DVR (Digital Video Recorder) was made to fulfill modification needs of VCR from combat plane type Hawk 100/200 and F5, as video recorder and audio conversation facility in cockpit room. DVR is more robust than VCR, more economical and more guaranteed for its after sale service.

DVR has abilities to:
1. Video and audio recording on the cockpit room in digital format.
2. Displaying the result of video and audio recording.
3. Displaying warning message before take-off about its media recording storage capacity if it is almost full (less than one hour).
4. Resist against vibration, shock, and G increasing effect (earth gravitation), without mechanical system as data storage.
5. Fully compatible with VCR, Plug and Play, without need of any modification in the cockpit room of Hawk 100/200 and F5 type.
6. Fully computerized, the result of video recording using digital format, easy to be played and copied using windows-based software application.
7. Using electronic device for its storage media with higher capacity better than VCR.
8. Less power, power consumed is less than VCR, fully electronic, without mechanical system.
9. The result of video recording can be played using computer-based software application without need of Player and Demultiplexer hardware.

DVR was designed using digital technology, with fully electronic data storage, more robust against vibration, shock, G increasing (earth grafitation), higher capacity data storage of video recording, fully compatible (plug and play) with Hawk 100/200 and F5 type.
DVR has been implemented in Hawk 100 type property of TNI AU Pontianak and Pekanbaru Base.
This system will be developed furthermore, not only applied for Hawk 100/200 and F5 type, but it also can be applied for several models of aircraft.
Primauguet (D 644). (Foto: marinebuzz)
For the last 7 years, India and France have continually strengthened their bilateral naval relation as a part of which we have conducted an annual bilateral exercise, called VARUNA. This exercise aims at enhancing interoperability between the two navies, with an ever increasing complexity. This year, for the first time VARUNA will occur outside Indian waters, off the coasts of Brittany from 27 June to 04 July as a part of the Indian Task Force’s deployment to Europe from May to Jul 2009.
The exercise will involve many assets from the two nations: on the Indian side, the Task Force will comprise the destroyer Delhi, the frigates Brahmaputra and Beas, and the replenishment ship Aditya and their integral helicopters. The French contribution will consist of assets placed under CECLANT’s command (the Admiral Commanding Atlantic Ocean Zone), notably the destroyer Primauguet with a helicopter, the frigate Lieutenant de Vaisseau Le Hanaff, the nuclear powered attack submarine Emeraude. Several French aircraft will also take part in the exercise, including maritime patrol aircraft and navy’s fighters.
The naval partnership between the two nations is based on a comprehensive defence agreement signed by the Indian Prime Minister and the French President in 2006. India and France both desire to strengthen their naval cooperation which has already proven to be solid and is not restricted to VARUNA series alone, as is evident from ongoing activities in the Indian Ocean, where navies of both sides are coordinating their efforts towards the suppression of piracy off Somalia.
Airbus 330. (Foto: Airbus)
June 25, 2009 -- Greg Combet, Minister for Defence Personnel, Materiel and Science, today announced that the next commercial Airbus A330-200 aircraft has arrived at Brisbane airport for its conversion into a multi role tanker transport (KC-30 Tanker) for use by the Royal Australian Air Force.
This aircraft is being acquired under Project Air 5402. Under this project five air to air refuelling aircraft are being purchased from Spanish company EADS CASA (now known as Airbus Military). This involves the conversion of commercial A330-200 Airbus into military air to air refuellers (KC 30 Tankers).
“The aircraft which is known as Manufacturer’s Serial Number 969, is the third A330-200 to be delivered from Airbus for this project and will be the second aircraft to be converted to a KC-30 tanker by Qantas in Australia,” said Mr Combet.
“This is good news for Brisbane and Qantas. The project also demonstrates the ability of Australian defence industry to engage in complex military aviation projects.”
“The ability to refuel aircraft in the air provides the ADF with a stronger capability by allowing a fixed number of aircraft to remain airborne longer, carry more ordnance or fly further than would otherwise be the case. This will help augment our air combat capability by extending the range and endurance of our fighters,” said Mr Combet.
