Pakistan to receive 120 C-602 cruise missiles from China

C-602 (YJ-62) launched from a naval vessel (Photo @Sinodefence)

Pakistan Navy have purchased 120 C-602 long range anti-ship cruise missiles from china to counter the threat posed to the surface fleet of Pakistan navy by the Proliferation of Russian supersonic AntiShip missiles P-800 Oniks / Yakhont / PJ-10 Brahmos (Indian assembled version of Yakhont). Long range of the C-602 AntiShip missile will make sure that Pakistan Navy have first shoot advantage in case of an encounter with the Indian ships equipped with Russian Yakhont AntiShip missiles.

The C-602 long-range subsonic anti-ship cruise missile is developed by the CASIC 3rd Academy. The C-602 outperforms most Western and Russian anti-ship missiles in terms of range and warhead mass. The YJ-62 was first offered for export by the China National Precision Machinery Import and Export Corporation (CPMIEC) during the Defense Systems & Equipment International (DSEI) Land and Naval Systems Exhibition in September 2005. The missile is fitted with a strap-down inertial guidance coupled with GPS, and active radar for the terminal phase. CPMIEC claims that the C-602 is fitted with a frequency agile radar seeker which offers greater resistance to jamming from targeted ship. The active radar seeker has an acquisition range of up to 40km.

The C-602 is a conventional cruise missile design, with mid-body wings that deploy following launch. The fixed ventral air inlet is mounted slightly forward of the cruciform tail fins. The missile is 6.1 meters long (without the 0.9 meter-long launch booster), and weighs 1,140kg. The solid propellant booster weighs an additional 210kg. The C-602 has a cruise speed of Mach 0.6, carries a 300kg HE blast warhead, is powered by a small turbojet, and has a stated range of 280km, with the missile flying at an altitude of 30 meters during the cruise phase of an engagement. In the terminal phase, the missile descends to a height of seven meters, and it can be launched from truck-mounted launchers, from warships as well as from medium multi-role combat aircraft.C-602 anti-ship missile employs a cylinder-shape launcher. (news @ chinesemil.blogspot)

Pilot Rusia Cek Sukhoi Baru

Sabtu, 10 Januari 2009 -- Pesawat Sukhoi baru dari Rusia segera berpatroli. Jet canggih itu lulus uji terbang yang dilakukan dua pilot asal Rusia, Tarakanov dan Alexander Demchenko.

''Pesawat berhasil terbang mulus sekitar sejam,'' jelas Komandan Skuadron 11 Sukhoi Letkol Penerbang Widyargo Ikoputro kemarin (9/1).

Menurut dia, area uji terbang Sukhoi adalah sekitar Maros dan Makassar. Test flight pertama menggunakan Sukhoi TS-3003, kemudian TS-3004. ''Mereka menyatakan pesawat sangat layak terbang,'' katanya.

Di tempat terpisah, Panglima Komando Operasi Angkatan Udara I (Koopsau I) menyatakan, pesawat tempur Sukhoi yang sekarang berada di Skuadron 11 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin (Koopsau II), Makassar, siap membantu pengamanan wilayah udara Indonesia di bagian barat.

''Meski home base-nya di Lanud Hasanuddin, kalau diperlukan, bisa saja ke barat,'' ujar Panglima Komando Operasi TNI Angkatan Udara I (Pangkoops AU I) Marsekal Muda TNI Imam Sufaat. Kondisi itu memungkinkan dilakukan karena pesawat jet buatan Rusia tersebut memiliki kecepatan sangat tinggi.

Pesawat tempur tersebut hanya membutuhkan waktu satu atau dua jam untuk terbang dari Makassar ke wilayah bagian paling barat Indonesia seperti Sumut dan Aceh. Meski demikian, menurut dia, kondisi keamanan laut dan udara di wilayah Koops AU I ( bagian barat) aman. Hanya ditemukan pelanggaran-pelanggaran batas wilayah, terutama di perairan laut Selat Malaka.

Rencananya, pesawat ketiga, Sukhoi SU-30MK2, tiba pada pertengahan Januari 2009 bersamaan dengan kedatangan sejumlah komponen pendukung di darat (ground support) serta sejumlah spare part.

Setelah ketiga pesawat SU-30MK2 selesai menjalani uji terbang, Rusia segera menyerahkannya kepada pemerintah Indonesia yang diwakili Departemen Pertahanan untuk selanjutnya diserahkan ke Mabes TNI serta Mabes TN-AU sebagai pengguna.(rdl/agm @ JawaPos)

Government of Canada Provides Forces with Modern Trucks while Benefitting Economy

QUEBEC– The Honourable Peter Gordon MacKay, Minister of National Defence and Minister of the Atlantic Gateway, together with the Honourable Josée Verner, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, today announced the contract award for the Canadian Forces’ new medium-sized logistic trucks. Under the contract, the Canadian Forces will be receiving 1300 Militarized Commercial Off-the-Shelf (MilCOTS) vehicles.

“In line with our Canada First Defence Strategy, the Government of Canada continues to deliver on its promise to equip our Forces with the tools they need to do the jobs we ask of them,” said Minister MacKay. “These new trucks will be the logistics backbone of the land force, moving people, equipment and supplies efficiently and where they are needed most.”

The MilCOTS vehicles will be used in Canada to support domestic operations. The new fleet of trucks represents an essential investment for the Canadian Forces.

The LUVW (MilCOTS) is a 4-passenger Chevrolet Silverado utility vehicle

“It's essential for Canadian soldiers to be provided with quality equipments to perform their duties,” said Minister Verner. “These trucks are another example of our government's commitment to provide adequate equipment for the Canadian Forces.”

The $274 Million contract was awarded to Navistar Defence LLC following a competitive procurement process. Canada will take delivery of the first trucks in the summer of 2009, with all the trucks to be delivered within 18 months after the contract award.

The Industrial and Regional Benefits Policy applies to this contract, which means that Navistar Defence LLC will generate one dollar of economic activity in Canada for every dollar it receives from the contract. The maintenance and repair of the MilCOTS vehicles will be supported commercially through a well-established local dealer network, benefiting Canadian industry and local economies.

The MilCOTS vehicles are the first element of the Medium Support Vehicle System (MSVS) project. The MSVS project will provide a replacement for the current medium logistic trucks, which have been in use since the 1980’s and are reaching the end of their service life. In addition to the MilCOTS, the MSVS project also seeks to acquire standard military pattern vehicles (designed specifically for use in foreign operations). A request for proposal for this acquisition will be issued in the summer. (news @ NDnCF)

288 Prajurit Paskhas Selesai Ikuti Dikkualsus Komando

Komandan Korpaskhas Marsekal Pertama TNI Harry Budiono diangkat beramai-ramai oleh para mantan siswa komando sebagai suatu tradisi setelah penutupan dikkualsus komando angkatan ke-32 di Pameumpeuk, Kabupaten Garut, jawa Barat, (23/12) Foto : Penkorpaskas

Sebanyak 228 prajurit Paskhas telah selesai mengikuti Pendidikan Kualifikasi Khusus (Dikkualsus) Komando Angkatan ke 32 ditandai dengan Upacara penutupan pendidikan oleh Dankorpaskhas Marsma TNI Harry Budiono, di Pameumpeuk, Kabupaten Garut, jawa Barat, Selasa (23/12).

Pendidikan yang berlangsung kurang lebih 5 bulan tersebut diikuti 15 orang berpangkat Perwira, 15 orang Bintara dan 198 Tamtama, prajurit paskhas yang mendapat predikat sebagai siswa terbaik atas nama Letnan Dua (Letda) Pasukan Fajar Karisma. Bersamaan dengan penutupan pendidikan dikkualsus Komando ini juga Dankorpaskhas mengangkat warga kehormatan bagi pejabat TNI AU yang mempunyai konribusi terhadap organisasi Korpaskhas diantaranya diberikan kepada Kolonel Penerbang Wahyu A, yang sehari-harinya menjabat sebagai Komandan Lanud Sulaiman, Bandung.

Dankorpaskhas Marsma TNI Harry Budiono dalam sambutannya mengatakan bahwa pendidikan Kualifikasi khsusus komando ini merupakan pendidikan kualifikasi dasar yang wajib ditempuh oleh seluruh prajurit korpaskhas, dengan bekal ilmu dan kemampuan yang diperoleh selama pendidikan komando, para prajurit dinyatakan siap dalam menghadapi tugas-tugas apapun. pendidikan komando lanjut Harry memiliki ciri khusus yang sengaja diciptakan situasi alam pertempuran sebenarnya, hal tersebut dilakukan guna melatih kemampuan dan kemahiran bertempur sehingga pada pertempuran yang sesungguhnya setiap prajurit mampu berbuat dan mengambil keputusan dalam keadaan apapun.

Dibagian lain Marsma Harry mengatakan sebagai prajurit paskhas yang berkualifikasi prajurit komando tentunya ada hal-hal yang harus dipedomani baik dalam melaksanakan tugas maupun dalam hidup bermasyarakat. “hal-hal tersebut ujar Dankor yakni norma-norma yang terkandung dalam Sapta Marga, Sumpah Prajurit, delapan wajib TNI, serta 12 ciri prajurit komando, “apabila diresapi dalam hati dan diaktualisasikan dalam sikap dan tindakan, saya yakin para prajurit tidak akan menjadi tinggi hati, sombong serta bersikap eksklusif” ujarnya.

