Penerbang Sukhoi Ditambah

PENAMBAHAN penerbang pesawat tempur Sukhoi segera dilakukan menyusul kedatangan secara bertahap enam pesawat tambahan asal Rusia itu. Saat ini baru ada tujuh penerbang yang masih aktif di markas Sukhoi, Skadron Udara 11, Pangkalan TNI AU (Lanud) Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar.

"Idealnya, jumlah penerbang satu setengah kali jumlah pesawat," kata Komandan Skadron 11 Letkol Widyargo Ikoputro di Makassar, Minggu (28/12). Saat ini telah ada enam jet tempur menyusul kedatangan dua Sukhoi, Jumat (26/12) lalu. Januari 2009 akan tiba satu pesawat lagi. Sedangkan tiga pesanan sisa dikirim bertahap hingga 2010. Artinya, pada 2010 setidaknya dibutuhkan 15 penerbang pesawat berjuluk Flanker itu.

Iko menjelaskan, mulai tahun depan pihaknya akan melakukan penjajakan terhadap beberapa penerbang tempur TNI AU seperti F-5E Tiger dan F-16 Fighting Falcon. Syaratnya, minimal telah mengantongi 200 jam terbang.

Matra udara tampaknya tak ingin main-main mencari pengawak pesawat canggih tersebut. Dari tujuh pilot yang ada, yakni Letkol Iko, Mayor Dedy Ilham, Mayor David Yohan Tamboto, Mayor Yosta Riza, Mayor Tonny Haryono, Mayor Untung Suropati, dan Letkol Andi Kustoro, semuanya sudah mengantongi lebih dari 2.000 jam terbang.

Bahkan, Oktober lalu, empat penerbang Sukhoi juga telah menjalani simulasi Sukhoi di China guna memantapkan kemampuan pilot Sukhoi yang sudah ada. Komandan Wing 5 Lanud Hasanuddin Kolonel Arif Mustofa mengatakan, ada beberapa cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk menyiapkan penerbang agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan operasi. Terlebih saat ini anggaran pertahanan dipangkas.

Dia menjelaskan, cara pertama mengirimkan sejumlah penerbang belajar simulator Sukhoi di luar negeri untuk meningkatkan kemampuan. "Agar biayanya lebih murah karena membeli simulator biayanya lebih mahal," katanya seperti dikutip Antara.

Kedua, mengirimkan beberapa pilot mengasah kemampuan terbang dan memenuhi jam terbang di mancanegara. Tujuannya, ketika tiba di Tanah Air sudah dapat melaksanakan tugasnya sesuai kebutuhan operasi atau siap melaksanakan operasi.

"Selain mengirim para penerbang belajar ke luar negeri, perlu ada modifikasi latihan berdasarkan skala prioritas," katanya menambahkan.Adhitya Cahya Utama @JURNAL INDONESIA

Sea trials of Russia's Yury Dolgoruky submarine postponed

SEVERODVINSK, December 30 (RIA Novosti) - Sea trials of Russia's first Borey-class strategic nuclear submarine have been postponed until spring 2009, a high-ranking Navy source said on Tuesday.

The fourth-generation Yury Dolgoruky was built at the Sevmash plant in northern Russia and was taken out of dry dock in April 2007. It will be equipped with sea-based Bulava ballistic missiles upgraded from Topol-M (SS-27) missiles.

"There still are issues with the placement of a nuclear reactor on board the submarine. Sea trials have been postponed until 2009 so that Sevmash specialists could deal with the remaining problems," the source said.

"The trials will start most likely after the spring thaw [in the Barents Sea]," he added.

Sevmash and Northern Fleet specialists conducted successful testing of the submarine's nuclear reactor on December 16, but Russia's state nuclear power corporation Rosatom has introduced heightened safety measures due to a recent accident on board the Nerpa nuclear-powered submarine and the failure of the test launch of a Bulava missile.

The failed submerged launch of the Bulava ICBM took place in December from the Dmitry Donskoi strategic nuclear-powered submarine in the White Sea, off Russia's northwest coast, targeting the Kura firing ground in Kamchatka, the Far East.

Russia earlier planned for the Bulava to enter service with the Navy in 2009. But a senior Russian Navy official said earlier this month that several more test launches must be conducted next year from the Yury Dolgoruky before a final decision to bring it into service was made.

The Yury Dolgoruky submarine is 170 meters (580 feet) long, has a hull diameter of 13 meters (42 feet), a crew of 107, including 55 officers, a maximum depth of 450 meters (about 1,500 feet) and a submerged speed of about 29 knots. It can carry up to 16 ballistic missiles.

Two other Borey-class nuclear submarines, the Alexander Nevsky and the Vladimir Monomakh, are currently under construction at the Sevmash shipyard and are expected to be completed in 2009 and 2011.

Russia's Navy commander, Adm. Vladimir Vysotsky, said in July that the construction of new-generation nuclear-powered ballistic missile and attack submarines was a top priority for the Russian Navy's development.

Under the Russian State Armaments Program for 2007-2015, the Navy will receive several dozen surface ships and submarines, including five Project 955 Borey-class submarines, two Project 885 Yasen nuclear-powered attack submarines, and six Project 677 Lada diesel-electric @RIA Novosti

Warship Trials Not Daunting

12:37 GMT, December 30, 2008 The second of the Royal Navy's new powerful Type 45 Destroyers, HMS Dauntless, has returned to her home on the Clyde after completing her first set of sea trials with great success.

During the four week period the 7,350 tonne vessel was put through her paces during blustery and wintry conditions, which provided a rigorous environment for testing her Power & Propulsion and Combat System.

The sea trials, conducted by prime contractor BVT, together with MOD, Royal Navy and other industry partners have allowed her to demonstrate her speed and manoeuvrability, performing so well that the crew was also able to complete additional Combat System trials.

Commenting on the ship's return, the MOD's Type 45 Programme Director, David Twitchin, said:
"The successful completion of HMS Dauntless' first set of Sea Trials ends 2008 with a particularly hectic period of activity for the Type 45 programme on the Clyde. In the last four months the first Type 45, HMS Daring, has completed her final set of Industry-led Sea Trials and has been Accepted off Contract.

