such experiences, HHIC secures its fame as the best shipbuilder with unique technology for the naval vessels and special vessels.

HHIC won a victory as building 5 of 9 PKXs of the ROK Navy including Yungyeongha. The next PKX will be delivered in 2011.

Appearance and Specifications
Size(m): 63×9×5
Displacement: 570 tons (Full load)
Maximum speed: 40kts+
Cruising Range: 2,000nm / 15kts
Crew: 40 or above
Armament: Ship-to-ship missile,76/40mm gunfire
Commission: After 2007


Chamsuri class patrol vessel

PKMs consisting of 'Chamsuri' class ships started becoming localized in the 1970s. The initial types were equipped with 20-mm Vulcan Automatic Cannons in the front and 40-mm Bofors cannons in the back. The types that came after had 2 30-mm Emercen extended cannons at the front and 2 20-mm Vulcan automatic cannons at the back. The latter types were equipped with 40-mm Bofors cannons (cover types) at the front instead of the 30-mm cannons. Optical aiming systems were used for fire control at first, but recently the system has been automated with the introduction of the Fire Control System (FCS).
Appearance and Specifications
Size(m): 37×7×2
Displacement: 148 tons (Full load)
Maximum speed: 37kts
Cruising Range: 600nm / 20kts
Crew: 30 or above
Gunfire: 1x40mm or above OR 1 ~2x20mm or above
Commission: 1978
ROKN (Republic of Korea Navy) approx. 80 in service,
PN (Philipines Navy); BRP Boni Serrano (PG-111), BRP Bienvenido Salting (PG-112), BRP Salvador Abcede (PG-114), BRP Nicolas Mahusay (PG-116), BRP Dionisio Ojeda (PG-117)

BRP Dionisio Ojeda (PG-117)


Grand opening in Kongsberg

The Norwegian government's decision to pick the American fighter craft F-35 Joint Strike Fighter to replace the F-16 put an extra dimension to the grand opening of KONGSBERG's new facility for the manufacturing of advanced composite aerostructures in Kongsberg.

The Minister of Defence Anne-Grete Strøm-Erichsen, Deputy Minister of the
Ministry of Trade and Industry Øyvind Slåke and Mayor of Kongsberg Vidar Lande performed the ribboncutting in front of about 100 guests. The new facility will be used to manufacture advanced composite aerostructures for the Joint Strike Fighter.

"This is a big day for us. The decision to buy the
American fighter craft Joint Strike Fighter is positive for the success of this facility, for us as a company, for the region, for many of our Norwegian subcontractors and for the further development of Norwegian technology competence," said KONGSBERG's CEO Walter Qvam.

Facts about Kongsberg Aerostructures:
o The facility is approximately 30 000 square meters
o KONGSBERG has invested about MNOK 900 in the facility
o The main activity will be manufacturing of parts in composite and titanium
o Approximately 180 people will be employed at the facility. It is expected that
this number will increase to about 210 during 2009.

Read more .................

South Korea commissions Aegis destroyer

Dec. 22, BUSAN, South Korea -- "Sejong the Great," the South Korean Navy's first Aegis destroyer, is commissioned in Busan on Dec. 22. The 7,600-ton destroyer, equipped with the Aegis integrated weapons system, has a maximum speed of 30 knots with 300 crew on board.


Royal Marine killed in Helmand

It is with great sadness that the Ministry of Defence must confirm that a Royal Marine from the Commando Logistics Regiment Royal Marines was killed on the morning of Sunday 21 December 2008 in Helmand province, Afghanistan.

The Royal Marine was killed as a result of an explosion in an area to the north west of Lashkar Gah. He was taking part in a routine move, following operations in the district of Nad-e-Ali.

NEWS @UK Ministry of Defence

Future USS Arlington (LPD 24) Keel Laid

USS San Antonio (LPD17) is similar to USS Arlington (LPD24)

WASHINGTON (NNS) -- Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding laid the keel for the future USS Arlington (LPD 24) during a Dec. 18 ceremony at its Ingalls shipyard in Pascagoula, Miss. The keel was authenticated by Ron Carlee, the county manager of Arlington, Va., who confirmed that the keel was layed "straight and true."

LPD 24, the eighth ship of the San Antonio class, was given the name Arlington to honor the 184 victims in the air and on the ground who
lost their lives when American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001. The ship also honors the military and civilian employees, emergency, fire and rescue personnel of Arlington County and surrounding communities who provided the critical assistance after the attack. LPD 21 (New York) and LPD 25 (Somerset) are also named in remembrance of the victims of the 9/11 attacks. USS Arlington is scheduled to deliver to the Navy in 2012.