Pendidikan Kualifikasi khusus Komando diawali dengan pelajaran kelas, aplikasi teknik-teknik pertempuran di lapangan, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan latihan luar berupa gunung hutan, HTF, Pelolosan, rawa laut dan survival. Tampak hadir dalam upacara penutupan Dikkualsus Komando Wadankorpakhas Kolonel Pasukan Amarullah, Muspida Kabupaten garut, dan para orang tua siswa komando. (Berita @ TNI AU)

Brocklesby sets sail to use new minehunting system

HMS Brocklesby leaving Portsmouth to begin a NATO mission in the Baltic [Picture: LA(Phot) Owen King]

Royal Navy minehunter HMS Brocklesby left Portsmouth yesterday for a six-month mission which will see her use her state-of-the-art mine warfare system for the first time.

HMS Brocklesby will become part of a NATO group including mine countermeasures vessels from Germany, Belgium, Latvia and the Netherlands, and a Danish frigate, which will embark on the clearance of live Second World War ordnance from the English Channel, North Sea and Baltic.

This operation will allow Brocklesby to use Seafox, her new state-of-the-art mine warfare system, which comprises a remote-controlled unmanned submarine with a camera and is capable of destroying ordnance in depths of more than 300 metres.

Prior to beginning the operation, the NATO group will travel to Copenhagen where they will attend a ceremony to mark Denmark taking command of NATO’s mine countermeasures group in the region and will then sail to the Mediterranean for a month of exercises.

HMS Brocklesby's Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Commander Tom Tredray, said:
"It will be busy but varied – it is always interesting working with ships from foreign navies and I know the younger members of the ship's company in particular are looking forward to that.

"We also have a number of goodwill port visits lined up in France, Italy, Spain and Germany."

The ship's company are also looking forward to speedier internet and email access – Brocklesby is one of the first ships in the Royal Navy to be fitted with an upgraded broadband system.

The ship is due to return to Portsmouth in July 2009. (news

First A400M delivery in 2012 or later

Airbus Military and EADS have proposed a new programme approach for the A400M to the Launch Nations, through OCCAR, with the aim to find a way forward for this programme.

Airbus Military and EADS want to discuss the programme schedule along with changes to other areas of the contract including in particular certain technical characteristics of this first-class military aircraft.

Airbus Military suggests to resume series production only once adequate maturity is reached, based on flight test results. With this proposed new approach, the first delivery of the A400M would then occur around three years after first flight.

Airbus Military is still working with the engine consortium to firm up a date for the first flight.

Airbus Military and EADS will only be able to reliably determine all financial implications once a committed industrial plan, including the availability of systems, is fully stabilized and once OCCAR's position on the proposal is known.

This proposed new approach will not compromise the ultimate qualities and the exceptional characteristics of the airplane, with the most advanced logistic and tactical capabilities that will be delivered to the armed forces and will make A400M a unique airplane in its category. (news @ Defro)

TNI-AL Kirim Kapal Perang ke Lebanon

KRI Diponegoro-365

Sabtu, 10 Januari 2009, JAKARTA -- Situasi Lebanon semakin panas akibat agresi militer Israel di Gaza. Meski begitu, TNI-AL tetap mengirimkan kapal perang ke negara yang berbatasan langsung dengan Israel itu. TNI-AL sudah menyiapkan KRI Diponegoro-365, kapal perang tercanggih dari jajaran Satuan Kapal Eskorta Komando Armada RI Kawasan Timur (Koarmatim) dari jenis Sigma Class.

Selain itu, disiapkan satu unit helikopter Bolkow 105 dari Wing Udara Koarmatim yang on board di geladak kapal. ''Total, 110 personel yang akan berangkat sebagai Satgas Laut TNI,'' ujar Kadispen Armatim Letkol Toni Syaiful kepada Jawa Pos kemarin (09/10).

Menurut Toni, sebelum bertolak, seluruh personel yang bergabung dalam misi perdamaian PBB Satgas Maritime Task Force (MTF) TNI Kontingen Garuda XXVIII-A / UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon) akan diberi pelatihan khusus. Pembekalan itu diberikan langsung oleh berbagai instansi terkait, seperti Deplu, Bais TNI, UNHCR, UNIFIL, UNICEP, ICRC, dan dari Pusat Misi Pemeliharaan Perdamaian Mabes TNI.

''Materi yang diberikan juga standar PBB, termasuk pengenalan budaya lokal Lebanon. Situasi terkini Palestina juga menjadi pelajaran prajurit TNI-AL,'' kata Toni. Pelatihan dan pembekalan yang diikuti 110 prajurit TNI-AL itu berlangsung hingga 5 Februari 2009.

''Mereka juga akan melaksanakan drill teknis berupa manuver lapangan di sekitar Laut Jawa untuk memantapkan keandalan penguasaan senjata yang ada di kapal,'' katanya. KRI Diponegoro dilengkapi rudal Exocet MM 40, meriam 20 mm, berbagai senapan otomatis, pistol perorangan P2, dan terpedo antikapal selam.

Perwira dua melati di pundak itu menjelaskan, di antara 110 personel yang terlibat, 88 orang adalah ABK KRI Diponegoro-365. Ditambah 22 personel pendukung lain yang terdiri atas kru helikopter, pilot, dokter, personel pasukan katak, penyelam, komlek, seorang perwira penerangan, dan teknisi senjata. (rdl/iro @ JawaPos)

Navy Names Virginia Class Submarine USS John Warner

USS Virginia (Photo @ nn.northropgrumman)

WASHINGTON (NNS) -- The Secretary of the Navy, Donald C. Winter announced Jan. 8 that the next Virginia-class attack submarine will be named in honor of recently retired U.S Sen. John Warner of Virginia. Warner retired Jan. 3, 2009 after 30 years of service in the U.S. Senate.

"Senator Warner has served his country for over 63 years and has been an unwavering advocate of the men and women of our nation's armed forces. It gives me great pleasure to be able to honor him in this manner and I thank him for his support and mentorship," said Winter.

The USS John Warner, designated SSN 785, honors Warner's lifetime of service to the nation and the Commonwealth of Virginia. Warner's career in public service began in January 1945, the last year of World War II, when he enlisted at the age of 17 in the U.S. Navy, where he earned the rank of petty officer third class. In the Fall of 1949, he joined the Marine Corps Reserve. At the outbreak of the Korean War in October 1950, he volunteered for active duty and was commissioned in the U.S. Marine Corps and served with the 1st Marine Air Wing as a ground communications officer in Korea.

He continued his affiliation with the Marine Corps Reserve, reaching the rank of captain. In February 1969, he was appointed and confirmed by the Senate as under secretary of the Navy, and succeeded Secretary John Chafee as the 61st secretary of the Navy in 1972 following Senate confirmation during the height of the war in Vietnam. During this period, Warner was designated as chief negotiator for the conference between the U.S. and Soviet navies which led to the Incidents at Sea Agreement which is still in effect today between the U.S. and Russian navies.

Entering politics in 1978, he was elected to represent the Commonwealth of Virginia in the U.S. Senate. He served five consecutive terms becoming the second longest serving U.S. senator from the Commonwealth of Virginia in the 218-year history of the Senate.

During his 30 years of service in the Senate, Warner was a leader in national defense issues serving continuously on the Senate Committee on Armed Services. He held leadership roles as chairman or ranking member for half of his tenure on this committee and also served many years on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. In this capacity, and throughout his career, he has shown unwavering support for the men and women of the armed forces, and has been a champion of modernizing the structure and operations of the military to ensure its effectiveness in the 21st century.

This next-generation attack submarine will provide the Navy with the capabilities required to maintain the nation's undersea supremacy well into the 21st century. It will have enhanced stealth, sophisticated surveillance capabilities and special warfare enhancements that will enable them to meet the Navy's multi-mission requirements.

USS John Warner will have the capability to attack targets ashore with highly accurate Tomahawk cruise missiles and conduct covert long-term surveillance of land areas, littoral waters or other sea-based forces. Other missions include anti-submarine and anti-ship warfare; mine delivery and minefield mapping. It is also designed for special forces delivery and support, a subject Warner worked on throughout his career in the U.S. Senate.

The Virginia-class is 7,800-tons and 377 feet in length, has a beam of 34 feet, and can operate at more than 25 knots submerged. It is designed with a reactor plant that will not require refueling during the planned life of the ship - reducing lifecycle costs while increasing underway time. The USS John Warner will be built by Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding in Newport News, Va., in partnership with General Dynamics/Electric Boat Corporation. Warner was instrumental in developing this construction teaming arrangement concept which was later codified into law. (news @

Eurocopter welcomes new order for 22 NH90TTH helicopters from the French Army

NH90 TTH (Photo @ EADS)

The French Defence Procurement Agency (DGA) has ordered a further 22 NH90 TTH (Tactical Transport Helicopter) helicopters for the French Army Aviation on the 23rd of December from NHIndustries* consortium.

With this second batch, after the initial 12 aircraft ordered in November 2007, there are now 34 NH 90 TTH to be delivered to the French Army from 2011 onwards. All the NH90 TTH for France will be manufactured at Eurocopter’s site in Marignane.