“The KC 30 Tanker will also add to our air-lift capability with the capacity to carry 270 troops and significant quantities of stores over significant distances.”
“The first (prototype) aircraft, MSN747, has now successfully completed the second sub-phase of developmental flight testing which is devoted to boom free flight data gathering and validation of the KC-30 receiver and tanker flight control laws.”
“MSN747 has successfully performed dry contacts as a receiver with the EADS A310 Boom Demonstrator and a French Air Force C-135 tanker. It has completed its first dry contact using the new-generation Cobham 905E hose and drogue refuelling pods with a Spanish Air Force F/A-18 fighter on 28 May 2009.”
“The second aircraft, MSN 951, being the first to be converted to a KC-30 tanker by Qantas in Australia, is progressing well and is expected to return to Madrid, Spain later this year for completion of the extensive certification and qualification flight test program.”
MSN 951 is currently expected to be the first aircraft to be accepted from Airbus Military, around mid-2010, for entry into RAAF service, as A39 002.
The coastal patrol craft USS Chinook (PC 9) conducts maritime security operations in the Persian Gulf near the Iraqi Khawr Al Amaya oil terminal (KAAOT). Chinook is part of Combined Task Force (CTF) 158, which is specifically responsible for ensuring the security of Iraq's KAAOT and Al Basra oil terminals in support of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1790. CTF-158 operates jointly with Iraqi Navy sailors and marines, trained by members of the Navy Transition Team based in nearby Umm Qasr. (Foto: navy/Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Lenny M. Francioni)
June 24, 2009 -- USS Chinook (PC 9) provided assistance to an Iraqi fishing dhow experiencing mechanical problems June 22 in the North Arabian Gulf.
U.S. and Iraqi sailors aboard the Al Basra Oil Terminal, as part of Combined Task Force Iraqi Maritime (CTF-IM), received a distress call from the fishing dhow Kadem Alabbas.
The dhow, approximately 50 miles from the Kuwaiti coast, had been adrift at sea for three days after mechanical problems left it unable to operate at sea.
Chinook, which was in port at Kuwait Naval Base (KNB), was dispatched to the scene to assist the Iraqi fishing dhow.
Upon arrival, Chinook Commanding Officer Lt. Cmdr. Allen L. Maxwell, Jr. sent his boarding team to evaluate the conditions aboard Kadem Alabbas and establish the level of assistance required.
Once it was determined that repairs to the dhow would need to be completed ashore, Chinook towed Kadem Alabbas approximately 30 miles, until handing off the dhow to an Iraqi patrol boat for further transfer to Basra, Iraq, the vessel's homeport.
"This is what we do," said Maxwell. "Navy PC's and Iraqi patrol boats are very capable platforms, and we had an opportunity to display just how flexible we are and how well we work together."
Coalition forces have a long standing tradition of providing assistance, whether with food, water or rescue, to mariners in distress.
"It took some time and patience, but we got it done and also showed these mariners that coalition ships in the Arabian Gulf are out here to help," said Maxwell.
Chinook is conducting maritime security operations (MSO) in the North Arabian Gulf as part of CTF-IM. MSO help develop security in the maritime environment and complement the counterterrorism and security efforts of regional nations. These operations seek to disrupt violent extremists' use of the maritime environment to transport personnel and weapons or serve as a venue for attack.
June 23, 2009, Moorestown, New Jersey -- Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] installed the latest evolution of the Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) System – which includes a new ballistic missile defense signal processor, Aegis BSP – on the cruiser USS Lake Erie (CG-70). Over the next year, USS Lake Erie will complete a series of tests, leading up to full certification of the system upgrade by the U.S. Navy in early 2011.
The Aegis BMD 4.0.1 system represents the next incremental capability upgrade that has been the hallmark of Aegis and its “build a little, test a little, learn a lot” systems engineering philosophy. The upgrade’s new Aegis BSP processor improves the system's ability to detect, track and target complex ballistic missiles and their associated countermeasures. The addition of BMD 4.0.1 also integrates the new Standard Missile-3 Block IB missile in late 2010.