"The fourth Type 45, HMS Dragon, has been launched, and now HMS Dauntless has completed a very successful set of initial Sea Trials. This year has witnessed the Joint Industry/MOD team delivering unprecedented success on a major warship programme.

"This is down to the hard work, dedication and innovation of the Joint MOD, RN and Industry team closely working together at all levels to overcome problems and achieve a common goal."

BVT's Type 45 programme director, Angus Holt added: "The Type 45 programme has already achieved one major milestone this week, but to achieve another in less than 48 hours is unprecedented.

"This is a great achievement and I am delighted that HMS Dauntless' trials have been such a great success.

"The team work between BVT, MOD, Royal Navy and sub-contractors has ensured that despite the many challenges set, she has returned to Scotstoun on schedule, with all trials achieved."

HMS Dauntless is in very good shape and ready to commence preparations for her second set of Sea Trials, due in July 2009, which will focus on Combat System testing and Acceptance activity. news @defro photos @royalnavy

Lantamal Merauke Operasional 15 Januari

PANGKALAN Utama TNI Angkatan Laut (Lantamal) XI Merauke akan diresmikan bertepatan dengan Hari Dharma Samudra TNI AL, 15 Januari 2009. Persetujuan telah dikeluarkan Departemen Pertahanan (Dephan) dan Markas Besar TNI.

"Operasional sangat dibutuhkan guna optimalisasi pengamanan wilayah perbatasan dan daerah rawan," kata Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI AL Laksma Iskandar Sitompul saat dihubungi Jurnal Nasional di Jakarta, Senin (29/12). Dia menjelaskan, pembangunan Lantamal Merauke didasarkan analisis peningkatan kehadiran unsur-unsur matra laut di perairan Laut Arafuru dan sekitarnya.

Terlebih daerah ini berbatasan langsung dengan Papua Nugini dan Australia. Dengan rencana peresmikan Lantamal Merauke maka di Papua terdapat dua lantamal yakni di Jayapura dan Merauke. Lantamal Jayapura membawahi Lanal Sorong, Manokwari, Biak, Pos Laut Liki, dan Mapia.

Lantamal ini berperan mengawasi serta menanggulangi perairan utara Papua. Sedangkan Lantamal Merauke akan membawahi Lanal Timika, Aru, Tual, dan Posal Saumlaki yang berperan mengawasi perairan selatan Papua. Iskandar mengakui, kesiapan infrastruktur pangkalan belum benar-benar ideal.

Dia mencontohkan, dermaga yang masih digabung dengan dermaga umum. Begitu pula dengan jumlah personel. Dari kebutuhan 700 prajurit baru terpenuhi sekitar 400 personel. "Akan terus ditingkatkan sampai mencukupi jumlah yang diharapkan," katanya.

Dia menolak menyebutkan total dana yang dikucurkan untuk pembangunan lantamal. Anggaran disalurkan secara bertahap sejak 2006 lalu. "Tapi untuk markas saja sudah Rp10 miliar," kata lulusan Akademi Angkatan Laut tahun 1980 itu. Pembangunan markas menempati lahan seluas 5,7 hektare dan mulai dibangun awal Agustus 2007.

Selain Lantamal Merauke, matra laut telah meresmikan Pangkalan TNI AL (Lanal) Kelas C di Pulau Rote, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Oktober lalu. Pembentukan pangkalan ini didasari pertimbangan posisi pulau Rote strategis dalam memberikan dukungan logistik operasional unsur TNI AL yang beroperasi di laut Samudera Hindia. Pulau ini juga berbatasan langsung dengan Australia.

"Di sana juga rawan terjadinya pelanggaran kapal asing," kata dia. Iskandar mengatakan, pengembangan pangkalan menjadi salah satu cara memaksimalkan kekuatan alat utama sistem persenjataan yang dimiliki. KRI yang dimiliki TNI AL saat ini sebanyak 147 unit.

Jumlah ini masih belum mencukupi mengingat 2/3 wilayah Indonesia berupa lautan. "Peningkatan jangkauan pengawasan wilayah dapat dilakukan lewat penataan pangkalan," katanya. Adhitya Cahya Utama @JURNAL INDONESIA

NAVAIR buys two more C-40A Clippers

12:47 GMT, December 30, 2008 NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS COMMAND, PATUXENT RIVER, Md. NAVAIR’s Support and Commercial Derivative Aircraft program office has just finalized a $136.1 million contract with the Boeing Company to buy two more C-40A Clippers.

“The team really came together and did an amazing job pushing this contract through. Our warfighters, the Navy and the Clipper community is better and stronger because of the efforts of this team,” said Capt. James Wallace, Support and Commercial Derivative Aircraft program manager (PMA207).

The Clipper’s provide long range, high priority logistical airlift in support of Fleet needs and can support humanitarian relief operations in the United States and around the world. They are equipped with a state-of-the-art “glass” cockpit, fuel efficient engines and fuel saving blended winglets.

These new aircraft are expected to be delivered in the first and second quarter of Fiscal Year 2011. The Navy has ordered and received nine Clippers, which are based at Naval Air Station/Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth, Texas (3), NAS Jacksonville, Fla. (3) and NAS North Island, Calif. (3). This order will push the Clipper fleet total to 11 aircraft, with six more remaining to be ordered. The Clippers are owned and flown by the Navy Reserve.

The Clipper is the Navy version of Boeing’s 737-700 commercial jet. It can carry either 121 passengers or eight pallets of cargo or a combination of both, 70 passengers and three pallets of cargo. news @defro

Hamas hits deepest targets in Israel

30 Dec 2008 19:18:32 GMT, PRESS TV - Hamas has extended the reach of its rocket attacks on Israel, hitting towns some 25 miles (40 kilometers) east of the beleaguered Gaza Strip. Hamas's military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, said in a statement that it had fired a Grad rocket against the town of Be'er Sheva, 40 kilometers east to the strip

The Hamas rocket attacks have been intensified since the Israeli onslaught on the Gaza Strip began on Saturday.

Some 385 Palestinians have been killed and at least 1,600 others have been wounded as the Israeli airstrikes continue for a fourth day.