Lutz Bertling, CEO of Eurocopter commented: “With this new contract, the French Army confirms that the NH90 TTH is fully answering its operational requirements. In addition to the 27 NH90 NFH ordered in 2000 for the Navy, the French Armed Forces clearly demonstrate, with 61 firm orders, their confidence in the programme.”

This new contract brings the total number of NH90 orders to 529 helicopters from 14 countries worldwide. The NH90 is the biggest military helicopter programme ever launched in Europe and also the most complex, with 23 different variants being produced. With 5 assembly lines now operational in France, Germany, Italy, Finland and Australia, the production of the NH90 is progressing well. To date, 25 NH90 helicopters have been delivered to customers and another fifty are under construction.

The NH90 is a helicopter in the 9-10 metric ton class intended to modernise and boost the capability of the tactical transport and anti-submarine combat fleets. It is a fly-by-wire and all-composite construction helicopter with the highest crash-worthiness-standards. Equipped with a large cabin, a rear ramp, weather radar and forward looking infra red, the NH90 helicopter is capable of carrying two pilots, two loadmasters and 18 combat troops up to 900km at speeds of up to 300km/h. (news @ EADS)

TNI AD Susun Prioritas Pengadaan Senjata

TNI AD mengurangi pengadaan persenjataan strategis baru. Pembelian peralatan tempur berat seperti meriam dan tank harus dibatasi karena anggaran pertahanan yang dipotong dua tahun terakhir.

"(Peralatan tempur berat) tidak akan dibeli dulu," kata Kepala Staf TNI AD (KSAD) Jenderal Agustadi Sasongko Purnomo di Jakarta, Kamis (8/1). Anggaran pertahanan turun dari Rp36,39 triliun pada APBN 2008, menjadi Rp35 triliun dalam rancangan APBN 2009. Matra darat terimbas dampak penurunan.

Agustadi mengatakan, anggarannya turun dari Rp16 triliun jadi Rp15 triliun. Dari jumlah ini, mayoritas digunakan untuk gaji dan operasional rutin. "Sisanya hanya Rp2 triliun," katanya. Kondisi ini membuat TNI AD menggalang konsolidasi ke dalam dan menentukan program-program prioritas.

Hal senada diungkapkan Kepala Staf TNI AL (KSAL) Laksamana Tedjo Edhy Purdijatno. Dia menjelaskan, keterbatasan dana membuat matra laut perlu menelaah lebih dalam pembangunan kekuatan yang mempunyai kemampuan penangkalan dan penindakan berbagai bentuk ancaman.

Perencanaan berbasis kemampuan dengan tidak mengabaikan perencanaan yang berbasis ancaman menjadi alternatif di tengah semakin mahalnya pembangunan kekuatan di laut.

"Peningkatan SDM merupakan salah satu prioritas," kata KSAL. Caranya, tambahnya, dengan proses formal berupa pendidikan, latihan, dan kursus-kursus serta pengiriman personel ke luar negeri untuk latihan bersama negara sahabat.

Dia menambahkan, keterbatasan juga menuntut semua satuan kerja untuk efisiensi dan pengawasan ketat terhadap penggunaan anggaran. Tujuannya, agar tercipta akuntabilitas dan transparasi, serta mencegah terjadinya pergeseran sasaran maupun penyimpangan anggaran.

Tedjo menjelaskan, perkembangan lingkungan strategis global, regional maupun nasional saat ini menjadi tantangan tugas TNI AL. Karena itu, pembangunan matra laut yang mumpuni masih sangat dibutuhkan menjaga kedaulatan dan keutuhan negara. ( Adhitya Cahya Utama @ Jurnas)

Pentagon confirms missile defense contacts with India but denies sales talks

Launch of an Agni III Strategic Ballistic Missile in India.(Photo:Bharat)

10:09 GMT, January 9, 2009 -- The U.S. Department of Defense has had ancient contacts with India on missile defense issues but is not in talks to sell it, Lieutenant Colonel Stewart Upton said to AFP. "The United States and India currently are not discussing the sale of any US missile defense systems to India," he said.

The Financial Times, citing US embassy officials in New Delhi, said the Pentagon was in preliminary talks about sales of US missile shield systems to guard New Delhi against nuclear threats.

A U.S. defense official described the interaction with the Indians as being on "a very elementary and technical level." "We have invited them to observe two tests this year to facilitate discussions of the two countries' ballistic missile defense test programs," the official said. U.S. defence officials had conducted computer simulations with their Indian counterparts to demonstrate the capabilities of such technology.

But the official said the invitation was extended with the understanding that it did not signal "U.S. intention or willingness to sell the systems involved."

On Wednesday Financial Times reported that the Indian government is in preliminary talks to buy U.S. missile shield systems to protect the country against a nuclear threat.

New Delhi is looking to the US as it seeks to modernise military equipment. This week India announced the $2.1billion (€1.5billion) acquisition of eight Boeing surveillance aircraft to patrol its coastline, its largest purchase of military hardware from a US company. ( Christian Windeck @ Defro)

UK Military Takes Enhanced Mini Tank Delivery

Spartan (Photo @ Army.MoD)

The first batch of over 100 enhanced light scouting tanks, has been delivered to training units in the British Army.

The upgrade contract, worth £19m was undertaken with BAE Systems to boost the performance and reliability of the British Army's combat vehicle reconnaissance CVR(T) vehicles to better cope with the demanding conditions in Afghanistan.

The CVR(T) vehicles, which include the Spartan, Sultan, Sampson and Samaritan received a new up-powered engine, gearbox and final drives as well as a new high-efficiency radiator and charge air cooler, which was based on designs from the motorsport world and has been hailed as a major improvement on earlier systems.

Environmental mitigation urgent operational requirement team leader Lt Col. Martin Fenn said that he was overjoyed that the enhanced vehicles where now available.

"This package of enhancements to CVR(T)'s capability is urgently required and eagerly awaited by troops in Afghanistan," said Fenn.

BAE Systems, prime contractor for the project, Jim Graham said the performance and reliability adjustments had been achieved in record time.

"We received a post-design service contract in December last year and have effectively condensed a three-year development programme into one year, partly by beginning work in advance of contract, taking business risks with the MOD and consulting the key stakeholder," Graham said.

The UK based Light Dragoons, will be the first unit to begin training on the vehicles in early 2009. (By Daniel Garrun @NavalTechnology)

Brigif-1 Marinir Gelar Lomba Ton Tangkas

Surabaya - Brigade Infanteri (Brigif) 1 Marinir menggelar lomba Peleton (Ton) Tangkas yang dibuka oleh Komandan Brigif Kolonel Marinir Yuniar Ludfi di Surabaya, Jumat.

Lomba dalam rangkaian HUT ke-46 Brigif-1 Marinir itu diikuti enam kontingen, yaitu masing-masing dua peleton dari Yonif-1, Yonif-3 dan Yonif-5 Marinir. Materi yang dilombakan yaitu "cross country", renang militer, menembak, "speed march" dan halang rintang.

Komandan Brigif-1 dalam sambutannya mengatakan, lomba ini diadakan sebagai salah satu bentuk pembinaan personel serta sebagai sarana persiapan dalam rangka menghadapi lomba yang sama tingkat Pasmar-1.

"Untuk meraih keberhasilan dalam suatu pertandingan diperlukan langkah-langkah pembinaan dan latihan yang baik serta terukur. Untuk itu tiap-tiap satuan dituntut konsisten dalam membina kemampuan prajuritnya dengan penuh semangat, kerja keras dan dedikasi yang tinggi," katanya.

Ia mengharapkan agar seluruh atlet dan pendukung serta panitia lomba selalu menjunjung tinggi sportifitas dan mengutamakan keselamatan atau tidak ada kecelakaan.

Seusai upacara pembukaan, Komandan Brigif-1 memberangkatkan peserta pertama "cross country". Hasil dari lomba "cross country" langsung menetapkan juara, yakni pertama oleh Peleton-1 Yonif-3 disusul Peleton-2 Yonif-5 dan Peleton-1 Yonif-1.

Untuk perorangan, juara pertama diraih Prada Mar Kali Desang S dari Yonif-1 disusul Prada Mar Nunung H dari Yonif-3 dan Prada Mar Wasis Trian A dari Yonif-3. (Masuki M. Astro @AntaraJatim)

Dutch buys additional Bushmaster IMVs for Afghan Mission

17:08 GMT, January 9, 2009 -- The Ministry of Defence of the Netherlands today confirmed that the Armed Forces will receive another batch of nine mine resistant Bushmaster IMVs. The mine-resistant patrol vehicle build by Thales-ADI (Australia) has proven itself with Australian forces in Iraq but also with the Dutch Army in Afghanistan. In august 2008 the Dutch Army already bought 13 more Australian-built Bushmaster armoured vehicles for $15million.

According to a MoD spokesman the nine additional Bushmasters will be directly deployed to Afghanistan to strengthen its Uruzgun force - where Dutch forces are operating as part of NATO/ISAF – since NATO takes on greater responsibility in Southern Afghanistan.