“The signal processor is a major technical advance for Aegis BMD before it merges with the Navy’s Aegis Modernization Program’s fully open architecture, multi-mission combat system,” said Orlando Carvalho, vice president and general manager of Lockheed Martin’s Surface/Sea-Based Missile Defense line of business. “The continued Aegis program emphasis on systems engineering excellence supports the Navy’s desire to expand BMD capability to additional cruisers and destroyers, and grow missile defense capability to pace the threat.”
While USS Lake Erie begins advanced testing with Aegis BMD 4.0.1 to support 2011 certification timeline, the other U.S. Navy Aegis BMD-capable ships are now installing the recently-certified Aegis BMD 3.6.1 version that adds the capability to defeat short-range ballistic missiles as they re-enter the atmosphere in their final (terminal) stage of flight to the existing exo-atmospheric capability. The ongoing develop-test-field process provides incremental enhancements that continue to build on each other and move new capability to the fleet faster. Three additional U.S. East Coast-based Aegis-equipped ships also will receive Aegis BMD 3.6.1 to perform ballistic missile defense by early 2010.
The Missile Defense Agency and the Navy are jointly developing Aegis BMD as part of the United States’ Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS). Currently, a total of 20 Aegis BMD-equipped warships – 18 in the U.S. Navy and two in the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force – have the certified capability to engage ballistic missiles and perform long-range surveillance and track missions.
The Aegis Weapon System is the world’s premier naval defense system and the sea-based element of the U.S. Ballistic Missile Defense System. Its precision SPY-1 radar and integrated command and controls system seamlessly guides the interceptor and uplinks target track information to the missile for terminal homing. Its ability to detect, track and engage targets ranging from sea-skimming cruise missiles to ballistic missiles in space is proven and unmatched. The Aegis BMD Weapon System also integrates with the BMDS, receiving track data from and providing track information to other BMDS elements.
The 91 Aegis-equipped ships currently in service around the globe have more than 950 years of at-sea operational experience and have launched more than 3,500 missiles in tests and real-world operations. In addition to the U.S. and Japan, Aegis is the maritime weapon system of choice for Australia, Norway, South Korea and Spain.
Lockheed Martin is a world leader in systems integration and the development of air and missile defense systems and technologies, including the first operational hit-to-kill missile defense system, Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3). It also has considerable experience in interceptor systems, kill vehicles, battle management command, control and communications, precision pointing and tracking optics, as well as radar and other sensors that enable signal processing and data fusion. The company makes significant contributions to nearly all major U.S. Missile Defense Systems and participates in several global missile defense partnerships.
Lockheed Martin
An AH-64D Apache (top) and AH-6U Unmanned Little Bird (ULB) fly over the Arizona desert near the Boeing rotorcraft facility in Mesa, Ariz., in this file photo. An Apache and a ULB flew together June 8 during testing to demonstrate Level IV Unmanned Aircraft System connectivity and control. (Foto: Boeing/Bob Ferguson/Neg. #: ME050210)
June 23, 2009, Mesa, Arizona -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] today announced that the AH-64D Apache Block III prototype helicopter successfully demonstrated Level IV unmanned aircraft system (UAS) connectivity on June 8 during a flight test over the Arizona desert.
Level IV UAS connectivity is one of the key technology enhancements being developed for the U.S. Army's Apache Block III attack helicopter program. At this level, the Apache crew is able to fully control the navigation of an assigned UAS. The capability provides enhanced situational awareness and over-the-horizon, beyond line-of-sight reconnaissance, improving survivability for the crew and the aircraft. (Level I connectivity is receipt and transmission of secondary imagery or data, Level II is receipt of imagery or data directly from the UAS and Level III is control of the UAS payload.)