LPDs or amphibious transport dock ships, are
used to transport and land Marines, their equipment and supplies by embarked air cushion or conventional landing craft or amphibious assault vehicles, augmented by helicopters or vertical-takeoff-and-landing aircraft. These ships support amphibious assault, special operations or expeditionary warfare missions and can serve as secondary aviation platforms for expeditionary strike groups.

San Antonio class ships are approximately 684 feet in length, have a mixed
gender crew of 360 Sailors, are able to support an embarked landing force of 699, and can support a surge force of up to 800 Marines.


Russia to test launch Bulava ICBM in 2 days

MOSCOW, December 22 (RIA Novosti) - Russia is to hold another test launch of the Bulava intercontinental ballistic missile in two days time, a source in the Russian defense industry said on Monday.

"The test launch of the latest intercontinental ballistic missile Bulava, which is due to be held in the next two days from the Dmitry Donskoi [Typhoon-class] strategic nuclear-powered submarine, will not be the final test for the commissioning of the missile," the source said.

"Next year we plan three or four more launches, including from [Russia's first Borey-class] strategic nuclear submarine the Yury Dolgoruky," he said.
The Bulava will not be commissioned without successful test launches from the Yury Dolgoruky, the source added.

The fourth-generation Yury
Dolgoruky was built at the Sevmash plant in northern Russia and was taken out of dry dock in April 2007. It is due to be equipped with Bulava ballistic missiles upgraded from Topol-M (SS-27) missiles.

The submarine is 170 meters (580 feet) long,
has a hull diameter of 13 meters (42 feet), a crew of 107, including 55 officers, a maximum depth of 450 meters (about 1,500 feet) and a submerged speed of about 29 knots. It can carry up to 16 ballistic missiles.

The latest test of the sea-launched Bulava missile took place on November 28
. It was launched from the Dmitry Donskoi submarine in the White Sea, effectively engaging its designated target on the Kamchatka Peninsula about 6,700 kilometers (4,200 miles) east of Moscow.

The Bulava (SS-NX-30), developed by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology
is designed for deployment on Borey-class Project 955 nuclear-powered submarines.


Biak Bangun Tiga Radar

TRS 2215D

Senin, 22 Desember 2008 15:58 WIB BIAK--MI: Komando Sektor (Kosek) IV Pertahanan Udara Nasional (Hanudnas) Kabupaten Biak Numfor, Provinsi Papua, sedang merampungkan pembangunan tiga unit radar di Kabupaten Merauke, Mimika (Timika) dan Saumlaki, Provinsi Maluku.

Panglima Komando Sektor (Pangkosek) IV Hanudnas Biak Kolonel Pnb Harsono S.Sos di Biak, Senin, mengatakan tiga radar yang dibangun di wilayah Kosek IV Hanudnas Biak itu diharapkan dapat mendukung tugas pengawasan terhadap berbagai aktivitas pesawat yang melintas dalam wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI).

"Dengan penambahan tiga radar tersebut wilayah Kosek IV Hanudnas akan memiliki lima radar, dua di antaranya sudah beroperasi di Satuan Radar Tanjung Barari Biak dan Satuan Radar Kupang," katanya.

Untuk wilayah Papua bagian selatan, lanjutnya, kehadiran radar di Merauke penting karena daerah itu berbatasan langsung dengan Negara tetangga yaitu Papua Nugini.

Apalagi saat ini, menurut Pangkosek Hanudnas Biak, pergerakan ekonomi dari China ke Australia maupun pergerakan pesawat militer dari Guam selalu mendekat ke wilayah Indonesia sehingga seluruh wilayah NKRI perlu mendapat pengawasan dari radar TNI AU.

Ia berharap, setelah tiga radar yang dibangun di wilayah Kosek IV Hanudnas Biak beroperasi maka secara keseluruhan lima radar akan berfungsi untuk meningkatkan pengawasan pengamanan udara di seluruh wilayah Timur Indonesia.

Menyinggung pelanggaran udara yang terpantau Satuan Radar Tanjung Barari Biak, Pangkosek Harsono mengatakan sesuai dengan hasil pengamatan, jumlah pelanggaran itu sudah mulai menurun.

