The Amerika Bomber Project of Nazi Germany

GAZA, December 27 (RIA Novosti) - At least 195 people were killed and about 300 wounded Saturday by Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip, and one Israeli was killed and five injured when Palestinian militants fired rockets into southern Israel in response.
Israel's air force launched on Saturday a number of simultaneous airstrikes targeting the ruling radical Islamist movement Hamas's paramilitary units. Israel's military said the airstrikes would be continued and expanded if required.
Doctors said the number of victims was unprecedented. "I wouldn't even try to count the injured," local health authority spokesman Moawiya Hassanain said.
According to preliminary information, most of the injured in the airstrikes are members of Hamas or the Gaza police controlled by the Islamist movement, which runs the Palestinian enclave on the Mediterranean.
After the bombing, the streets of Gaza became flooded with schoolchildren trying to get home.
"There is complete chaos," said one resident, who was trying to find her daughter, a student. "No one can find anyone and the phone networks are not working."
Al Jazeera reported that Egypt opened its border with the Gaza Strip for Palestinians affected by Israeli airstrikes.
The foreign ministers of Arab countries will gather on Sunday in Cairo for an emergency meeting on the situation in the Gaza Strip, the secretary general of the Arab League said Saturday.
Russia called on Israel and the Palestinian National Authority to end the violence against each other and to resolve regional problems through dialogue.
"Moscow believes that large-scale military action against the Gaza Strip, which has already led to big losses and suffering for Palestinian civilians, should be stopped immediately," the Foreign Ministry said.
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert issued a personal "last-minute" appeal to Palestinians in Gaza on Thursday to stop rocket fire at Israel and promised to use "Israel's might" to strike Hamas.
"I say to you in a last-minute call, stop it," Olmert said in an interview with the Arab TV station Al Arabiya, adding: "I will not hesitate to use Israel's might to strike Hamas and [Islamic] Jihad."
On Wednesday, Palestinian militants fired over 40 rockets and 20 mortar shells at southern Israeli border towns in the largest daily attack since the end of a six-month ceasefire in Gaza six days ago.
Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip from President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah group in June 2007.
NEWS @RIA Novosti
17:22 27/12/2008 By Haaretz Service - Defense Minister Ehud Barak held a press conference on Saturday in which he defended Israel Defense Forces strikes that left dozens deadin the Gaza Strip Saturday, saying Israel had no choice and that "the time has come to fight.
" Barak said the IDF and Israel Air Force attacks had destroyed "terrorism infrastructure" and hit over 150 Hamas militants. He also said the current campaign would be widened and will continue for some time.
Barak said Israel cannot stand by while rockets strike the communities of the western Negev and "won't let terror hurt our citizens or soldiers."
Palestinians in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip fired at least 25 Qassam and Grad rockets into southern Israel on Saturday after the IDF campaign began. One of the rockets directly struck a home in the town of Netivot, leaving one Israel dead and four with moderate to serious injuries.
S-400 Triumph (
A regular S-400 battalion comprises at least eight launchers with 32 missiles and a mobile command post, according to various sources. The new state arms procurement program until 2015 stipulates the purchase of enough S-400 air defense systems to arm 18 battalions during this period.
HIBAH kapal multifungsi dari Jerman kepada Badan Koordinasi Keamanan Laut (Bakorkamla) diperkirakan terealisasi Januari 2009.
"Pembicaraan sudah mengkristal ke arah itu," kata Kepala Pelaksana Harian Bakorkamla Laksdya Budhi Hardjo kepada Jurnal Nasional di kantor Bakorkamla, Rabu (24/12).
Dia menjelaskan, kapasitas kapal yang diberikan cukup besar, yakni 2.000 gross ton. Kemampuan kapal ini tidak sekadar patroli dan pengawasan tapi juga penyelamatan. Bakorkamla tengah mempelajari detail bagaimana nantinya kapal digunakan dalam mendukung operasi keamanan laut di wilayah perairan Indonesia. Akan dilihat kembali spesifikasi kapal, untuk disesuaikan dengan operasi yang akan dilakukan.
"Jangan sampai kapal malah membebani negara saat operasionalnya," katanya.
Pasalnya, kapal sebesar itu konsumsi bahan bakarnya sangat boros. Dengan keadaan ini, Budhi melihat kemungkinan besar kapal dijadkan sebagai kapal markas.