Dutch Bushmasters’ first Afghan patrol (photo @ DID)

The new vehicles will be fitted with a grappler (see illustration) to find, dig if needed and destroy IED (Improvised Explosive Devices) as well as with cameras and sensors, said a a Defensie Materieelorganisatie (defence procurement agency, DMO) official to

Netherlands already bought 49 Bushmasters since 2006 most of them have been transported directly to Afghanistan. However, some of these are heavily damaged or even destroyed - mostly the result of roadside bombs, the spokesman said.

All vehicles are expected to be delivered to Afghanistan already on April 1st. (news @ Defro)

São José dos Campos, January 9, 2009 – Embraer confirms the sale of eight Super Tucano aircraft to the government of the Dominican Republic through a contract that was finalized at the end of last year. The aircraft will be operated by the nation’s Air Force to perform internal security and border patrol missions, within an operations theater focusing on fighting the drug traffic. This is the third export contract for the highly successful aircraft, after sales that were made to the Air Forces of Colombia (FAC) and Chile (FACH).

The choice made by the Dominican Republic Air Force shows how the aircraft’s extreme versatility, associated with its good performance for both training and operational missions and with low acquisition, operating and maintenance costs, makes the Super Tucano one of the best multimission airplanes on the market.

To date, 63 units of the Super Tucano have already been delivered to the Brazilian Air Force (Força Aérea Brasileira – FAB) and 25 to the FAC, and they are successfully used for border surveillance and other operational missions. In all, 144 aircraft have been sold to four Latin American customers.

The FAC received its 25th Super Tucano in August of last year, thus finalizing the deliveries begun to this customer, in December 2006. The contract was the first export of this aircraft, and the agreement included TOSS (Training and Operation Support System), an advanced training and operational support system with ground stations. The FACH agreement for the sale of 12 aircraft was also announced by Embraer in August 2008.

The Super Tucano went into operation with the FAB in December 2003, to be used for pilot training, as well as for operational missions. This capability ranks the Super Tucano as the world’s only aircraft in production that is able to handle advanced pilot training and surveillance and counter-insurgency missions, even at night, using night vision goggles and electro-optical and infrared sensors. (news & photo @Embraer)

Boeing Completes Apache Longbow Training Upgrade Contract

ST. LOUIS, Jan. 09, 2009 -- Boeing [NYSE: BA] announced today that its Integrated Defense Systems Training Systems and Services organization has completed a six-year U.S. Army contract to retrofit and upgrade 22 Apache Longbow Crew Trainers, 22 Maintenance Training Devices and a Longbow Collective Training System. The suite of Boeing-produced training devices provides comprehensive, high-fidelity training for Longbow aircrews and maintenance personnel.

"The Boeing team developed significant simulation solutions for the Longbow attack helicopter," said Randy Nielson, contractor for the Army's Apache Project Management Office. "There's a lot of satisfaction in watching a needed capability evolve into a functional, relevant product. It's a privilege to work with the kind of people who make it happen."

Under the contract, hundreds of individual upgrades were performed on the trainers to ensure concurrency with the Apache Longbow helicopter. Boeing delivered and supported Longbow training devices around the world, including Army posts throughout the United States and in South Korea, Germany, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Boeing's work included several major retrofits and upgrades to match the evolution of the Apache Longbow, allowing for improved individual and collective crew training and mission rehearsal. Database improvements included adding virtual visual systems for South Korea, Iraq and Kosovo. These upgraded tactical environments also include new modeling options: Light trucks, civilian vehicles and improvised explosive devices have been added to the possible scenarios.

"This is a very successful contract for Boeing and the customer. We were able to keep up with a very dynamic configuration of helicopters in the trainers and stayed as current as possible to the configurations of the aircraft in the field," said Kathy Bailey, Multi-Year II Apache Training Program project manager for Boeing. "The Army had never done a training device retrofit program of this magnitude, and we were able to work together to meet the warfighters' needs."

The Army's Apache Project Management Office earlier this year presented Bailey with its Cheyenne Award for her contributions to the Unit Fielding and Training Program as well as to the Apache Longbow community.

Next on the Apache training device schedule is the Extended Block 2 bridge contract, which will resume the cycle of retrofitting the existing trainers to match future Longbow helicopter upgrades. The Block 3 redesign of the Apache Longbow is expected to be fielded starting in 2011 and will bring significant modifications to the aircraft as well as to the training devices. (news & photo @ Boeing)

IDF Officer Killed; Operation Cast Lead Continues

08 January 2009 , 14:22 -- Captain Roi Rosner, commander of a company in the Kfir Brigade, was killed on Thursday morning (Jan. 8) during operations in the central Gaza Strip; another soldier was lightly wounded. Both their families have been notified.

During an operation carried out by the Kfir Brigade in the central Gaza Strip, the soldiers were hit by an anti-tank missile which, as previously mentioned, killed an officer and injured a soldier. The injured soldier was evacuated to hospital for medical treatment. Captain Rosner, 27, from Holon, was promoted posthumously to the rank of Major.

IDF Ground Forces continued operations throughout the Gaza Strip during the night (Jan. 8), with the support of the IAF. The IAF hit the houses of Yasser Natat, who is responsible for firing rockets from the Rafah area, and of Muhammed Sanuar, commander of the Han-Yonas Brigade of Hamas.

The IAF hit about 60 additional targets throughout the night (Jan. 8), among them were more than ten weaponry storage facilities, about 15 launching squads and bunkers from which Hamas fired at IDF forces, and a mosque that served as a weaponry storage facility and meeting point for Hamas operatives. ( nes @ IDF)

India may buy U.S.-built missile defence shield

19:21 GMT, January 8, 2009 New Delh i-- According to Hindustan Times, the Indian government is in preliminary talks to buy U.S. missile shield systems to protect the country against a nuclear threat.

The newspaper quoted a British Broadcasting Corporation which had contacts to officials in New Delhi. Although India's need for greater protection against threats emanating from Pakistan and “other volatile countries in the region” was highlighted in the aftermath of the Mumbai terror attacks, the talks were reported to have taken place over the last two years.

Officials at the US embassy in New Delhi told the Financial Times that talks so far have been mainly at the technical level.

They said US defence officials had conducted computer simulations with their Indian counterparts to demonstrate the capabilities of such technology.

In addition, two live launches of missiles using the shield system had been watched by experts from the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).

“India is a partner of ours, and we want to provide it with whatever it needs to protect itself,” the FT quoted an unnamed US embassy official as saying.

“This fits into the overall strategic partnership we are building.”

But, the paper said, India's politicians and defence planners have yet to take a final decision as they undertake what it called an expensive modernisation of the army, replacing ageing Soviet-era military hardware.

Another US official was quoted as saying: “I get the impression the scientists are quite interested, and that some in the strategic policy community… see this as a future tool in their kit bag. But India's political leadership and its strategic community need to decide what their interests and threats are.”

A senior Pakistani official with detailed knowledge of the country's own nuclear programme told the FT that Pakistan “will have to take counter-measures to respond” to any agreement between the US and India over a missile defence system.

“For the past many years, we have been considering the possibility of such an outcome one day,” the official said.

The British Broadcasting Corporation said the system, which was successfully tested in Alaska in December last year, involves radar and anti-missile missiles, or interceptors, which would destroy incoming ballistic missiles. (@ Defro)

Prajurit TNI AL Apel Khusus 2009

Surabaya - Prajurit TNI AL dan PNS yang bertugas di Komando Armada RI Kawasan Timur (Koarmatim) mengikuti apel khusus awal 2009 yang dipimpin oleh Kepala Staf Koarmatim, Laksma TNI Slamet Yulistiono di Surabaya, Kamis.

Kadispen Koarmatim, Letkol Laut (KH) Drs Toni Syaiful menjelaskan, apel khusus itu digelar dalam rangka evaluasi terhadap perjalanan TNI AL sepanjang 2008 untuk selanjutnya dijadikan acuan dalam melaksanakan program dan kegiatan 2009.

"Seperti diketahui, pada tahun 2008 TNI AL telah berhasil melaksanakan latihan Armada Jaya, uji coba Rudal C-802, latihan gabungan TNI dan upacara peringatan HUT TNI yang dipusatkan di Koarmatim," katanya.

KRI Layang-805 Melucurkan Rudal C-802 (Photo @

Selain itu, katanya, TNI AL juga telah berhasil menindak berbagai pelanggaran di laut serta menurunkan angka pelanggaran di Selat Malaka. Sementara dari sisi kekurangan, pada tahun 2008 ini masih perlu menurunkan angka pelanggaran disiplin prajurit.

Sementara KSAL, Laksamana TNI Tedjo Edhy Purdijatno dalam amanat tertulisnya yang dibaca Laksma TNI Slamet Yulistiono mengatakan bahwa perkembangan lingkungan strategis global, regional maupun nasional saat ini menjadi tantangan tugas bagi TNI AL.

"Oleh karena itu pembangunan TNI AL yang besar dan kuat masih sangat dibutuhkan untuk menjaga kedaulatan dan keutuhan NKRI, menjaga kehormatan bangsa, melindungi dan mengamankan sumber daya alam yang terkandung di dalamnya serta mampu memberi jaminan keamanan," katanya.