Sejak radar Biak beroperasi kasus pelanggaran udara sedikit menurun," kata Kolonel Harsono tanpa merinci jumlah kasus pelanggaran maupun jenisnya. (Ant/OL-01)


Saab receives order for the Indian DHRUV helicopters

22 December, 2008 12:30 CET SAAB -Saab has received an order from Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), India. The contract value is approximately 24 million US Dollar.

Saab will commence serial production of an integrated electronic warfare self-protection system for installation on the Indian Advanced Light Helicopter, Dhruv.

“We are proud of being a supplier for this advanced helicopter and look forward to continue our cooperation and long term relationship with HAL”, says Micael Johansson, President, Saab Avitronics

This production order follows an order for development and prototypes deliveries and an initial production order received in April 2008.

Development as well as production takes place at Saab in South Africa.


Turkey to buy 32 Mi-28 attack helicopters from Russia

RIA Novosti, Sergey Venyavsky
Mi-28N Night Hunter attack helicopter. "The Mi-28N's specifications and combat characteristics are equal to those of three Mi-24 Hind attack helicopters, which are currently the mainstay of Russia's helicopter fleet," said first deputy prime minister Sergei Ivanov.

ANKARA, December 22 (RIA Novosti) - Turkey plans to buy 32 used Mi-28 (Havoc) helicopters from Russia in a deal worth a total of $1 billion, a national Turkish daily reported on Monday.

Vatan said the decision to buy helicopters from Russia was made after talks for purchases of Cobra and Super Cobra helicopter gunships failed with the United States.

Russian helicopters will tide Turkey over until deliveries of Agusta A-129 Mangusta helicopters, co-produced with Italy's Agusta Westland, are received by the Turkish Armed Forces. The Italian company won a tender for the production of 52 helicopters in 2007.

The Turkish Defense Ministry has yet to officially confirm the report by Vatan.

The Mi-28 is an all-weather day-night attack helicopter manufactured by the Rostvertol plant in southern Russia.

NEWS @RIA Novosti, PHOTO @RIA Novosti

F16 A/B Pakistan Airforce

The F-16 was inducted into the PAF in 1983. The initial order was of 40 aircraft (28 F-16As and 12 F-16Bs). The F-16A is a single- seat air combat fighter while the F-16B is a dual-seat combat capable fighter trainer. The F-16 is a true multi-mission aircraft and can carry upto 15,200 lbs of bombs, missiles and rockets. It presently equips No. 9 and No. 11 (OCU) squardons of the PAF.

Pakistan ordered 11 more F-16s in 1988 and 60 F-16C/Ds but in October 1990, Presselar Ammendment was passed that effectively blocked all future deliveries of F-16 aircraft to Pakistan. In March 2005, US agreed to deliver additional F-16s to Pakistan. The no. to be ordered was intially 75. This was changed to 55 and eventually, PAF decided to buy 18 new F-16C/Ds and 26 used F-16A/Bs that are to be delivered by 2008/2009. In December 2005, US delivered 2 F-16As to Pakistan as a token of goodwill. This raised the total number of active F-16s in PAF service to 34.


PAF jets make flights in twin cities, Lahore

Monday, December 22, 2008, LAHORE: Pakistan Air Force (PAF) fighter jets made flights in Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore.

According to sources, PAF jets made flights in airspace of Islamabad, Rawalpindi and Lahore on Monday afternoon after which local residents were climbed on their rooftops.

Meanwhile, all airports of the country put on high alert. A flight bound for Dubai from Lahore and another flight coming Lahore from Quetta have been halted till further orders whereas all passes at Lahore airport have been cancelled.

PAF sources said that fighter jets are on routine flights and making surveillance of country’s airspace.


Russia starts S-300 missile supplies to Iran - Iranian MP

TEHRAN, December 21 (RIA Novosti) - Russia has started the supplies of components for S-300 air defense systems to Iran, a senior Iranian lawmaker said on Sunday.

Esmaeil Kosari, deputy chairman of the parliamentary commission on national security and foreign policy told the Iranian news agency IRNA that Iran and Russia had held negotiations for several years on the purchase of S-300 air defense systems and had finalized a deal.
Kosari said the Islamic Republic would deploy S-300 surface-to-air missile systems to strengthen national defense on border areas.

Iran recently took delivery of 29 Russian-made Tor-M1 air defense missile systems under a $700-million contract signed in late 2005. Russia has also trained Iranian Tor-M1 specialists, including radar operators and crew commanders.