Tak hanya itu, Bakorkamla akan kembali membahas rencana hibah tiga kapal patroli dari Coast Guard Jepang. Budhi mengungkapkan, Februari tahun depan, dirinya diundang Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) ke Negeri Sakura.
"Momentum itu akan digunakan untuk pembicaraan kembali hibah kapal," katanya.
Budhi mengakui, ketersediaan kapal untuk mendukung keamanan laut masih sangat terbatas. Kapal-kapal yang dioperasikan masih di bawah kepemilikan beberapa instansi yang terkoordinasi dalam Bakorkamla. Kondisi ini berdampak pada kecepatan dan ketepatan pengamanan laut yang dilakukan.
Hibah kapal jadi salah satu poin kesepakatan bantuan yang dijanjikan Jepang. Totalnya bantuan mencapai US$300 juta (sekitar Rp3,3 triliun). Kucuran akan disalurkan secara bertahap selama tiga tahun ke depan. Selain kapal, Jepang berjanji akan memberikan pelbagai bantuan lain seperti penguatan kapasitas, tukar-menukar personel, dan asistensi.
Selain Jepang dan Jerman, Bakorkamla juga tengah menjajaki kerja sama serupa dengan Amerika Serikat (AS), China, Norwegia, dan Prancis. Meski mencari bantuan asing, Bakorkamla tetap memiliki peta jalan peningkatan kapasitasnya. Antara lain, pembangunan akademi pendidikan keamanan laut, pembangunan perwakilan Bakorkamla di enam kota, dan pengembangan teknologi informasi seperti satelit pengintai.(Adhitya Cahya Utama)
A Ka-52 Alligator combat helicopter during a demonstration flight at the MAKS-2007 international air show in Zhukovsky outside Moscow.
(RIA Novosti, Anton Denisov)
Deliveries of the Ka-52 Hokum-B to the Russian Air Force will start in 2009. (RIA Novosti, Yuri Maltsev)
Deliveries of the first 12 Ka-52 Hokum-Bs to the Russian Air Force will start in 2009.Kamov Ka-52 Alligator (aviastar)
According to Zelin, the Russian Air Force will receive more than 100 new helicopters, including the Ka-52 and the Mi-28N Night Hunter, over the next four years.
December 26, 2008, The Australian - THE Royal Australian Navy has ordered sweeping new emergency procedures to avoid a Kursk-style submarine disaster, following the near-loss of the HMAS Dechaineux and its 55 crew.
The moves, which include revamped command procedures and hi-tech sensors, valves and emergency buttons, are aimed at stemming an on-board flood within seconds, before it overwhelms the crew.
They are the culmination of detailed studies into the Dechaineux accident off Perth in February 12, 2003, revealed in The Weekend Australian three years ago, during which more than 12,000 litres of water flooded into the submarine in seconds, almost causing it to sink to the bottom of the Indian Ocean.
The accident nearly drowned a submariner, Geordie Bunting, and forced commanders to permanently restrict the diving depth of its Collins Class fleet, undermining its operational effectiveness.
The loss of the Dechaineux would have been the worst submarine disaster since Russian submarine the Kursk sank in the Barents Sea in August 2000 with the loss of all 118 crew members.
Collins Class Submarine, HMAS Dechainuex coming into Fleet Base West, HMAS Stirling, Perth, Western Australia. HMAS Sheean in the background. @RAN
Jum'at, 26 Des 2008,Jurnal Nasional - BADAN Koordinasi Keamanan Laut (Bakorkamla) berharap draf awal rancangan peraturan pemerintah tentang penjaga pantai (coast guard) digodok olehnya. "Kami kan dianggap embrio lembaga terintegrasi keamanan laut," kata Kepala Pelaksana Harian Bakorkamla Laksdya Budhi Hardjo usai donor darah menyambut hari ulang tahun kedua Bakorkamla di Jakarta, Rabu (24/12).
Dia menjelaskan, Undang-Undang No 17 Tahun 2008 tentang Pelayaran yang mengamanatkan pembentukan Sea and Coast Guard harus menjadi momentum mewujudkan lembaga yang memiliki kewenangan penuh menjaga keamanan laut dan pantai. Dalam UU Pelayaran, diamanatkan lembaga itu harus sudah berdiri paling lambat tiga tahun dari pemgesahan UU 17.