Israel's Channel Seven reported that the Hamas rockets have also hit an area between Rahat and the city of Be'er Sheva, Israel's seventh largest city.

The town of Kiryat Malachi, located 30 kilometers (18 miles) from Israel's border with Gaza, and Netivot have also been targeted by retaliatory rocket attacks.

On Tuesday, at least 16 rockets landed in the city of Sderot while a rocket hit an open area south of Ashkelon.

Six Israelis have been killed by rocket attacks since the raids on Gaza started. At least sixteen others have been reported wounded.

The retaliatory rocket attacks promoted Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Tuesday to declare a "special situation" in all areas located within 30 kilometers of Gaza. Cities outside the emergency zone ware also on alert for possible attacks while cities, as far as Rehovot some 43 kilometers form Gaza, have begun to prepare for Hamas attacks. (SB/MD) news @PRESS TV

Russian frigate escorted over 50 ships on anti-piracy mission

RFS Neustrashimy 712 (photo Tim the Sailor @flickr)

MOSCOW, December 30 (RIA Novosti) - The Russian Baltic Fleet's frigate Neustrashimy (Fearless) protected over 50 commercial ships from pirates off the Somali coast in 2008, a Russian Navy spokesman said on Tuesday.

The missile frigate has been operating off the Horn of Africa according to international maritime law and agreements since the end of October.

"During its mission in the Gulf of Aden, the Russian combat vessel escorted 13 convoys, totaling 51 ships, through the dangerous waters [off the Somali coast]," Capt. 1st Rank Igor Dygalo said.

Dygalo said the frigate would continue its mission until mid-January and would be replaced by another Russian combat ship.

Pirates have been increasingly active in the waters off Somalia, where over 120 ships have been attacked so far this year, with around 40 vessels seized. The navies of at least 10 countries are involved in anti-piracy operations off the coast of the East African nation.

The UN Security Council adopted a resolution in December authorizing countries and multinational organizations involved in tackling piracy to "undertake all necessary measures in Somalia, including in its airspace" to prevent "acts of piracy and armed robbery at sea."

Resolution 1851 (2008), which was drafted by the United States, will be in force for one year. news @RiA Novosti

Kontingen TNI Kongo Terima Peralatan Baru

KOMPI Zeni TNI Kontingen Garuda XX-F yang bertugas dalam misi perdamaian PBB di Kongo menerima alat berat, seperti truk dan bulldozer, dan dua kontainer dukungan peralatan dari Markas Besar TNI.

"Alat baru ini sangat membantu tugas yang kami emban," kata Komandan Kontingen Garuda XX-F Mayor Sugeng Haryadi Yogopranowo dalam siaran pers yang diterima redaksi, Senin (29/12).

Saat ini Kontingen Garuda yang terdiri dari 175 personel bertugas memberikan bantuan Zeni untuk memulihkan keadaan di Kongo pascakonflik berkepanjangan. Sugeng berharap, bertambahnya alat berat yang dimiliki akan mempermudah dan mempercepat pekerjaan yang dibebankan kepada Kontingen Indonesia. (Adhitya Cahya Utama)


Saab signs contract worth more than 10 million Euro

Saab signed a contract concerning life time extension of the BILL anti-tank missile system. The order value is approximately 10 million Euro (approx. SEK 104 million).

The contract means that the customer will be retaining the Saab-developed anti-tank missile system capabilities for at least a further 10 years.

BILL Firing Mode
Besides being light and man-portable it can also be vehicle configured. When deployed in ground action it is operated by a two-man crew. And to increase its target flexibility the missile can be launched in three modes.(SaabGroup)

Australian Soldier Wounded in Afghanistan

An Australian soldier serving with the Australian Mentoring and Reconstruction Task Force (MRTF) in Oruzgan Province was wounded in an attack by Taliban insurgents on Monday 29 December.

The soldier was part of a MRTF patrol that was providing support to Afghan National Army operations when it was attacked on Monday morning local time (approximately 4.50 pm AEST).

The soldier received immediate first aid for a gunshot wound while his fellow patrol members continued to engage the insurgents. He was assessed as being in a serious condition and was evacuated by helicopter to hospital facilities at Tarin Kowt.

The soldier has received medical treatment at the ISAF hospital and is now in a stable condition.(DEFENCE MEDIA RELEASE)

Tentara Wanita Indonesia di Konga XXV - A Lebanon

KabarIndonesia - Dalam pemberangkatan satgas PBB dari Indonesia yang tergabung dalam Kontingen Garuda XXV ke Lebanon, kali ini tidak seperti pengiriman kantinen sebelumnya.

Konga XXV - A Lebanon, selain pengiriman satgas Polisi Militer Indonesia, juga karena didalamnya terdapat 4 wanita TNI yang terdiri dari 3 angkatan.

Mereka adalah Lettu CPM Afsistaliana, Letda Laut Putu Dian Ekawati SH, Serka Pom Fitri Halman dan Sertu Nina Tri Hestuty.

Menurut Letda Laut Putu Dian Ekawati SH, pengiriman wanita TNI dalam penugasan di medan operasi ini adalah untuk yang pertama kalinya bagi wanita TNI di luar negeri.

Tugas ini, menurut Lettu CPM Afsistiana, menuntut wanita TNI untuk dapat menyelesaikan tugas yang sama dengan prajurit pria. "Disinilah dituntut keprofesionalan wanita TNI dalam melaksanakan tugasnya tanpa perbedaan gender," ucap Letda Laut Putu Dian Ekawati SH, wanita asli Buleleng, Bali ini pada HOKI.

Kata Serka Pom Haliman, keempat wanita TNI mendapat penugasan di sektor timur Lebanon. "Tepatnya di Marjayoun, di tempat yang memiliki perbedaan budaya bahasa iklim," ucap Sertu Nina Tri Hestuty pada HOKI.(Bambang M. Yanto)

Rockets fired from Gaza kill 2 Israelis within hour

By Amos Harel and Yanir Yagana, Haaretz Correspondents, Haaretz Service, and Reuters - Two Israelis were killed Monday evening as Gaza militants pelted southern Israel with rockets and mortar shells, as Israel concluded its third day of aerial assaults on the Gaza Strip.