The U.S. and Israel, which have consistently refused to rule out the possibility of military action against Iran, were earlier alarmed by media reports, which started circulating as early as 2005, on the possible delivery of S-300 surface-to-air missiles to Iran, as these systems could greatly improve Iranian defenses against any air strike on its strategically important sites, including nuclear facilities.

The advanced version of the S-300 missile system, called S-300PMU1 (SA-20 Gargoyle), has a range of over 150 kilometers (over 100 miles) and can intercept ballistic missiles and aircraft at low and high altitudes, making the system an effective tool for warding off possible air strikes.

The Islamic Republic has conducted several high-profile war games this year, including a three-day series of Air Force and missile defense exercises on September 15-18, while promising swift retaliation in the event of any act of aggression against the country.

Iran is currently under three sets of relatively mild UN Security Council sanctions for defying demands to halt uranium enrichment, which it says it needs purely for electricity generation despite Western accusations that the program is geared toward weapon production.


Indonesia carries out anti-terror drill

Agence France-Presse 17:22:00 12/21/2008 JAKARTA--Indonesian security forces stormed hotels and airports for simulated clashes with masked gunmen on Sunday in a massive anti-terror drill ordered in the wake of last month's deadly assault on Mumbai.

Sunday's exercise was the biggest part of a series of drills lauched this week with nearly 7,000 military and police personnel involved in simulated attacks and hostage-takings.
Heavily armed anti-terror police swarmed a five-star hotel in Jakarta where masked gunmen carried out a simulated attack like the ones in Mumbai which left 172 people dead.

A military helicopter was seen flying over the hotel building with anti-terror police squads descending on a rope to the roof in a simulated bid to rescue hostages.
Other drills this week saw simulated sea-based attacks in the strategic Malacca Strait, and attacks in airports, sea ports and Jakarta's stock exchange building.
Indonesia has a history of violent bombings by Islamist extremists, but has not suffered a major attack since the 2005 suicide bombings on Bali that killed 20 people.
The attacks on India's financial capital encouraged Indonesia's president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to mobilise its security forces in anti-terror drills.
Top security minister Widodo Adisucipto said that following the drills Indonesia will revise its anti-terror security measures to improve its capacity to tackle possible attacks.
"We will for sure make some evaluations based on this week's exercises; what needs to be improved in order to have a more effective mechanism and entity in tackling terror attacks," the minister told reporters after witnessing the drill. Widodo said such drills would now be held annually.

The First Missile Unit of the VPA

Saturday, 20/12/2008, 08:47 (GMT + 7) PANO – Missile units of Vietnam People’s Army have played an important role in protecting the independence of the country, especially during the Vietnam War.

On the occasion of the 64th anniversary of the foundation of the Vietnam People’s Army (December 22nd, 1944 – December 22nd, 2008), PANO would like to introduce the history of Missile Regiment 236, the first missile unit of the Vietnam People’s Army.

The regiment was founded on January 7, 1965 and became the first missile unit of the Vietnamese People’s Army. And to this day Regiment 236 is still the best missile unit in the army.

On July 24th, 1965, the unit entered battle for the first time, and shot down the 400th American plane in the skies over the North of Vietnam. July 24th therefore has become the traditional day of missile soldiers.

During the Vietnam War, the regiment shot down 196 enemy planes, including nine B-52s and one F-111. The unit journeyed through 17 provinces and cities, from Yen Bai to Quang Tri, and took part in nearly 600 battles. 107 soldiers and officers in the unit sacrificed their lives in combat during the war.The unit was granted the unit citation “Hero of the Revolutionary Armed Forces”. Two battalions and four individuals in the regiment were also granted the title.

One of the greatest achievements of the unit came in 1972, when it used only one missile to shoot down two U.S planes over Nghe An Central province.

Knowledge of how to shoot down US B-52 bombers was drawn
the experiences of the unit, paving the way for the “Dien Bien Phu in the Air” victory in 1972. Ngoc Hung – Duy Minh

F-35 Lightning II

Provides the United States and allied governments with an affordable, stealthy 5TH generation fighter for the 21st century.

Brings stealth capability that is integrated throughout the aircraft with embedded antennas, aligned edges and special coatings and materials.

Meets multiple service requirements with a single-engine supersonic multirole fighter.

The single-engine F-35 Lightning II will be manufactured in three variants:

1. Conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) for the U.S. Air Force

2. Carrier variant (CV) for the U.S. Navy

3. Short takeoff/vertical landing (STOVL) for the U.S. Marine Corps and the U.K. Royal Air Force and Royal Navy

Conducts air-to-air and air-to-ground combat missions simultaneously with near impunity.