Walaupun fungsinya akan lebih luas daripada pelayaran, UU tersebut bisa dijadikan sebagai landasan pembentukan melalui Peraturan Pemerintah sebagaimana yang diamanatkan. "Jangan hanya hadir, tapi tidak ada implementasinya," katanya.
Budhi mengakui, masih ada kendala ego sektoral dengan banyaknya instansi yang memiliki kewenangan di laut. Ego ini, kata dia, selama dua tahun pembentukan Bakorkamla telah dicoba dieliminasi.
Salah satunya, melalui pertemuan bulanan yang dihadiri seluruh otoritas keamanan laut, antara lain TNI AL, Polisi Air, Ditjen Bea Cukai, Ditjen Imigrasi, Kesatuan Penjaga Laut dan Pantai (KPLP), serta instansi terkait lainnya. Operasi terpadu bersandi "Gurita" juga menjadi cara menyamakan visi dan misi. "(Koordinasi) ini tantangan terberat kita," katanya.
Dia menambahkan, untuk menghindari kesan pembentukan lembaga baru, disarankan hanya merevitalisasi lembaga yang telah ada. Artinya, lebih pemberdayaan Bakorkamla dan penguatan KPLP.
Payung hukum lewat Peraturan Pemerintah pun dianggap cukup, asalkan semua instansi terkait sepakat. Penjurunya pun tetap, yaitu menteri perhubungan. "Kalau tak ada aral melintang, 2009 lembaga ini dapat terwujud," kata Budhi.
Sebelumnya, Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Laut, Departemen Perhubungan Sunaryo mengatakan, coast guard akan menjadi lembaga pemerintah nondepartemen yang bertanggung jawab langsung ke presiden.
Dia yakin, pembentukan lembaga satu pintu ini akan mendorong keyakinan dunia internasional terkait keamanan di laut Indonesia. Dephub sendiri sebagai koordinator pembentukan lembaga tersebut menargetkan operasional akhir 2009.
Sedangkan peraturan pemerintah sebagai payung hukum lembaga tersebut diperkirakan kelar pertengahan 2009. Saat ini, rancangan peraturan sedang proses pembuatan.
"Dalam penggodokan kami tidak ingin menghilangkan salah satu sektor dan mementingkan sektor lainnya," katanya.(Adhitya Cahya Utama)
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran said it spares no effort to boost its defense system whether by buying or building new systems.
Iran's Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar said on Wednesday that safeguarding the country's borders and independence is deemed a responsibility that Iran will do everything to bolster defensive abilities through buying or producing weapons, the Iranian students news agency reported.
Russia's state arms exporter announced on Monday that it is to send defensive weapons to Iran, including surface-to-air missiles. Also a Russian military source, unnamed, claimed sophisticated S-300 and S-300PMU1 systems will be delivered to Iran.
Washington urged Russia on Monday to clarify whether it has provided Iran with the weapons.
"We have repeatedly made clear at senior levels of the Russian government that we would strongly oppose the sale of the S-300," said State Department spokesman Robert Wood.
Najjar in this regard refused to give a clear yes or no answer whether Iran has bought Russia's S-300 missiles saying, "If necessary, we will comment in regard with certain cases."
However, he said, "We spare no efforts in buying or building these weapons."
Iran has many interactions with all friend and neighbor countries including Russia, he added, Tehran has bought Tor M-1 air defense missile systems.
Israel Aerospace Industries Ltd. (IAI) and Elbit Systems Ltd. (NASDAQ:ESLT) announced today that their respective subsidiaries, ELTA Systems Ltd. (ELTA) and Elbit Systems Electro-Optics Elop Ltd. (Elbit Systems Electro-Optics) have been awarded a $141 million contract ($54 million awarded to ELTA and $87 million awarded to Elbit Systems Electro-Optics) to supply the Turkish Air Force with combined airborne IMINT (Imagery Intelligence) systems.
The contract will become effective upon Elbit Systems Electro-Optics and ELTA completing the process for providing performance bonds for the project, which is anticipated to occur in the coming weeks.
Deliveries under the contract will be made over a four-year period.
The previous test of the Bulava missile took place on November 28. It was launched from the Dmitry Donskoi submarine in the White Sea, effectively engaging its designated target on the Kamchatka Peninsula about 6,700 kilometers (4,200 miles) east of Moscow.
Russia earlier planned for the Bulava to enter service with the Navy in 2009. But a senior Russian Navy official said earlier this month that several more test launches would be conducted next year before a final decision to adopt it for service was made.