One Israel Defense Forces soldier was killed in a mortar strike in a western Negev base, and another was seriously wounded. Four others were lightly hurt in the attack.

The other fatality occurred when a woman got out of her vehicle when she heard the early warning siren in the city of Ashdod, and sought shelter in a bus stop on the side of the road. She sustained critical shrapnel wounds, and later died. Another passerby who also ducked into the bus stop for shelter suffered serious injuries in the attack.Three people were lightly hurt in Ashdod, which is situated some 35 kilometers from the Gaza border.

On Tuesday morning, Israel Air Force warplanes killed 10 Palestinians in attacks that targeted Hamas government buildings and other symbols of the Islamist group.

Israeli missiles flattened five ministerial buildings and a structure belonging to the Islamic University in Gaza City, witnesses said.

Hamas missiles first hit near Ashdod on Sunday. Monday's attack marked the first time the city suffered casualties from missiles, as Israel concluded a third day of aerial assaults on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip.

Simultaneously, in what appeared to be a timed maneuver, a barrage of mortar shells was fired at the Sha'ar Hanegev Regional council in the western Negev.

Shortly after the attacks, three rockets struck Yavneh, the furthest north any rocket has even been fired from the Gaza Strip. No one was hurt in the attack.

Three rockets also hit the city of Ofakim, and one person was seriously hurt in the attack.

The combined rocket-mortar shell attack came hours after 27-year-old Israeli construction worker Hani al Mahdi, from the Bedouin village of Aroer, was killed in a rocket attack in Ashkelon.

Fourteen people were wounded in the attack on Ashkelon, as the rocket exploded near a construction site in the coastal town.

Most of the victims were construction workers from the Galilee village of Manda and the Bedouin town of Rahat. Five were considered in serious condition, four sustained moderate wounds, and five suffered light injuries.

Curious onlookers gathered at the scene despite the Home Front Command's directive to avoid loitering in groups outdoors.

At least 60 rockets have been fired into Israel since Monday morning. Several of the rockets hit Ashkelon, while others struck Sderot and other rocket weary communities in the western Negev. One home in Sderot sustained a direct hit. Channel 2 reported that the residents of the home have been treated for shock.

"I'm standing next to the body," Ashkelon Mayor Benny Vaknin told Israel Radio by telephone on Monday. "To my great regret, we have a fatality. He was killed."

Sirens wailed intermittently on Monday morning in Ashkelon as television crews captured footage of panicked residents seeking cover from the incoming projectiles.

On Sunday, Gaza-based Palestinians launched a barrage of at least 40 rockets at the western Negev on Sunday, as the Israel Air Force continued to bomb targets in the Strip.

Two Katyusha rockets, with a diameter of 122 mm, exploded near Ashdod on Sunday. More than 30 kilometers from Gaza, this was the deepest into Israel a Palestinian rocket has yet to strike.

The Katyushas, which are the most improved versions of the Palestinian rockets, have a range of up to 40 kilometers. The particular rockets that struck on Sunday traveled 37 and 35 kilometers. NEWS @HAARETZ

South Ossetia claims Georgia moving tanks close to border

MOSCOW, December 29 (RIA Novosti) - Georgia is moving tanks and armored vehicles closer to the border with South Ossetia, the Georgian breakaway republic said Monday.
"According to intelligence reports, Georgia has moved 28 tanks to Gori, where a tank battalion is stationed. In addition, Cobra armored vehicles have been spotted in the village of Nikozi near the South Ossetian border," the state committee on information and press said in a statement.

The European Union Monitoring Mission (EUMM) said last Friday it was concerned over the deployment by Georgia of Cobra armored vehicles in areas close to the South Ossetian and Abkhazian borders.

Georgia's Interior Ministry has confirmed reports of Cobra vehicles being in a number of villages and said the EU has been informed of that.
The head of the ministry's analytical department said the vehicles are employed to patrol and control the situation.

"We brought Cobra vehicles to border villages, including Nikozi, two weeks ago," Shota Utiashvili said.

Cobra @ Otokar

Georgia attacked South Ossetia on August 7-8 in an attempt to regain control over the republic, which, along with Abkhazia, split from Georgia in the early 1990s.

In response Russia launched a military operation to repel Georgia's troops from the region, which concluded on August 12, ending up deep in Georgian territory.

In accordance with a French-brokered peace deal, Russia withdrew its forces from Georgian buffer zones ahead of an October 10 deadline. The peacekeepers were replaced by a 200-strong EU monitoring mission to Georgia. NEWS @RIA Novosti

Operation ATALANTA's First Pirate Engagement

0:26 GMT, December 29, 2008 The German frigate FDS Karlsruhe F212 (Bremen Class frigates ), assisted a 65,000 tonne Egyptian bulk carrier in fighting off a pirate attack in the Gulf of Aden yesterday morning. This engagement, was initiated after the MV Wadi Al Arab made an emergency call for assistance after coming under attack at 11:00 local time on the morning of the 25 December 08.

The KARLSRUHE's helicopter was launched and fired warning shots to deter the attack which was abandoned. The pirates were then stopped and their arms and equipment were throw into the sea.

After the rescue a merchant seaman, who suffered a gun shot wound to the leg during the attack, was transferred to the KARLSRUHE for medical treatment and then flown ashore to hospital where his condition is described as stable.

This was the first engagement a EUNAVFOR vessel has been involved in since Operation ATALANTA was launched 2 weeks ago, and demonstrates how good communication combined with prompt and robust action can thwart piracy attacks.NEWS @DEFPRO

The German Navy has eight Bremen Class frigates designed and built by Bremer Vulkan in the 1980s. The first of class, Bremen (F207), was commissioned in 1982; Niedersachsen (F 208) in 1982; Rheinland-Pfalz (F 209) in 1983; Emden (F 210) in 1983; Koln (F 211) in 1984; Karlsruhe (F 212) in 1984; Augsburg (F213) in 1989 and Lubeck (F214) in 1990. @NAVAL-TECHNOLOGY

Moscow says offer to U.S. on joint radar use still stands

MOSCOW, December 29 (RIA Novosti) - Russia's offer to the U.S. to jointly use the Gabala radar station it leases from Azerbaijan is still on the table, a first Russian deputy foreign minister said on Monday.