Carries a comprehensive sensor package that integrates vast amounts of battlespace information with allied forces in the air, on the ground, at sea or in space.

The F-35 Lightning II’s successful first flight occurred Dec. 15, 2006. Flight testing continues to advance full development of this 5TH generation fighter. Flight testing of the STOVL variant begins in 2008. Deliveries to the armed services are scheduled to begin in 2010 and continue well beyond 2030.

Second Ground-Test F-35 Lightning II Rolls Out On Schedule, Prepares For Testing In The United Kingdom

FORT WORTH, Texas, December 19th, 2008 -- Lockheed Martin’s [NYSE: LMT] second F-35 Lightning II ground-test aircraft rolled out on Wednesday at the company’s Fort Worth plant, where it will be fully instrumented before being shipped to the United Kingdom for testing.

The new F-35, called AG-1, is the full-scale static test article for the conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) variant, which will be flown by the U.S. Air Force and eight of the nine F-35 partner countries. The static test aircraft for the short takeoff/vertical landing (STOVL) variant was delivered earlier this year and has successfully completed a third of its planned test program in Fort Worth.

“AG-1 will be placed in a state-of-the-art test rig where twisting, bending and pulling forces are applied to validate that the CTOL variant’s structure can sustain the tremendous forces and loads exerted during flight,” said Dan Crowley, Lockheed Martin executive vice president and F-35 program general manager. “This test article enables F-35 to retire technical risk as quickly as possible so flight testing can progress toward the CTOL’s full nine-G performance envelope on schedule.”

In late March, AG-1 will depart Fort Worth by truck and will be transferred to a cargo ship for the final voyage to the BAE Systems Structures Laboratory in Brough, England. Arrival is expected in late April. Prior to shipping, AG-1 will undergo pressure testing of the canopy and fuel tanks, and will be outfitted with final instrumentation and load-application pads and fittings.

Upon the completion of the full-scale static testing program, AG-1 will be shipped back to the United States.

Lockheed Martin is developing the F-35 with its principal industrial partners, Northrop Grumman and BAE Systems. Two separate, interchangeable F-35 engines are under development: the Pratt & Whitney F135 and the GE Rolls-Royce Fighter Engine Team F136.

New Mexican Army special forces take part in demonstration during graduation ceremony

New Mexican Army special forces take part in a demonstration during a graduation ceremony at an army academy in Temamatla, Mexico, December 20, 2008. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

New Mexican Army special forces take part in a demonstration during a graduation ceremony at an army academy in Temamatla December 20, 2008.(Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

New Mexican Army special forces take part in a demonstration during a graduation ceremony at an army academy in Temamatla December 20, 2008.(Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

A new member of the Mexican Army special forces salutes during a graduation ceremony at an army academy in Temamatla, Mexico, December 20, 2008.(Xinhua/Reuters Photo)
New Mexican Army special forces take part in a demonstration during a graduation ceremony at an army academy in Temamatla, Mexico, December 20, 2008.(Xinhua/Reuters Photo)
New Mexican Army special forces take part in a demonstration during a graduation ceremony at an army academy in Temamatla, Mexico, December 20, 2008.(Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

New Mexican Army special forces take part in a demonstration during a graduation ceremony at an army academy in Temamatla, Mexico, December 20, 2008. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

Tim Antiteror Telah Dibentuk di Seluruh Kodam

Minggu, 21 Desember 2008 17:12 WIB, Penulis : Shanty M Sibarani
JAKARTA--MI: Komando Daerah Militer (Kodam) pada 33 provinsi di Indonesia sudah dibentuk pasukan antiteror.Demikian dikatakan Panglima TNI Jendral Joko Santoso seusai latihan bersama TNI-Polri dalam mengantisipasi teror di Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, Minggu (21/12).

Menurut Joko, semua kodam sudah memiliki tim antiteror yang handal dan terlatih. "Sehingga tim antiteror bisa berlatih bersama dengan Polri guna mengantisipasi ancaman teror," ujar Joko.

Ia mengatakan, untuk tahap awal latihan bersama TNI-Polri hanya dilakukan di lima daerah, yaitu Jakarta, Jawa Timur, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, dan Yogyakarta. "Nanti akan dilaksanakan latihan bersama di semua daerah. Juga, akan dilakukan latihan secara rutin, setidaknya setahun sekali," ujar Joko.