The Bulava (SS-NX-30), carrying up to 10 nuclear warheads and having a range of 8,000 kilometers (5,000 miles), is designed for deployment on Borey-class Project 955 nuclear-powered submarines.
Prime Minister Vladimir Putin earlier said the missile would be a key component of Russia's nuclear forces.
NEWS @RIA Novosti
CAIRO, Dec 25 (KUNA) -- A German warship cruising off the shores of Somalia scrambled into action at sea when Somali pirates made a futile bid to commandeer an Egyptian vessel in the sea waters early on Thursday.
Ambassador Ahmad Rezek, the assistant foreign minister, said in a statement that the cargo ship, "Wadi Al-Arab," was targeted with an RPG but several German gunboats cruising nearby, including the warship, "Carlsruhe," confronted the pirates and foiled their bid to take over the Egyptian ship.
The ship, with 30 Egyptian sailors and crew members on board, is now being escorted by some German ships while sailing toward South Korea, he said.
The ship is carrying wheat loaded in the Ukraine. It will unloaded at a South Korean port.
Panglima Komando Operasi TNI AU (Pangkoopsau) II Marsekal Muda (Marsda) TNI Yushan Sayuti dalam obrolan santai akhir tahun dengan redaksi koran Ujungpandang Ekspress, di Makoopsau II, Rabu (24/12). Mengemukakan pada 26 Desember 2008, dua unit pesawat Sukhoi Su-27/30 akan datang dari Rusia ke Lanud Sultan Hasanudin, Makassar.
Kedatangan dua persawat yang menggunakan pesawat Antonov itu, masih dalam bentuk terpisah, selanjutnya pesawat akan mengalami proses perakitan di Lanud Sultan Hasanudin oleh para teknisi Lanud Sultan Hasanudin yang didampingi tim Sukhoi dari Rusia.
Diolah @TNI-AU
Wed, 24 Dec 2008 17:49:40 GMT, PRESS TV - The United Arab Emirates is to acquire Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) missiles as well as associated equipment and services.
The delivery of the missile system would make the UAE the first Middle Eastern country to possess the PAC-3, manufactured by the Lockheed Martin Corp.
The UAE purchase is part of a USD 774 million Pentagon contract, in which Lockheed will supply PAC-3 missiles to the US Army as well as the first sale to the UAE. Deliveries are to be completed by July 2011.
MOSCOW, December 25 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's deputy foreign minister on Thursday denied claims that Russia had supplied S-300 air defense systems to Iran.
Wed, 24 Dec 2008 14:55:12 GMT, PRESS TV - Germany is to supply Lebanon with Leopard tanks and military equipment as part of an assistance agreement, which would irk Israel.
A german military delegation is expected to visit Beirut next month to discuss a military assistance package to the Lebanese army, Lebanon's al-Markaziyeh News Agency reported Wednesday.
The German officials will also hold talks with their Lebanese counterparts on ways to enhance the country's military capabilities.
The early 2009 visit aims to complete an initiative Lebanese President Michel Suleiman had launched during his visit to Germany in early December.
During Suleiman's visit to Berlin, Germany agreed to provide Lebanon with 50 Leopard tanks and other military equipment in a bid to help the country secure its border with Syria.
The deal, however, is expected to face criticism from Israel, has already lost a war to Lebanon.
Israel occupied Sheeba Farms following the 1967 Six-Day War, and Lebanon has repeatedly called for the complete withdrawal of Israeli troops from the area.
Israeli fighter jets frequently violate Lebanese airspace, conducting overflights in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which called for an end to the 33-day Israeli war on Lebanon in 2006.
Last week, Russia also announced that it would supply Lebanon with 10 MiG-29 fighter jets in a bid to boost the country's defense.
Lebanese military sources then said the Russian MiG-29 Fulcrum fighters would be provided free to Lebanon under an agreement on military-technical assistance.
The United States - since 2006 - has provided Lebanon with USD 410 million in military aid limited to light weapons and vehicles. This is while Washington's annual military aid to Israel stands at USD 2.4 billion.