"Our proposal remains on the table. The new U.S. administration will encounter serious problems with regard to the implementation of its third missile site plan in Europe. We are not exerting any pressure on the U.S. administration here," Andrei Denisov said.

He added that Russia's proposal was more "cost effective" than other projects since the radar station was already out there and could operate "for decades to come."

Moscow has strongly opposed the possible deployment by the U.S. of 10 interceptor missiles in Poland and a radar in the Czech Republic as a threat to its security and nuclear deterrence. Washington says the defenses are needed to deter possible strikes from "rogue states."

US missile defense radar in the Czech Republic @Ria Novosti

Russia has offered the United States the use of its radar stations in Armavir which is about 700 km (450 miles) to the northwest of the Iranian border, and just 100 km (62 miles) to the north of Soch and Gabala in Azerbaijan as alternatives, but Washington said they would only be used as "supplements," if at all.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has vowed to retaliate over the U.S. missile shield plans in Central Europe.

NEWS @RIA Novosti

Canadian Forces To Receive Cyclone Helicopter Fleet With Leading Edge Technology

CH148 Cyclone @photobucket

10:23 GMT, December 29, 2008 Gatineau, Quebec | The Minister of Public Works and Government Services of Canada, Christian Paradis, and the Minister of National Defence and Minister for the Atlantic Gateway, Peter Gordon MacKay, announced amendments to the contracts with Sikorsky International Operations, Inc., for the Maritime Helicopter Project.

“These amendments represent a significant accomplishment in getting compliant maritime helicopters with a minimum of delay, while protecting the investment of Canadian taxpayers,” said Minister Paradis. “They will ensure that the Canadian Forces receive the new leading-edge helicopters that they need.”

“The Canadian Forces will now receive their first Cyclone helicopter in November 2010, a date that will allow our men and women in uniform to continue their outstanding work,” stated Minister MacKay. “We’re getting a great aircraft and we have come to the best agreement possible for the Canadian Forces members and for the Canadian public.”

In November 2004, the Government of Canada signed contracts with Sikorsky International Operations Inc. for the Maritime Helicopter Project, to provide 28 helicopters to replace the Canadian Forces Sea King helicopter fleet, as well as 20 years of in-service support and a training facility. In January 2008, Sikorsky formally advised the Government of delays in the original schedule. As a result of in-depth negotiations, these contract amendments were made to minimize the schedule changes, and add valuable cost effective improvements to the helicopters within the original budget of the project.

This project is a large and complex procurement with many factors affecting the delivery schedule. The government has determined that the delays experienced were largely outside the control of the Contractor. The contract amendments provide the best option to the replacement of the Sea King Fleet with new, state of the art, enhanced capability Cyclone helicopters. This will ensure that Sikorsky and its major Canadian subcontractors continue to perform work to provide the Canadian Forces with a helicopter that meets the needs of Canada—helicopters that will have the capacity to operate effectively aboard our Navy ships during military roles and missions both at home and abroad.

Accommodation: Crew 2, Passengers 22
Dimensions: Height 5.5 m, Length 20.9 m, Main Rotor Diameter 17.2 m, Width 3.2 m
Weights: Max Weight 14,300 kg (31,526 lb)
Performance: Ceiling 3,353 m (11,001 ft), Cruise Speed 71 mps (254 kph), Max Range 880 km (475 nm), Top Speed 78 mps (280 kph)
Power: Power 6,000 shp
Other: Main Rotor Blades 4, Number of Engines 2

Tiap Hari, Lima KRI Siaga di Ambalat

TARAKAN - Setiap hari lima kapal perang TNI-AL siaga di perbatasan Ambalat, Nunukan, Kalimantan Timur (Kaltim), terutama di perairannya. Tahun depan jumlahnya ditambah menjadi tujuh buah yang siaga di perbatasan dengan Malaysia itu. "Ini bukan show of force (unjuk kekuatan, Red) ya. Jangan sampai muncul pertanyaan yang tidak-tidak," jelas Wakasal Laksamana Madya TNI Moeklas Sidik saat berkunjung ke Tarakan kemarin (28/12).

Menurut Moeklas, kapal perang tersebut hanya menegaskan tugas pokok pengamanan antarwilayah perbatasan. Hal itu terbukti dengan makin hormatnya negara tetangga, dalam hal ini Malaysia, atas kedaulatan NKRI, utamanya terhadap batas laut.

Penempatan kapal perang di kawasan tersebut penting. Sebab, sampai saat ini belum ada pangkalan utama AL (lantamal) di wilayah tersebut. Menurut Moeklas, untuk 2009 sudah dianggarkan dana Rp 7 miliar guna tahap persiapan pembangunan lantamal di sana.

Meskipun belum ada pangkalan atau pelabuhan sandar khusus kapal perang, berkat dukungan pemerintah dan masyarakat, khususnya Kaltim, semua kapal perang yang disiagakan di daerah perbatasan itu dapat berlabuh di pelabuhan umum yang ada di sejumlah daerah. "Hal tersebut sudah kami anggap dukungan dari pemerintah dan masyarakat. Selain sudah disiapkannya lahan 38 hektare oleh Pemkot Tarakan untuk pembangunan lantamal," tambahnya. (ndy/jpnn/ruk)


Palestinian factions continue firing missiles at Israel

Qassam Rockets @Honestreporting

GAZA, Dec 29 - Palestinian factions continued to fire missiles at Israeli towns and settlements close to Gaza Strip on Monday.

Ezzedeen Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, claimed responsibility for firing three Russian-made Grad missiles at Magdel, southern Israel.

Meanwhile, Saladin Brigades, the military wing of the National Resistance Brigades, said in a statement that it launched two "Nasser II" missiles at Nahal Oz, east of Gaza Strip.

Both factions said the attacks were in retaliation for the massacre of Palestinians in the Israeli air raid on Gaza Strip, which is in its third day.
On the Israeli side, an army spokesman told Radio Israel that three Grad missiles fired from Gaza Strip fell over eastern Negev, but said that there were no casualties or damage.(zt.ema)


World U.S. Navy frigate arrives in Georgia on two-day visit

TBILISI, December 29 (RIA Novosti) - A U.S. frigate arrived in the Georgian port of Batumi on Monday as part of a two-day visit, a spokesman for the U.S. Embassy in Georgia said.