Berkaitan dengan keterbatasan dana, KSAL mengatakan bahwa TNI AL perlu menelaah lebih dalam mengenai pembangunan kekuatan guna menciptakan suatu kekuatan yang mempunyai kemampuan penangkalan dan penindakan dalam menghadapi berbagai bentuk ancaman.

"Untuk itu peningkatan SDM merupakan salah satu prioritas, karena hanya prajurit profesional yang mampu mengawaki TNI AL yang besar, kuat dan profesional," ujarnya.

Ia juga mengingatkan prajurit agar betul-betul menjaga netralitas TNI dalam penyelenggaraan Pemilu yang akan dilaksanakan dalam waktu dekat ini. (Masuki M. Astro @ AntaraJatim)

GE to provide systems and structures for P-8I maritime patrol aircraft

19:34 GMT, January 8, 2009 GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- GE Aviation will provide integrated systems and structures for the eight P-8I long-range maritime reconnaissance and anti-submarine warfare aircraft Boeing is developing for the Indian Navy. The Government of India recently selected Boeing to provide the aircraft to help meet its unique maritime patrol requirements.

The P-8I is a variant of the P-8A Poseidon being developed for the U.S. Navy by a Boeing-led industry team that includes GE Aviation.

GE’s stores management system and flight management system, fuselage and the wing pylon structures for the P-8I are designed for growth and provide outstanding capabilities tailored to India’s unique maritime-patrol requirements.

GE’s stores management system provides a comprehensive system with integrated electronic control. The company’s flight management system provides a truly integrated open architecture that is CNS/ATM compliant along with an inherent growth path for upgrades. For the P-8A, GE manufactures and qualifies both the fuselage and the wing pylon structure with two fuselage and four wing pylons fitted to each aircraft.

GE’s program is well advanced with design complete and hardware in manufacturing to support P-8A activities. GE’s P-8I deliveries to Boeing will commence in 2010 in line with the program schedule.

India is the first international customer for the P-8. Boeing will deliver the first P-8I within 48 months of the contract signing, and the remaining seven by 2015.

The P-8I is a true multi-mission maritime patrol aircraft (MPA) that features greater flexibility and a broader range of capabilities than MPAs currently in service. The P-8I can operate effectively over land or water while performing anti-submarine warfare missions; search and rescue; maritime interdiction; and long-range intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance.

The P-8I provides India with speed, reliability, persistence and room for growth to satisfy the country's requirements now and well into the future. The aircraft features open system architecture, advanced sensor and display technologies, and a worldwide base of suppliers, parts and support equipment. (@ Defro)

The Ministry Of Justice Of Cyprus Orders Two AW139 Helicopters

AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is pleased to announce that the Ministry of Justice of Cyprus has placed an order for two AW139 medium twin engine helicopters. These aircraft will be used to perform law enforcement and search and rescue operations. This success follows on from the contract signed by the Ministry of Defence of Cyprus in December 2008 for three AW139s and is further evidence of the increasing success this model has found in the medium twin market where it continues to be the best selling helicopter.

The 15 seat AW139 is a new generation medium twin-turbine helicopter setting new standards in its class. The AW139 is the only new generation helicopter in its class, in service today, that fully complies with the latest certification requirements in terms of performance and safety. Its Pratt & Whitney turbines together with a state-of-the-art 5-bladed main rotor provide unequalled performance, even in demanding hot and high conditions at maximum all up mass. The availability of modular role kits allows easy and quick conversion to and from various configurations. The law enforcement-configured AW139 is available with a wide range of mission equipment and with the most spacious cabin in the medium twin class is the helicopter of choice for demanding homeland security requirements. (@ AgustaWestland)

Gelombang 6 m di Laut Arafuru Hadang KRI Teluk Cendrawasih 533

Gelombang setinggi 4 hingga 6 meter yang terjadi di laut Arafuru siap menghadang pelayaran KRI Teluk Cendrawasih (TCW)-533 yang hari ini Kamis (8/1) bertolak dari Tual menuju Merauke. Kondisi cuaca tersebut sesuai laporan dari BMG (Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika), bahwa gelombang tinggi terjadi di sejumlah wilayah perairan Indonesia mulai Selasa hingga Sabtu (10/1), termasuk di laut Arafuru.

Kondisi cuaca tidak menguntungkan tersebut sudah terasa sejak Kamis (8/1) siang ketika KRI Teluk Cendrawasih-533 akan bertolak. Di Dermaga Lanal Tual angin bertiup begitu kencang sekitar 20 knot, sehingga keberangkatan kapal yang dijadwalkan pukul 12.00 (WIT) ditunda hingga menunggu kecepatan angin menurun.

Akhirnya setelah sandar di Dermaga Pangkalan TNI Angkatan Laut (Lanal) Tual selama 2 hari untuk melakukan bekul (bekal ulang) pengisian BBM dan air tawar, KRI Teluk Cendrawasih-533 Kamis (8/1) sore bisa bertolak menuju Merauke. “Dari sini saja anginnya sudah terasa kencang, nanti di laut Arafuru gelombangnya bisa setinggi 4 hingga 5 meter”, kata Komandan KRI Teluk Cendrawasih-533 Mayor Laut (P) Baharudin Anwar.

Kapal perang jenis Landing Ship Tank (LST) dari jajaran Komando Armada RI Kawasan Timur (Koarmatim) dan dikomandani Mayor Laut (P) Baharudin Anwar ini keberangkatannya dilepas oleh Komandan Pangkalan TNI Angkatan Laut (Lanal) Tual Kolonel Laut (P) Eko Murwanto dengan didampingi beberapa perwira stafnya.

Kapal perang yang membawa misi mendukung terlaksananya peresmian Pangkalan Utama TNI Angkatan Laut (Lantamal) XI Merauke ini, akan menempuh pelayaran kurang lebih selama dua hari. Sehingga dijadwalkan kapal ini bersama dengan KRI Teluk Sampit-515 yang mengambil rute pelyaran dari Surabaya langsung menuju ke Merauke akan tiba pada tanggal 10 Januari 2009.

Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, bahwa untuk peresmian Lantamal XI Merauke seluruh panitia beserta tim pendukung lainya serta sebagian besar pasukannya dipersiapkan dari Surabaya. Untuk itu pada kegiatan tersebut Koarmatim telah memberangkatkan dua kapal perangnya, yakni KRI Teluk Cendrawasih-533 dan KRI Teluk Sampit-515.

Peresmian Lantamal XI Merauke sendiri yang direncanakan pada tanggal 15 Januari dan bertepatan dengan upacara peringatan Hari Dharma Samudera itu, akan diresmikan langsung oleh Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Laut Laksamana TNI Tedjo Edhy Purdijatno, SH, dan dihadiri oleh pejabat Muspida Propinsi Papua dan Muspida Kabupaten Merauke. (@ TNI.Mil)

General Dynamics Awarded $18 Million Gun System Contract by Raytheon

Charlotte, N. C. – Raytheon Missile Systems of Louisville, Ky., has awarded General Dynamics Armament and Technical Products an $18 million contract to produce gun systems for the Phalanx Block 1B Close-In-Weapon System (CIWS) and the Centurion Land-Based Phalanx CIWS. General Dynamics Armament and Technical Products is a business unit of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD).

The Phalanx Block 1B CIWS is an upgrade of the Phalanx CIWS. Phalanx is a fully autonomous, radar-directed, rapid-fire 20mm Gatling-gun system that provides naval ships with the last line of defense against a variety of threats including anti-ship missiles, aircraft, high-speed watercraft and other air and surface threats. The upgrade adds enhanced fire control capability, optimized gun barrels and an integrated Forward Looking Infrared system.

In the Centurion configuration, a Phalanx Block 1B CIWS is mounted on a stabilized wheeled platform to protect ground forces and high-value sites against rocket, artillery and mortar threats. Currently deployed by the United States and United Kingdom in the Global War on Terror, Centurion has successfully intercepted and destroyed more than 100 threats.

“The Phalanx is the only deployed close-in-weapon system capable of searching, tracking and engaging littoral warfare threats,” said Jo Ann Kramer, senior program manager of gun systems for General Dynamics Armament and Technical Products.

The gun systems will be produced at General Dynamics Armament and Technical Products’ facility in Saco, Maine, with program management performed at the company’s Burlington, Vt.-based Technology Center, and testing conducted at the Ethan Allen Firing Range in Jericho, Vt. (@ GeneralDynamics)

New Counter-Piracy Task Force Established

The amphibious transport dock ship USS San Antonio (LPD 17) transits the Persian Gulf. Iwo Jima is deployed as part of the Iwo Jima Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) supporting maritime security operations in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class MichÊl Starkey/Released)

MANAMA, Bahrain (NNS) -- The Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) established Combined Task Force 151 (CTF-151) Jan. 8 specifically for counter-piracy operations.

Naval ships and assets from more than 20 nations comprise the Combined Maritime Forces. U.S. Navy Rear Adm. Terence "Terry" McKnight has been named the commander of the new task force which will be fully operational by the middle of January.

The CMF created the Maritime Security Patrol Area (MSPA) in the Gulf of Aden in August of 2008 to support international efforts to combat piracy. Coalition efforts included CTF-150 assets patrolling the area with ships and aircraft. However, the charter for CTF-150, established at the outset of Operation Enduring Freedom, was for the conduct of Maritime Security Operations (MSO) in the Gulf of Aden, the Gulf of Oman, the Arabian Sea, Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. Operations included the deterrence of destabilizing activities, such as drug smuggling and weapons trafficking.