Menurut Panglima TNI, dengan adanya latihan bersama, bisa dibuat urut-urutan penanganan teror dan berlaku di semua daerah dalam penanganan teror. "Jadi, nanti ditetapkan SOP," ujarnya.Joko juga mengatakan, adanya kerja sama dan latihan bersama, TNI Polri akan makin kuat dalam mencegah dan mengantisipasi segala bentuk ancaman terorisme. Oleh karena itu latihan bersama ini, menurut Joko, sangat disambut baik oleh institusi.

"Latihan bersama TNI-Polri sangat bermanfaat guna meningkatkan koordinasi dengan Polri dan meningkatkan kesiap siagaan kita mengantisipasi berbagai bentuk ancaman," katanya.

Ia juga mengatakan, berbagai ancaman penanganannya dibagi empat cara. Pertama, ancaman Polri bisa menangani sendiri. Kedua, Polri menangani dibantu TNI. Ketiga, ancaman terhadap VVIP (very very importan person) yang ditangani TNI. Keempat, adalah ancaman dalam suatu situasi yang karena kompetensinya, TNI yang menangani.

"Ada situasi yang mengharuskan kapasitas TNI yang menangani. Misalnya, kapal tanker disandera di Selat Malaka, maka kompetensi TNI di lapangan yang menangani," ujar Joko. (San/OL-01)

Air Force helicopters pound LTTE gathering - Kilinochchi

Sri Lanka Air Force MI 24 Helicopters have pounded an LTTE gathering detected in northeast of Puthumurippukulam area this morning (Dec 21). Air Force spokesperson, Wing Commander Janaka Nanayakkara told that the air strike was launched at 11.15 AM in support of Army 57 Division operating in the Kilinochchi battlefront.

$278m AWACS deal struck with China

Thursday, December 18, 2008 By Rauf Klasra, ISLAMABAD: In an effort to help the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) boost its air defence capability, Islamabad has struck a $278 million deal with Beijing to purchase a modern Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS), legislators were informed here on Wednesday.

Pakistan is said to be the first country in the region to buy the Chinese AWACS system, which Beijing started developing in 2004 after the Americans stopped the Israeli government from selling the system worth $1billion to Beijing.

Under mounting pressure from Washington, Tel Aviv scrapped the contract to the disappointment of the Chinese, who badly needed the system for possible use against Taiwan. The details of the contract between Pakistan and China were placed before the National Assembly on Wednesday by Minister for Defence Production Abdul Qayyum Khan Jatoi.

The documents placed before the National Assembly reveal that under the multi-million dollar deal, China will provide the system to Pakistan in the next four years. The most important thing from Pakistan’s perspective is that China has agreed to supply the system on “deferred” payment. The contract has been awarded to MS CETC China.
The story of China starting the development of its own airborne warning and control system is interesting. Until 2004, Beijing had not even thought of making its own AWACS system. Just like Pakistan, China was heavily dependent on foreign countries in improving the performance of its air force.

Information gathered from various sources revealed China launched work on its own system after the US blocked its move to develop radar surveillance aircraft. Washington even vetoed the sale of such systems China wanted to deploy in the Taiwan Strait. Military specialists said the Chinese system used domestically-produced advanced radar mounted on a Russian-made Il-76 transport aircraft.

Chinese military technicians have been struggling to acquire AWACS-type equipment ever since the United States coerced Israel in 2000 into backing out of a $1 billion agreement on selling to China four of its Phalcon phased-array radar systems.

The systems would have used Il-76 aircraft as a platform, but the main US concern in blocking the sale was that China would gain a military advantage over Taiwan. Moreover, under the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act, the US government pledged to help Taiwan defend itself against a possible Chinese attack, meaning the US forces could become involved, should fighting erupt.

For the same reason, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) air force leaders were determined to acquire such planes. After the 2000 Israeli fiasco, the PLA made it a matter of pride to prove to the Americans they could not be denied AWACS.

Initially, China turned to Russia, its traditional source of military equipment. Beijing concluded a deal to buy four Beriev A-50 Mainstay radar planes, which are roughly the Russian equivalent of the US Air Force’s E-3 Sentry AWACS. The purchase was believed to be the first phase of an agreement for eight Russian aircraft.

At the same time, Chinese scientists were working on their own radar equipment. It is not known whether the Russian aircraft were ever delivered, which would have provided a look at the technology, or whether the technicians obtained help from Israeli or Russian counterparts.

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