The Lebanese army has never been well-equipped as the Lebanese air force is currently consisted of five Hawker Hunter jets belonging to 1950s and 1960s and a dozen of helicopters.MP/MMN
Thu, 25 Dec 2008 02:35:53 GMT, PRESS TV - Bahrain's Foreign Minister Sheikh Khalid Bin Ahmed Bin Mohamed Al Khalifa will visit Tehran in the near future to sign a security agreement. He will also convey a message from Bahrain's King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Mehr news agency reported. Bahrain's top diplomat will also meet his Iranian counterpart Manouchehr Mottaki to discuss bilateral ties. The visit will come amid efforts by the region's countries to play a more active role in establishing security in the Persian Gulf. MGH/RE
WELLINGTON, Dec. 25 (Xinhua) -- Australia has been dragged into Fiji's latest diplomatic impasse, after the Fiji interim government rejected a pending visa request for a regional military attache.
The attache was to have been based at the Australian High Commission in Suva and has been waiting for visa approval for several weeks, Fiji Daily Post online reported on Thursday.
The interim government informed the Australian government of the decision to reject their request on the day it expelled acting NZ High Commissioner to Fiji Caroline McDonald on Tuesday.
Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith branded the decision "unhelpful and destructive" in a joint statement with Australian Minister for Defence Joel Fitzgibbon.
Fiji Department of Information deputy secretary Neumi Leweni said the request was refused, saying the Australian government breached protocol.
Leweni said the procedure for such request was that the sending state (Australia) had to receive endorsement of the receiving state (Fiji).
This person got himself a 14-day visa and arrived in the country on tourist visa and this is breaching protocol."
He suggested that the Australian government recall its defence advisor and reapply by way of a diplomatic note to the Foreign Ministry for its request to be re-considered.
Manufacture: CV. Sari Bahari
Address: Jl. Bendungan Sempor Kav. 16 Malang 65145, Jawa Timur - Indonesia
User: Indonesia Airforce
PHOTO @CV. Sari Bahari
Dalam rangka meningkatkan kemampuan dan kesiapan unsur KRI, Satuan Lintas Laut Militer (Sanlitlamil) Surabaya dengan melibatkan tiga unsur sejenis melaksanakan kegiatan Gladi Tugas Tempur (Glasgaspur) tingkat III, belum lama ini di perairan Tanjung Jangkar, Jawa Timur.
Latihan Gladi tugas tempur merupakan salah satu bentuk latihan bertingkat unsur kapal sejenis dalam rangka mendukung kegiatan angkutan laut militer dalam bentuk pergeseran pasukan, logistik dan material strategis Mabes TNI dan TNI AL. Latihan tersebut diperlukan dalam rangka meningkatkan kesiapan unsur-unsur dan kesiapan personel yang mengawaki secara optimal dan melaksanakan berbagai latihan untuk meningkatkan profesionalisme prajurit.
Gladi tugas tempur tingkat III yang diikuti oleh unsur-unsur KRI Satlinlamil di Surabaya dua diantaranya jenis Landing Ship Tank (LST) yaitu KRI Teluk Bayur-502 dan KRITeluk Ratai-509 serta jenis Frosh KRI Teluk Lampung-540. Latihan tersebut disimulasikan dalam rangka melaksanakan latihan aksi-aksi tempur bersama di laut sesuai dengan standar yang dipersyaratkan. Latihan yang dilaksanakan oleh unsur-unsur KRI dibawah pembinaan Satuan Lintas Laut Militer (Satlinlamil) Surabaya tersebut, dilaksanakan dalam upaya meningkatkan kesiapan unsur dalam mendukung tugas pokok Komando Lintas Laut Militer (Kolinlamil) diantaranya melaksanakan pembinaan kemampuan sistem angkutan laut militer dalam rangka mendukung pergeseran pasukan diantaranya ke daerah operasi yang saat ini dilaksanakan seperti didaerah wilayah perbatasan Indonesia.
Dengan dilaksanakan latihan secara terprogram dan terencana dalam bentuk latihan peran-peran operatif, administrasif darurat maupun khusus sampai dengan latihan parsial diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan unsur kapal perang TNI AL dibawah jajaran Komando Lintas Laut Militer.
Satlinlamil Surabaya merupakan salah satu Komando pelaksana pembinaan Komando Lintas Laut Militer dan pada saat ini dibawah Komandan Kolonel Laut (P) Wuspo Lukito. Satlinlamil Surabaya membina 7 unsur KRI terdiri dari jenis Landing Ship Tank ( LST) dan kapal Bantu Angkut Personel (BAP).