The USS Taylor (FFG-50) guided missile frigate would make a two-day regular port call the spokesman said, adding that no drills were planned during the stopover.

The 20-member crew will be met by representatives of the local administration and the Georgian Coast Guard, and a number of cultural events have been scheduled, he said.

USS Taylor (FFG-50)

Class: Oliver Hazard Perry As Built
Displacement: 2750 tons (std), 3605 tons (full)
Dimensions: 453' (oa) x 45' x 14' 9"; 24' 6" (sonar)
Armament: 1 OTO Melara 3"/62 cal. Mk 75, 1 Vulcan Phalanx CIS, 4-.50 cal. MGs,1 Mk 13 Mod 4 launcher, 4 SSM McDonnell-Douglas Harpoon missiles, 36 GDC-Pomona Standard SM-1MR missiles, 6-324mm Mk 32 (2 triple) tubes / Mk 46 torpedoes, 2 hangars / 2 SH-60B Seahawk LAMPS MkIII helos
Machinery: 2 GE LM 2500 gas turbine engines; 41,000 shp; 1 shaft, cp propeller, 325 hp retractable propeller pods
Speed: 29 Knots Crew: 13/206 (includes 19 air detachment)
Radars: AN/SPS-55 (surface), AN/SPS-49 (air)
Sonars: AN/SQS-56, AN/SQR-19 TACTAS (towed array)

NEWS @RIA Novosti

MiG-21 approaches its twilight years

BRUSSELS, Belgium - An icon of the Cold War, the MiG-21 came to symbolize the military might of the Soviet Union as it squared off against the West in conflicts from Vietnam to Africa and the Middle East.

Now, exactly 50 years after it entered service, the jet fighter is approaching the twilight of its career in frontline service - with NATO, the former Soviet Union's main rival.The rugged and agile jet earned a reputation as a versatile and effective short-range interceptor with low operating costs and excellent performance. Just like the Kalashnikov AK-47 automatic rifle - another robust and reliable weapon that epitomized Soviet power - the MiG-21 holds a unique place in military history.

"It was one of the best fighters ever, very reliable, and a real challenge to all pilots who fought against it," said David Ivry, a former chief of the Israeli Air Force who battled MiG-21s as a squadron leader in the 1967 Six-Day War and as a commander in the 1973 and 1982 wars.

MiGs derived their name from the initials of their designers, Artem Mikoyan and Mikhail Gurevich. Codenamed Fishbed by NATO, the MiG-21 gained fame during the Vietnam War, where it was used by the North Vietnamese air force to intercept American bombers.

Although heavily outnumbered, the small Fishbeds could evade radar and ambush U.S. formations with hit-and-run attacks in which many U.S. jets, including top-of-the line F-4 Phantoms, were downed or forced to abort their missions.

"The MiG-21 was lighter and more agile than the Phantom, which gave it a better chance to survive in a dogfight," wrote Russian aviation historian Vladimir Babich, who analyzed the MiG's performance in Vietnam.

The U.S. Air Force first gained vital insight into the Mig-21s capabilities after a defecting Iraqi pilot brought one to Israel in 1966. The Israelis also exploited their findings during the 1967 Six-Day war, when their surprise air strikes destroyed the Arab air forces on the ground.

Although the plane's performance was enhanced over the years, designers never succeeded in overcoming the limited fuel capacity, stemming from the design's small size. Another weakness was thick windshield framing that reduced the pilot's forward visibility, a serious problem during aerial combat.

Still, more than 10,000 MiG-21s were built, making it the most widely produced jet fighter ever built.

The delta-winged Mach 2 interceptor - Mach 2 is double the speed of sound - was widely exported and became the backbone of about 50 air forces in Europe, Africa and Asia. It was used in a dozen armed conflicts in the past 30 years, more than any other fighter in history.

In the 1970s, the U.S. introduced two jets which outperformed the MiG-21 - the new F-15 Eagles and F-16 Fighting Falcons. The Soviets countered with MiG-29s and Sukhoi-27s. By the 1980s the aging Fishbeds were relegated to second-line duties, like reconnaissance.

Russia has long since retired the MiG-21, but it remains operational with numerous air forces around the world.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, the USSR's former East European allies joined NATO, bringing more than 200 of their aging MiG-21s into the Western alliance.

Most have since been replaced, but the old warhorse soldiers on in NATO members Romania and Bulgaria, and in Croatia, scheduled to join the alliance in 2009. All three plan to retire the Fishbed over the next three or four years.

Alen Warnes, editor of Air Forces Monthly, a specialized British publication, noted that the MiG-21 is the last fighter from the 1950s to remain operational and that no other fighter has achieved such longevity.

"No aircraft has influenced military aviation in post-World War II Europe more than the MiG-21," Warnes said.(By Slobodan Lekic, The Associated Press)

Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 Fishbed

Origin: Russia
Type: multi-role fighter
Max Speed: 1,203kt / 1,385mph
Max Range: 1,160km / 721miles
span 7.15m / 23ft 5.5in length 15.76m / 51ft 8.5in height 4.10 m / 13 ft 5.4in
empty 5,200kg / 11,464lb max. take-off 22,925lb / 10,400kg
one 7500-kg (16,535-lb) afterburning thrust Tumanskii R-25 turbojet
one 23-mm GSh-23 two-barrel cannon with 200 rounds, plus four underwing pylons suitable for AA-2 'Atoll' orAA-8 'Aphid' AAMs, UV-16-57 rocket launchers, 500- or 250-kg (1,102- or 551-lb) bombs, S-24 240-mm(9.45-in) air-to-surface rockets, or drop tanks
Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Congo, Republic of the, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, India, Laos, Libya, Madagascar, Mali, Mongolia, Nigeria, North Korea, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Sudan, Syria, Uganda, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia


Penambahan Penerbang Sukhoi Segera Dilakukan

Sejumlah prajurit TNI AU bersama teknisi Rusia menurunkan Sukhoi dari perut pesawat Antonov milik Rusia setibanya di Bandara Hasanuddin Makassar, Jumat (26/12). Dua pesawat tersebut merupakan pesanan TNI AU dari enam yang akan dibeli. FOTO ANTARA/Yusran Uccang/Spt/ss/08

Makassar (ANTARA News) - Penambahan penerbang jet tempur Sukhoi akan segera dilakukan, menyusul kedatangan tiga pesawat tempur Su-30MK2 pada Desember 2008 dan Januari 2009 serta tiga Su-27SKM hingga 2010.