During the test, the Apache proved capable of controlling the UAS via a Tactical Common Data Link connection. The Apache crew received real-time video from the UAS, controlled the UAS's three navigation-loiter patterns -- orbit, racetrack and figure eight -- and altered the UAS's airspeed and altitude.
For this demonstration, Boeing, under Army direction, used a Boeing AH-6 helicopter as a surrogate for Sky Warrior, the Extended Range/Multi-Purpose UAS that is not yet available.
"Integration of UAS control is a key technology for the Apache Block III helicopter as we prepare for the limited user test scheduled for later this year," said Scott Rudy, Boeing Apache Block III program manager. "The members of Team Apache -- the U.S. Army, Boeing and our industry partners -- are proud to have achieved this critical capability."
Phalax CIWS. (Foto: Raytheon)
June 23, 2009, Calgary, Alberta -- Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) has been awarded a $154.8 million contract from the Canadian Navy to conduct 30 sets of overhauls and convert 21 Phalanx close-in weapon systems.
The contract calls for Raytheon to convert the Phalanx Block 1B Baseline 0 to a Baseline 1 configuration and to provide repair services and spares, as well as additional engineering and technical support. The work will be performed at Raytheon Canada Limited Support Services in Calgary, Alberta.
"This is the largest contract to date for our Canadian operations," said Rick Yuse, president of Raytheon Technical Services Company LLC (RTSC). "It affirms our expertise in maintaining and converting military systems for our allies, and it further strengthens our already strong relationship with the Canadian government and its armed forces."
"This contract provides support to the system through 2017," said Wayne Iurillo, vice president of RTSC's Customized Engineering and Depot Support business unit. "The decision by the government of Canada to award this contract to Raytheon underscores its confidence in our organization, our technology and our people."
Kfir Fighter Jet. (Foto: IAI)
June 22, 2009 -- Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) is delivering the first batch of upgraded Kfir fighter jets to the Colombian Air Force in a ceremony held at IAI's facilities in Israel. In attendance at the ceremony was Juan Hurtado Cano, the Colombian Ambassador to Israel, high ranking officers from the Colombian Air Force, and executives from the Israeli Ministry of Defense (IMOD-SIBAT), and IAI.
In late 2007 IAI was awarded a multi-year contract worth over $150 million to upgrade the existing Colombian Air Force Kfir jets, and to supply additional jets.
Mr. Itzhak Nissan, IAI's President and CEO said: "IAI's new technologies were integrated in the new Kfir jets to better their capabilities and allow longer operational service. The short delivery schedule and high quality of the aircraft were feasible thanks to IAI's integration capability, and the knowledge and experience of Lahav and other IAI divisions".
The Kfir fighter jet, manufactured at IAI's Lahav Division of the Military Aircraft Group, is a multi-role, all-weather combat jet with high carrying capabilities of Air-to-Air and Air-to-Ground munitions.
The additional Kfir jets, models C10-C12, have been upgraded and improved to include IAI's latest technologies and products.
On the left, Mr. Juan Hurtado Cano, the Colombian Ambassador to Israel and Mr. Itzhak Nissan, IAI's President and CEO. In the background, the Kfir fighter jet. (Foto: IAI)
Currently, Kfir jets play an advanced role in the Air Forces of Sri Lanka, Ecuador and Colombia, and they have been used in the US Navy to act as adversary aircraft in dissimilar air combat training.
Kfir jets are also used by the Airborne Tactical Advantage Company (ATAC), a civilian company that provides fleet tactical aircraft and services to the US military. ATAC provides airborne tactical training, threat simulation, and research & development.
Principal Deputy Director of SIBAT, Mr, Meir Shalit said: "IMOD is proud of IAI and their great achievement and cooperation with the Colombian Air Force. IMOD sees IAI as a genuine partner that promotes Israel's quality defense export".
Colonel Diego Sepulveda Alzate of the Colombian Air Force said: "We feel immense happiness, satisfaction, and pride for this addition to the Colombian Air Force. We are grateful to the workers at LAHAV and at IAI in general for all their hard work."