Angkut Peralatan ke Wilayah Timur
Sementara itu KRI Teluk Ratai-509 dalam rangka mendukung pengamanan perbatasan di wilayah timur Indonesia, mengangkut sejumlah unsur patroli pengamanan laut diantaranya Sea Reader dan Sea Hunter dan kendaraan khusus (ransus) dan kendaraan ransus tangki air dan dukungan logistik ke wilayah timur Indonesia diantaranya ke Biak ,Sorong, Kendari, Bitung dan Kupang tolak kemarin dari dermaga Kolinlamil Jakarta.
KRI Teluk Ratai-509 dengan komandan Mayor Laut (P) Hari Wijayanto adalah jenis Landing Ship Tank (LST) memiliki kemampuan angkut tank sebanyak 17 dan beberapa kendaraan serta mampu mengangkut personel dengan fasilitas 800 personel .
KRI tersebut dibawah komando pelaksana pembinaan Satuan Lintas Laut Militer (Satlinlamil) Surabaya, buatan tahun 1944 dan sampai saat ini memiliki kemampuan berlayar sampai dengan 12 knots.
Selama melaksanakan kegiatan operasi pergeseran peralatan strategis dan dukungan logistik di daerah perairan wilayah timur , KRI dengan nomor lambung 509 selama kegiatan lintas laut menuju daerah sasaran tetap melakukan pendeteksian dan penegakkan hukum di sepanjang perairan yang menjadi route kegiatan operasi dalam rangka mendukung pergeseran peralatan strategis.
NEWS @Dispen Kolinlamil
MOSCOW, December 24 (RIA Novosti) - The Northern Fleet's Pyotr Veliky nuclear-powered missile cruiser will become the first Russian warship to dock in Cape Town when it visits South Africa on January 9-12, Russia's Navy said.
The Navy said in a press release that the Pyotr Veliky will sail down Africa's west coast and pass the southern tip of the continent to join up with warships from the Pacific Fleet for the INDRA-2009 joint exercises with the Indian Navy. The Admiral Vinogradov, an Udaloy class destroyer, a tugboat and two fuel tankers have almost reached the Indian Ocean, having left Russia's Far East two weeks ago.
Capt. 1st Rank Igor Dygalo, a spokesman for the Russian Navy, said earlier that Russia currently has three naval task groups on tours of duty in the world's oceans.
Another naval task force from the Northern Fleet, led by the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier and including the Admiral Levchenko destroyer, recently left the Portuguese capital, Lisbon, and is heading to the Strait of Gibraltar.
Russia announced last year that its Navy had resumed and would build up a constant presence in different regions of the world's oceans.
Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and French President Nicolas Sarkozy signed on Tuesday (Dec 23) an agreement for the building in Brazil of 4 diesel-electric Scorpène Class submarines, plus assistance in developing and fielding the non-nuclear parts of 1 nuclear submarine and 50 EC725 Cougar helicopters for the Brazilian Armed Forces with French technology.
As part of the French-Brazilian Strategic Partnership's Action Plan, the two countries also signed agreements in the aerospace, educational and biodiversity areas. The two countries also agreed to stimulate the integration between Brazil and neighboring French Guyana, which includes the construction of a bridge over the Oiapoque River, an old project.
"The only possibility of French Guyana developing itself is by connecting itself to this powerful nation that Brazil is," said President Sarkozy at a press conference that followed the agreements' signing.
A consortium of Brazilian Helibras and French Eurocopter will build the 50 helicopters in Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro states. The first batch of helicopters will be delivered to the Brazilian military in 2010.
The agreement for the construction of the four conventional Scorpene submarines and the nuclear-propelled one includes the construction of a shipyard and a naval military base in Brazil.
"The agreement will allow our navy to have top-notch equipment to better patrol our extensive coast," said President Lula, adding that the agreement's main goal is the protection of Brazil's deep-water offshore oil fields.
Scorpène Class submarine
Key Data
Crew: 32
Overall Length: 63.5m
Draught: 5.4m
Submerged Displacement: 1,590t
Surface Displacement: 1,450t
Pressure Hull Weldable
and High-Tensile Steel:
80HLES, more than 700Mpa
Maximum Operating Depth: 350m
Submerged Speed Over: 20 kt
Range(at 8kt): 6,400nm
Endurance: 50 days
Weapon Systems:
Torpedoes / Missiles: 6x 21in torpedo tubes for 18 torpedoes / missiles
EC 725 Cougar Medium Multi-Mission Helicopter