Komandan Skadron Udara 11 Pangkalan Udara (Lanud) Sultan Hasanuddin ,Letkol Pnb, Widyargo Ikoputro, kepada ANTARA di Makassar, Minggu, mengatakan idealnya jumlah penerbang adalah satu setengah kali jumlah pesawat.

"Karena itu, mulai 2009 kami sudah melakukan penjajakan terhadap beberapa penerbang tempur TNI AU, seperti pilot F-5E Tiger dan F-16 Fighting Falcon, minimal pada mereka yang telah memiliki 200 jam terbang," tuturnya.

Ia mengatakan saat ini ada tujuh penerbang Sukhoi yang masih aktif di Skadron 11. Mereka adalah Letkol Pnb Widyargo Ikoputra (Komandan Skadron Udara 11 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin) dengan 2.600 jam terbang, Mayor Pnb Dedy Ilham Suryanto Salam (Dan Flight Ops A Skadron Udara 11) dengan 2.400 jam terbang, Mayor Pnb David Yohan Tamboto (Dan Flight Ops B Skadron Udara 11) dengan 2.200 jam terbang, dan Mayor Pnb Yosta Riza (Ka Opslat Wing 5 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin) dengan 2.100 jam terbang.

Selain itu, tercantum pula Mayor Pnb M. Tonny Haryono (Ka Ruops Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin) dengan 2.200 jam terbang, Mayor Pnb Untung Suropati dan Letkol Pnb Andi Kustoro (Pabandya Ops Sops Koopsau II) dengan 2.800 jam terbang.

Ikoputro menambahkan, sebelumnya pihaknya telah mengajukan delapan calon penerbang baru Sukhoi dan telah menjalani pendidikan selama 3,5 bulan di Rusia.

Bahkan pada Oktober 2008, empat penerbang Sukhoi juga telah menjalani simulasi Sukhoi di China guna memantapkan kemampuan pilot Sukhoi yang sudah ada guna mengawaki enam pesawat Sukhoi baru yang akan tiba secara bertahap mulai Jumat (26/12) hingga 2010 melengkapi empat unit Sukhoi yang telah dimiliki TNI AU.

Sementara itu, Komandan Wing 5 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin, Kolonel Pnb Arif Mustofa mengatakan, untuk menyiapkan penerbang agar sesuai dengan kebutuhan operasi ada beberapa cara yang dapat dilakukan agar sesuai dengan anggaran yang terbatas.

"Cara pertama, mengirimkan sejumlah penerbang untuk belajar simulator Sukhoi di luar, agar biayanya lebih murah karena kalau kita membeli simulator biayanya lebih mahal," tuturnya.

Dengan belajar menggunakan simulator, maka kemampuan penerbang akan dapat terus ditingkatkan, tambahnya.

Kedua, dengan mengirimkan beberapa pilot untuk mengasah kemampuan terbang dan memenuhi jam terbang di mancanegara, se hingga ketika tiba di Tanah Air sudah dapat melaksanakan tugasnya sesuai kebutuhan operasi atau siap melaksanakan operasi.

"Kesiapan operasi penerbang di sini, tidak perlu dipenuhi lagi dengan setiap hari latihan karena sudah dipenuhi di luar negeri. Cukup, empat sampai lima jam selama satu bulan," kata Arif, yang sempat mengikuti simulator Sukhoi di China beberapa waktu lalu.

Selain mengirim para penerbang belajar ke luar negeri, perlu ada modifikasi latihan berdasarkan skala prioritas,imbuhnya.


Israel defends 2nd day of pounding Gaza

Sun, 28 Dec 2008 16:57:54 GM, PRESS TV - Israel's ambassador to the UN defends the "right" for Tel Aviv to attack Gaza, as airstrikes on the strip continue for a second day.

Israeli officials say the military operation is aimed at taking out Hamas compounds throughout the coastal sliver. At least 300 people have been killed by the attacks, which started on Saturday.

IAF ground forces during Operation Cast Lead (IDF Spokesperson)

Israeli envoy to the UN Gabriela Shalev said Sunday that the Hamas movement had forced Tel Aviv to launch the military campaign on Gaza.

"Enough is enough. We had no choice but to go on a military operation and the only party to blame is the Hamas. Israel has been effecting its right to self defense," she told reporters Sunday.

The US blames Hamas for provoking Tel Aviv and has called on the movement to stop its rocket attacks on Israel "if the violence is to stop," said US National Security Council spokesman Gordon Johndroe in a statement on Saturday.

Ground crew prepare helicopter for operation (IAF)

On Sunday, the US blocked a UN Security Council resolution calling for an immediate halt to the ongoing assaults on Gaza. The council, meanwhile, called for an end to all military activities in region.

When asked whether Israel would comply with the council's call, the Israeli envoy evaded the question by saying such decision would be a determinant of the action of the Palestinian movement.

"We will wait and see whether Hamas is going to abide," Shalev said.

Hamas has vowed to launch rocket strikes in retaliation to the attacks on Gaza. On Saturday, an Israeli man was killed by a Hamas rocket and four others were wounded.

The death toll in the Gaza Strip, meanwhile, continues to rise, as the Israeli operations are still underway. So far, reports suggest that at least 300 people have been killed since the attacks started on Saturday.(MD/MMN)


Pengamanan Udara Ambalat Tetap Jadi Prioritas

JAKARTA--MI: Panglima Komando Operasi Angkatan Udara (Koopsau) II Marsekal Muda TNI Yushan Sayuti menyatakan pengamanan udara secara intensif di wilayah Ambalat akan tetap dilakukan dan menjadi prioritas, meski perundingan antara Indonesia dan Malaysia masih berjalan.

