62m Missile Corvette
Proven Platform
The 62m Missile Corvette is based on a well proven hull form with good see-keeping and resistance characteristics.
The hull is constructed of light gauge steel to a special longitudinal framing system while the superstructure is constructed using marine grade alumunium alloy. The end result is rugged, highly maneuverable platform capable of carrying a wide array of the latest weapons systems.
Optimised for Fighting Efficiency and Survivability
The vessel is capable of sustained operations at full speed up to Sea State 3 and at reduced speed up to Sea State 7.
The vessel is designed to present a low Radar Cross Section and a reduced infra red signature.
The hull is designed for stability in a damaged condition such as when two adjacent compartments are flooded.
Propulsion and auxiliary systems are designed for redundancy in case of damage.
Flexible Weapon Fit
The vessel as configured has a multi role capability with all the weapon and sensors for Attack, ASW and Self Defence Missions.
Depending on the owner’s priorities and requirements, other configura

Improved Habitability
Special attention has been given for crew comfort.
The layout features practical, uncluttered and ergonomically designed working and resting spaces. Operational and accommodation spaces are sited to optimize both functional efficiency and crew comfort. The use of the latest electronics for monitoring and control of major on board machinery and equipment means lower crew numbers.
All operational and accommodation areas are air-conditioned for operations in all climates.
Main Particulars
Length Overall: 62.40m
Length Waterline: 58.00m
Breadth Moulded: 8. 50m
Draft Maximum: 35 knots
Continuous Speed: 32 knots
The 62m Missile Corvette is especially designed for fulfill the following missions:
· Escort of shipping to protected it from attacks by hostile surface and air forces.
· To search and destroy hostile surface forces and deny sea passage to hostile sea transports
· Detection and attack on hostile submarine forces
· Provision of gunfire support in conjunction with a naval operation
· General patrolling, surveillance and protection of offshore rescources
A Typical weapon fit for the Missile Corvette should comprise:
· Medium caliber gun
· Medium and/or long range Surface to Surface Missiles (SSM)
· Close-in Weapon System (CIWS) or Anti-missile Missile (AMM)
· Medium range search radar
· Gun fire control radar
· Anti-submarine torpedoes
· Variable Depth Sonar (VDS)
· Electronic Warfare (EW) suite comprising , Electronic Support Measures (ESM), and Electronic Counter Measures (ECM)
· Commando & Control System
· Machine guns
Source: ST Marine