The establishment of CTF-151 will allow CTF-150 assets to remain focused on those activities, giving CTF-151 the ability to focus solely on the counter-piracy mission.

"Some navies in our coalition did not have the authority to conduct counter-piracy missions," said Vice Adm. Bill Gortney, CMF commander. "The establishment of CTF-151 will allow those nations to operate under the auspices of CTF-150, while allowing other nations to join CTF-151 to support our goal of deterring, disrupting and eventually bringing to justice the maritime criminals involved in piracy events."

Gortney highlighted the reduction in piracy events in the region due to merchant mariners' proactive measures. He also continued to caution that the efforts of coalition and international navies won't solve the problem of piracy.

"The most effective measures we've seen to defeat piracy are non-kinetic and defensive in nature. The merchant ships have been doing a great job stepping up and utilizing these methods to defeat piracy attempts. That's a great first step. But the problem of piracy is and continues to be a problem that begins ashore and is an international problem that requires an international solution. We believe the establishment of CTF-151 is a significant step in the right direction."

CTF 151 is a multinational task force that conducts counter-piracy operations in and around the Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean and the Red Sea and was established to create a lawful maritime order and develop security in the maritime environment. (@

Israel fires five rockets into Lebanon

08 Jan 2009 07:22:39 GMT -- Tel Aviv has fired five rockets into Lebanon, claiming that the assault was in retaliation for rocket attacks on its northern towns.

Four rockets landed on northern Israel early on Thursday, a Press TV correspondent reported. Four settlers were reportedly injured in the attack.

Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said the rockets landed around the town of Nahariya, 8 km (5 miles) south of the Lebanese border. Tel Aviv claims the rockets were launched from southern Lebanon.

The Lebanese Hezbollah, however, says it is not responsible for the alleged firing of rockets at Israel.

An army spokesperson said that following the attack the Israeli military launched missiles onto Lebanon in what it described as "retaliatory" fire.

Hezbollah's al-Manar television and Lebanese officials announced that five rockets had landed on the Lebanese soil near the southern border with Israel. However, the artillery landed on desert areas causing no damage or casualties, Press TV's Beirut correspondent, Ali Rizk, reported.

Israeli warplanes breached Lebanon's airspace following the incident, conducting overflights over southern Lebanon.

Despite claims made by Israeli officials that Tel Aviv is not interested in opening a new front against Hezbollah in the north, Israeli reconnaissance aircraft regularly fly over Lebanon.

On December 28, a day after Tel Aviv launched its bloody airstrikes on the Gaza Strip, Israeli warplanes conducted overflights at a low altitude over south Lebanon, violating the country's airspace in breach of UN Security Council resolution 1701.

Meanwhile, Israeli media say the rocket attacks were most likely fired by Palestinian groups in retaliation for the 13-day-long Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip.

Radio and television reports cited unnamed military sources saying the incident was likely to be an 'isolated attack'.

The Hamas movement has also denied the reports that it was behind the rocket attacks. "We cannot blame any Palestinian faction and we don't know who fired the rockets," said Hamas spokesman in Lebanon, Raafat Morra.

"Hamas is pursuing its combat inside Palestine and our principle is not to use any other Arab soil to respond to the occupation. This is our firm policy," he said.

"Basically what is happening is the fault of Israel because it is impossible to contain the Arab and Islamic world after the Gaza massacre.(MSH/MMN @ PRESS TV)


KSAL Minta Pengadaan Kapal Selam Dilanjutkan

DEPARTEMEN Pertahanan (Dephan) menunda pengadaan kapal selam baru. Namun, TNI AL bersikukuh memerlukan tambahan dua kapal selam sebagai alat pertahanan.

"Apalagi Presiden sudah menyampaikan ke depan Indonesia minimal perlu dua kapal selam lagi," katan Kepala Staf Angkatan Laut (KSAL) Laksamana Tedjo Edhy Purdijatno, di Jakarta, baru-baru ini.

Sebelumnya, Sekretaris Jenderal Dephan Letjen Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin mengatakan, anggaran menjadi halangan utama menghadirkan senjata strategis itu. Terlebih dana pertahanan terus berkurang. Dia menjelaskan, pengadaan kapal selam baru akan dibicarakan pada rencana strategis berikutnya, yakni 2010-2014.

Saat ini matra laut memiliki dua kapal selam, yakni KRI Cakra-401 dan KRI Nanggala-402. Tedjo masih berharap ada perubahan rencana. Alasannya, pembahasan akhir kredit ekspor yang tertunda baru akan dibicarakan Dephan dan Departemen Keuangan, dan TNI.

"Kemungkinan dipercepat bisa saja terjadi," katanya. Kalaupun tetap ditunda, Tedjo mengaku tidak keberatan. Meski kontrak ditandatangani tahun ini, kehadiran kapal bawah air itu paling cepat baru tiga tahun setelahnya. Dia hanya meminta komitmen agar pengadaan kapal selam ini dapat diteruskan.

Karena itu, TNI AL tetap melakukan kajian mendalam spesifikasi kapal selam yang dibutuhkan sesuai tingkat ancaman yang akan dihadapi. Spesifikasi dan kebutuhan operasi ini akan diserahkan ke Dephan untuk kemudian ditentukan dari negara mana kapal selam itu diadakan.

Ada beberapa negara yang menjadi pilihan, antara lain Jerman (U-209), Korea Selatan (Changbogo), Rusia (Kelas Kilo), dan Prancis (Scorpen). "Dipilih yang mana terserah Dephan. Yang penting kemampuan tempurnya," katanya.

Kapal Selam Kelas Kilo (Photo

Tim kajian TNI AL telah menyusun spesifikasi teknik sejumlah peralatan persenjataan yang akan diajukan dengan sisa anggaran kredit ekspor 2005-2009, yakni tank amfibi, kapal Perusak Kawal Rudal (PKR) dan satu unit kapal selam. Untuk tank prosesnya sudah selesai. Indonesia memesan 17 tank BMP-3F dari Rusia. Sedangkan PKR dan kapal selam masih dalam proses. (Adhitya Cahya Utama @Jurnas)

Saab signs contract with FMV regarding Gripen

JAS 39 Gripen the Swedish Air Force (Photo @ DID)

8 January, 2009 14:20 CET -- Saab has received an order from the Swedish Defence Material Administration, FMV, for supporting Gripen’s operative capacity. The contract is valued to 550 million SEK.

The order includes for example programme management, product maintenance, support, flight testing, pilot equipment and simulators to support the operative capacity of the Gripen system. Work will be carried out during 2009.

The contract renders possibilities for Saab to provide continued support and development of Gripen for the Swedish Air Force. @cisionwire

U.S. Navy X-47B UAS unveiled!

08:59 GMT, January 8, 2009 EAST HARTFORD, Conn. -- Pratt & Whitney, along with Northrop Grumman, unveiled the first X-47B air vehicle for the U.S. Navy's Unmanned Combat Air System Carrier Demonstration (UCAS-D) program. The X-47B is powered by a Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-220U engine. Pratt & Whitney is a United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX) company.

The unveiling ceremony offered a first look at the most technologically advanced unmanned air vehicle in development.

"To see this revolutionary unmanned combat air system equipped with a Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-220U engine is truly a proud moment," said Michael Ondas, Pratt & Whitney UCAS-D program manager. "To see the tangible results of our design and development efforts is very rewarding. We are proud to celebrate this accomplishment with Northrop Grumman, the U.S. Navy, and the entire X-47B team."

Pratt & Whitney was awarded a $54 million contract earlier this year to develop and integrate the engine and exhaust system for the X-47B.

The Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-220U engine, a derivative of the F-100-PW-220E, is capable of providing up to 16,000 pounds of thrust while operating in a maritime environment, including carrier deck operations. First flight of the X-47B is scheduled in 2009, with at-sea carrier trials planned to begin in late 2011.

Pratt & Whitney military engines include the F100 family that powers the F-15 and F-16, the F119 for the F-22 Raptor, the F135 for the F-35 Lightning II, the F117 for the C-17 Globemaster III, the J52 for the EA-6B Prowler, the TF33 powering AWACS/Joint STARS/B-52/KC-135 aircraft, and TF30 for the F-111. In addition, Pratt & Whitney offers a global network of maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) and military aftermarket services (MAS) focused on maintaining engine readiness for our customers. @Defro

Obsesi Sutiyoso: Militer Indonesia Kecil Berkualitas

Rabu, 07 Januari 2009 23:33 WIB --Capres dari Partai Indonesia Sejahtera (PIS) Sutiyoso mempunyai obsesi hadirnya sosok militer Indonesia yang jumlahnya kecil tapi memiliki profesionalisme dan mobilitas tinggi serta dilengkapi persenjataan canggih.

"Seharusnya kita punya postur TNI yang kecil saja tapi profesional, punya mobilitas tinggi dan dilengkapi persenjataan yang modern," katanya saat berbicara dalam Forum PPP Mendengar di Kantor DPP PPP Jakarta, Rabu (7/1) malam.

Menurut mantan Gubernur DKI selama dua periode itu, tentara Indonesia saat ini mobilitasnya rendah karena sarana pendukungnya seperti alat angkut personel yang digunakan sudah sangat ketinggalan zaman. Kerapuhan kekuatan militer itu, ujarnya lagi, sangat diketahui militer negara tetangga sehingga bangsa Indonesia terus dilecehkan. "Termasuk pula kita sering dilecehkan oleh tetangga 'kemarin sore', Timor Leste," katanya.

Lebih lanjut Sutiyoso yang juga purnawirawan Letnan Jenderal itu mengatakan bahwa konsekuensi dari sistem pertahanan dan keamanan rakyat semesta (sishankamrata) yang dianut Indonesia itu seharusnya merujuk pada postur militer yang jumlahnya kecil, tapi profesional dan terlatih dengan tingkat kesejahteraan yang tinggi.

Terkait dengan perlengkapan militer yang seharusnya terus dimodernisasi, Sutiyoso menghendaki agar berbagai industri strategis sebagai pendukung utama militer terus dihidupkan.

Pada bagian lain, Sutiyoso menegaskan bahwa negara ini sarat masalah dan karenanya diperlukan nyali yang besar untuk membereskan berbagai masalah itu dengan terobosan baru. "Kalau hanya langkah yang normatif atau konvensional saja, tidak akan ada perubahan buat bangsa ini," ujarnya.

Soal demokratisasi, Bang Yos berpendapat bahwa gubernur itu sebaiknya dipilih saja oleh DPRD setelah pelaksanaan pilkada langsung lebih banyak kerugian dari pada manfaatnya. Selain itu, dengan kembali pemilihan lewat DPRD juga akan menghemat biaya besar.

Jadi, katanya lagi, DPRD mengajukan lima cagub kepada pemerintah untuk dipilih karena gubernur itu seharusnya adalah wakil pemerintah pusat di daerah-daerah. "Sekarang ini pemerintah mengundang gubernur atau bupati, tetapi mereka pada tidak datang," katanya.

Sementara itu salah panelis Prof Tjipta Lesmana mengkritik PPP yang seharusnya dengan potensi besar yang dimilikinya, partai berlambang Kabah itu seharusnya tampil dengan capresnya sendiri, PPP, ujarnya, mempunyai modal yang cukup bagus. "Tetapi Suryadharma tampaknya sudah menggembok pintu PPP dengan hanya mendengar capres dari partai-partai lain," katanya. @MI

Boeing Receives JDAM and SDB Production Contracts

ST. LOUIS, Jan. 07, 2009 -- The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] has received two contracts totaling $217.1 million from the U.S. Department of Defense for continued production of Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) tail kits and Small Diameter Bombs (SDB).

The JDAM contract, $106.9 million for Lot 13 production, includes more than 4,000 tail kits for the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy. Boeing will deliver the kits in 2010 and 2011.

The SDB contract, $110.2 million for Lot 5 production, includes more than 2,500 weapons and associated carriages for the Air Force. Deliveries are scheduled for 2010.

"JDAM and SDB are providing effective direct-attack options to our warfighters," said Dan Jaspering, director of Direct Attack Programs for Boeing. "Both weapons have been called into action in Iraq and Afghanistan and are helping to keep our soldiers out of harm's way."

JDAM is a low-cost guidance kit that converts existing 500-, 1,000- and 2,000-pound unguided free-fall bombs into accurately guided "smart" weapons. Boeing has produced more than 200,000 JDAM tail kits since 1998.

SDB is a low-cost weapon system designed to reduce collateral damage through its accuracy, its size and its effective, multipurpose warhead. It has a standoff range in excess of 40 nautical miles. @ Boeing

Korea orders six more German Class 214 submarines

RoK Navy Class 214 Submarine of the 1st Batch. (Photo: TKMS)

16:34 GMT, January 7, 2009, Hamburg/Kiel -- A contract for the delivery of six material packages to build Class 214 submarines for Korea was signed in December 2008 by Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft GmbH (HDW), a company of ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems AG, and MarineForce International LLP (MFI). The contract was made between the HDW/MFI consortium and the South Korean procurement authority DAPA (Defense Acquisition Program Administration). This will provide Korea with a 2nd batch of boats in this successful class of submarines.

After studying the tenders produced by national Korean shipyards, DAPA selected Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering to build the first boat of the 2nd batch. Submission of tenders for the second boat is due to take place in summer 2009.

All six boats will be equipped with an air independent propulsion system on the basis of fuel cells. The 2nd batch of Class 214 for the Korean Navy is a further development of the already proven overall design for the first three boats. The new submarines will be almost identical to the 1st batch boats, which were ordered in 2000 and all three of which were built/are being built by Hyundai Heavy Industries. The first two boats of this class were delivered to the Korean Navy in December 2007 and 2008. @Defro

Russian destroyer escorts 2 commercial ships off Somalia

MOSCOW, January 7 -- A Russian Pacific Fleet destroyer on Wednesday started escorting two commercial ships in the Gulf of Aden, where pirates based in Somalia have been active, a Russian Navy spokesman said.

"The Admiral Vinogradov destroyer is currently escorting the Anatoly Kolesnichenko and the Cherkassy vessels to protect them against pirate attacks," Captain 1st Rank Igor Dygalo said.

Admiral Vinogradov 554 (Photo @Maritimequest)

Another Russian warship, the Neustrashimy (Fearless), has been operating off the Horn of Africa since the end of October to protect commercial ships from pirate attacks.

With the arrival of the Vinogradov, the Neustrashimy is expected to end its anti-piracy mission, although the Navy spokesman said it would remain in the region until further notice.

The Baltic Fleet frigate on Wednesday finished towing a fishing vessel to Yemen, Dygalo said. The boat, which had been adrift for four days, was carrying nine Somalis and two citizens of Yemen.

One of the passengers was a pregnant woman who was given medical assistance.

Pirates have been increasingly active in the waters off Somalia, where over 120 ships were attacked in 2008, with around 40 vessels seized. The navies of at least 10 countries are involved in anti-piracy operations off the coast of the East African nation. @ RIA Novosti

Boeing-Insitu ScanEagle Completes 1,500th Shipboard Sortie With US Navy

ST. LOUIS, Jan. 07, 2009 -- The ScanEagle unmanned aircraft system (UAS), a joint effort of The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] and Insitu Inc., this week completed its 1,500th shipboard sortie in service with the U.S. Navy. ScanEagle has provided persistent, cost-effective intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) to the Navy since July 2005.

The Navy has used ScanEagle aboard a variety of ships -- ranging from the destroyer USS Mahan to the amphibious vessel USS Whidbey Island -- as well as on support ships and small combatant craft. In addition, ScanEagle serves with other U.S. forces and with international customers in various theaters around the world.

"We've learned lessons from our extensive ScanEagle operations that have helped us refine the system into a mature ISR asset that is safe, dependable and easy to operate for our sailors,"said Don Iverson, ScanEagle U.S. Navy program manager for Boeing. "These 1,500 safe shipboard recoveries, along with numerous operational reports from our customers, show that ScanEagle has established itself as a critical capability for naval operations around the world.

"The long-endurance, fully autonomous ScanEagle UAS carries inertially stabilized electro-optical and infrared cameras that allow the operator to track both stationary and moving targets. Capable of flying above 16,000 feet and loitering over the battlefield for more than 24 hours, the platform provides persistent low-altitude ISR.

ScanEagle is launched autonomously from a pneumatic SuperWedge™ catapult launcher and flies either preprogrammed or operator-initiated missions. The Insitu-patented SkyHook™ system is used to retrieve the UAS, capturing it by way of a rope suspended from a 50-foot-high tower. The system makes ScanEagle runway-independent and minimizes its impact on shipboard operations, similar to a vertical-takeoff-and-landing vehicle.@Boeing

110 Prajurit Laut Latihan Pratugas PBB ke Lebanon

Rabu, 07 Jan 2009 16:53:24 -- Surabaya - Sebanyak 110 prajurit TNI AL yang akan bertugas sebagai pasukan perdamaian PBB di Lebanon mengikuti latihan pratugas yang dibuka oleh Kasum TNI, Laksdya TNI Didik Heru Purnomo di Surabaya, Rabu.

Materi pelatihan yang berlangsung hingga 5 Februari 2009 itu meliputi masalah taktis dan teknis militer, komando dan pengendalian, komunikasi, serta pengetahuan lain, seperti pengenalan budaya lokal, pengetahuan HAM serta kemanusiaan.

Menurut Kasum TNI, sebelum berangkat mereka juga akan melaksanakan latihan teknis berupa manuver lapangan di sekitar Laut Jawa. Dengan pelatihan ini, diharapkan semua prajurit yang terlibat memiliki kemampuan sesuai dengan standar PBB.

"Pengiriman Satgas Laut dari pasukan PBB ini yang pertama kalinya bagi TNI. Permintaan satgas laut dari Indonesia oleh PBB sangat signifikan untuk kepentingan perdamaian, karena akan melengkapi komposisi pasukan UNIFIL Maritim dari negara Eropa, seperti Spanyol, Jerman, Belanda, Belgia, Turki dan lainnya," katanya.

Menurut dia, prestasi yang telah ditorehkan prajurit TNI sebelumnya saat ditugaskan di Misi UNIFIL yang mampu menunjukkan sebagai tentara profesional serta mampu bergaul dan disukai rakyat setempat menyebabkan Indonesia diminta untuk menambah pasukan penjaga perdamaian di Lebanon.

Mantan Pangarmatim itu mengemukakan, Indonesia merupakan negara di Asia yang diminta langsung oleh PBB untuk mengirimkan pasukan lautnya dalam misi perdamaian.

Kasum TNI yang saat itu didampingi Pangarmatim, Laksda TNI Lili Supramono juga menginstruksikan agar prajurit TNI AL yang tergabung dalam Satgas itu bekerja berdasarkan pola operasi sesuai standar PBB dan juga harus memperhatikan budaya lokal.

"Hal tersebut akan membantu menjadi penengah secara imparsial atau tidak memihak pada salah satu kelompok dari pihak-pihak yang bertikai. Kalian harus mampu menjaga nama baik bangsa, sehingga citra negara Indonesia semakin baik di mata dunia," ujarnya.

Kadispen Koarmatim, Letkol Laut (KH) Drs Toni Syaiful menambahkan, awal Februari 2009 pasukan itu akan berangkat ke Lebanon menggunakan kapal perang canggih milik TNI AL, yaitu KRI Dipenogoro-365 yang dilengkapi satu helikopter.

"Dari 110 personel itu, 88 diantaranya adalah ABK KRI Diponegoro, 22 lainnya adalahl kru helikopter, dokter, pasukan katak, penyelam, personel komunikasi, perwira penerangan, teknisi senjata dan lainnya," ujarnya.

Ia mengemukakan, seluruh personel itu merupakan prajurit Koarmatim terpilih dari hasil seleksi yang meliputi kemampuan Bahasa Inggris, pemeriksaan kesehatan secara lengkap, tes psikologi dan wawancara. (Masuki M. Astro @antarajatim)

To Hell With the Human Being

The media supposedly denounces the attacks (in the eyes of some), but continues with quite strange assumptions. They give the label "radical" to Hamas, but not Israel, which has killed 500 people in ten days, according to conservative data. Many children. Many women. Many innocent people.

Doing that is a mistaken policy, and it does not resolve in agreement to show "forgotten" history, and a neo-Nazi policy of ethnic extermination - Israel is not branded "radical" by the news.

A pity that even in GloboNews (for an example), in which historians and sociologists are always a little smarter, especially in the Millennium and documentaries bought from foreign broadcasters, they give this shameful treatment to information, so valuable in times of war.

On the contrary. The presenter of the economic news almost smiles while informing that the conflict in Israel made the Bovespa close up. The economist heard on this channel Monday (5 / 9) - always a neo liberal - confirms exhaustively: the Petrobras shares are "pumping" in the financial market. It is as if they said: "To hell with the human being.”

The comments are done in totally free form: they are not treated as human beings. There are only variations of commodities due to the variation of "external factors," between them the ethnic extermination of a people. The presenter does not find that abnormal: she celebrates the year of 2009, which "was surprising" with all these "positive indicators".

In this bleak scenario in the Brazilian press, as a little more humanist citizen can track daily, from their critical sense, it only remains to protest and we recall the thought of Sophocles (495 BC-406 BC), the Greek playwright: "When will they call for force to stop the injustice and tyranny when respectable citizens were silent? (Gustavo Barreto

Pergantian Pejabat di Lingkungan TNI

Laksma TNI Edy Yusuf Jabat Komandan Lantamal III

Pangkalan Utama Angkatan Laut (Lantamal) III merupakan Komando pelaksana dukungan Koarmabar, dituntut mampu menyelenggarakan dukungan logistik dan administratif bagi satuan-satuan operasional TNI AL khususnya unsur-unsur Koarmabar, sehingga tugas-tugas operasional yang diemban Koarmabar dapat terlaksana Optimal.

Demikian dikatakan Panglima Komando Armada RI Kawasan Barat (Pangarmabar) Laksamana Muda TNI Soeparno saat bertindak selaku Inspektur Upacara pada upacara serah terima jabatan Komandan Lantamal III dari Laksamana Pertama TNI Djoko Prapto Harsono kepada Laksamana Pertama TNI Edy Yusuf di Mako Lantamal III, Jalan Gunung Sahari, Jakarta Pusat. Selasa (6/1).

Di bidang keamanan Laut, Lantamal III mempunyai tugas dan tanggung jawab menjaga dan menciptakan stabilitas keamanan perairan kawasan barat, khususnya perairan sekitar Selat Sunda sampai dengan Perairan Bangka Belitung. Disamping itu juga, mengingat lokasi Lantamal III berada di Ibu Kota, maka harus dapat memberikan tampilan yang terbaik karena dapat dijadikan cermin keberadaan Angkatan Laut secara keseluruhan, ujarnya.

Lebih lanjut ditegaskan Pangarmabar bahwa wilayah kerja yang menjadi tanggung jawab Lantamal III merupakan wilayah perairan yang sangat strategis, karena disamping mempunyai sumber daya alam yang tinggi juga merupakan jalur ALKI I atau jalur pelayaran internasional yang rawan terhadap kemungkinan terjadinya berbagai gangguan keamanan laut maupun ancaman berupa pelanggaran wilayah, sehingga diperlukan pengawasan yang lebih intensif. Walaupun dihadapkan dengan banyak kendala dan keterbatasan Lantamal III telah mampu melaksanakan tugasnya sesuai dengan tuntutan yang berkembang. (Dispenarmabar)

Mayor Laut (S) Suprihandono Pekas AAL

Rabu, 07 Jan 2009 13:10:11 -- Surabaya - Gubernur Akademi TNI AL (AAL), Laksda TNI Moch. Jurianto di Surabaya, Rabu melantik Mayor Laut (S) Suprihandono sebagai Perwira Pemegang Kas (Pekas) menggantikan Letkol Laut (S) Dadang Sudrajat.

Gubernur AAL dalam sambutannya sebagaimana dikutip Kabagpen AAL, Mayor Laut (KH) Drs Jamaludin berharap agar Pekas yang baru bisa mengembangkan keberhasilan-keberhasilan yang telah dicapai pejabat sebelumnya.

"Selain itu pada era sekarang ini tertib administrasi merupakan hal yang mutlak dan bukan hal yang tabu terutama yang menyangkut masalah penggunaan anggaran, fasilitas dinas material dan peralatan," katanya.

Menurut dia, seluruh kegiatan harus dipertanggung jawabkan sesuai dengan prosedur dan ketentuan yang berlaku sehingga pada gilirannya nanti akan berdampak pada terwujudnya transparansi dan pemerintahan yang bersih.

"Serah terima jabatan Pekas AAL ini merupakan wujud peremajaan atau kaderisasi yang diarahkan untuk memantapkan manajemen organisasi agar lebih baik dari waktu ke waktu," katanya.

Dengan pergantian pejabat ini, katanya, diharapkan kinerja dan perilaku organisasi menjadi lebih dinamis, profesional dan senantiasa memiliki kualitas yang semakin baik, serta dapat menghasilkan keluaran yang semakin baik pula.

Pada kesempatan itu ia juga mengemukakan bahwa AAL adalah wadah dan pusat pembentukan calon-calon pemimpin TNI AL masa depan. Dari AAL inilah maju mundurnya TNI AL di masa mendatang ditentukan.

"Oleh karena itu sudah sewajarnya dan tidak terlalu berlebihan apabila perioritas tertinggi dari semua pemikiran, kegiatan dan dukungan yang dilaksanakan lembaga AAL ini diperuntukan bagi Kadet dan Pasis Akademi Angkatan Laut," ujarnya. (Masuki M. Astro @antarajartim)

Kolonel Daru Prayogo Komandan Pusdiklek Kobangdikal

Rabu, 07 Jan 2009 11:50:34 -- Surabaya - Komandan Komando Pendidikan Dukungan Umum Kobangdikal, Kolonel Laut (T) Arif Ma’sum di Surabaya, Rabu melantik Kolonel Laut (E) Daru Prayogo sebagai Komandan Pusat Pendidikan Elektronika (Pusdiklek).

Daru Prayogo yang menggantikan Kolonel Laut (E) Bambang Wiratama itu sebelumnya bertugas sebagai Kepala Subdinas di Dinas Informasi dan Pengolahan Data TNI AL (Dinfolahtal), Jakarta.

Sementara Bambang Wiratama selanjutnya menjabat Kepala Dinas Komunikasi dan Elektronika (Kadiskomlek) Komando Armada RI Kawasan Barat (Koarmabar).

Komandan Komando Pendidikan Dukungan Umum Kobangdikal dalam sambutannya berharap
ada kesinambungan kepemimpinan dari pejabat lama ke pejabat baru guna memantapkan manajemen organisasi sehingga menghasilkan kinerja yang lebih baik.

"Pejabat baru diharapkan dapat membawa angin segar yang dapat membawa perubahan ke arah yang lebih baik di pusat pendidikan elektronika," katanya.

Ia juga mengemukakan bahwa pergantian jabatan itu juga bertujuan untuk merefleksikan semangat pembaruan dan kaderisasi di lingkungan yang pada akhirnya akan mendukung TNI AL yang semakin profesional dan berkualitas. (Masuki M. Astro @antarajartim)

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