"Ambalat tetap akan jadi prioritas kami, meski kami tidak berarti mengabaikan keberadaan pulau-pulau terluar kita yang berbatasan langsung dengan negara lain," katanya, ketika dikonfirmasi di Jakarta, Minggu (28/12) terkait penambahan tiga pesawat jet tempur Sukhoi di Skadron Udara 11 Pangkalan Udara (Lanud) Sultan Hasanuddin , Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan.

Yushan mengatakan kehadiran tiga Sukhoi SU-30MK2 tersebut, akan menambah kekuatan tempur TNI AU untuk mendukung kekuatan daya tangkal (detterence). Dengan segala kelebihan yang diusung SU-30MK2 dibanding SU-30MK yang telah dimiliki TNI AU sebelumnya, maka pengamanan wilayah udara nasional akan dapat makin dimaksimalkan, khususnya di wilayah udara Koopsau II.

Wilayah operasi Koopsau II meliputi Kalimantan Tengah hingga Papua dan sebagian besar berbatasan dengan sejumlah negara yakni Malaysia, Filipina, Papua Nugini dan Australia. Selain pengamanan udara secara intensif, maka TNI juga mengerahkan beberapa kapal perang untuk mengamankan perairan Ambalat yang masih menjadi 'sengketa' antara Indonesia dengan Malaysia.

Sementara itu, Dua pesawat jet tempur Sukhoi TNI -AU (TS 3003 dan TS 3004) yang tiba di Indonesia Jumat (26/12) dan satu unit pada Januari 2009. Mulai dirakit oleh tim teknik Rusia dan personel Skadron Teknik (Skatek) 044 Pangkalan Udara (Lanud) Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar, Sulsel. Sedangkan tiga unit SU-27SKM akan tiba bertahap pula hingga 2010,

Perakitan dilakukan di hanggar Skatek 044 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin, Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, Minggu, melibatkan 20 teknisi dari Skatek 044 yang baru menyelesaikan pendidikan di Rusia dan 24 teknisi Rusia.

Proses perakitan diawali dengan pengeluaran sayap pesawat, yang dipasang lebih dulu bersama penyeimbang horizontal (horizon stabilizer) dan ekor pesawat (fin), disaksikan Komandan Wing 5 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin Kolonel Pnb Arif Mustofa, Komandan Skadron 11 Lanud Sultan Hasanuddin Letkol Pnb Widyargo Iko Putro serta Komandan Letkol Tek Skatek 044 Iwan Agung.

Sedangkan dari pihak Rusia, terdapat perwakilan tim garansi yang akan 'mendampingi' operasional pesawat selama satu tahun, Knapoo (produsen) dan Sukhoi Company.

Kepala Proyek Sukhoi TNI AU Kolonel Tek Mahandono yang juga hadir mengatakan bahwa perakitan dua Sukhoi jenis SU-30Mk2 itu dijadwalkan memakan waktu 10 hari.

"Namun, semua tetap sangat bergantung pada kesiapan sarana prasarana pendukung perakitan seperti tester dan lain-lain apakah memadai atau tidak. Kami berharap semua dapat berjalan sesuai rencana," katanya.

Setelah seluruh perakitan selesai, maka tiga pesawat akan menjalani uji terbang sebelum diserahterimakan pihak Rusia kepada Pemerintah Indonesia yang diwakili Departemen Pertahanan untuk selanjutnya diserahkan kepada Mabes TNI AU sebagai pengguna. "Diperkirakan, serah terima akan dilakukan pada akhir Januari 2009 karena menunggu kesiapan tiga pesawat," ungkap Mahandono.

Diolah @MIOL

Two Canadian soldiers killed and four injured in Afghanistan

OTTAWA– Two Canadian soldiers, as well as one member of the Afghan National Police and one Afghan interpreter were killed on December 27, 2008, when an explosive device detonated in their vicinity in the Panjwayi District.

Four other Canadian soldiers and one Afghan interpreter were injured in the incident, which occurred at approximately 12:15 p.m. local time, approximately 25 kilometres west of Kandahar City. The soldiers were conducting security operations in the area when the explosion occurred.

Killed in action was Warrant Officer Gaétan Roberge, from the 2nd Battalion, The Irish Regiment of Canada. He was serving as a member of the Police Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team.

Also killed in action was Sergeant Gregory John Kruse, from 2 Combat Engineer Regiment, Canadian Forces Base Petawawa. He was serving as a member of 3rd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment Battle Group.

Members of Task Force Kandahar are committed to improving security and increasing development in Kandahar Province. We are all thinking of the family and friends of our fallen comrades during this sad time, but are determined to continue working with our Afghan and international partners towards a better future for the people of Afghanistan

Warrant Officer Gaétan Roberge

Warrant Officer Gaétan Roberge was amongst two Canadian soldiers, as well as one member of the Afghan National Police and one Afghan interpreter that were killed on 27 December 2008, when an explosive device detonated in their vicinity in the Panjwayi District.

Warrant Officer Gaétan Roberge, from the 2nd Battalion, The Irish Regiment of Canada. He was serving as a member of the Police Operational Mentoring and Liaison Team.

Sergeant Gregory John Kruse

Sergeant Gregory John Kruse was from 2 Combat Engineer Regiment, Canadian Forces Base Petawawa. He was serving as a member of 3rd Battalion, The Royal Canadian Regiment Battle Group.

NEWS @DND/CF & CombatCamera

Heavy Fighting Erupts in Alampil


The SLAF fighter jets made twin air sorties this morning (Dec 28) at identified LTTE resistance positions, South of Mullaittiuvu.

According to Air Force Spokesperson, Wing Commander Janaka Nanayakkara, the air strikes were carried out in support of the advancing 59 Division troops at around 10.30 a.m., and 11.00 a.m., respectively.

Heavy fighting erupted between the 59 Division troops and LTTE closer to the LTTE-made earth bund north of ALAMPIL Saturday (27) morning.

Meanwhile, Task Force-11 troops operating in the PERIYAMADU area and Task Force-111 troops operating in PANIKKANKULAM, north of AMPAKAMAM and south of ODDUSUDAN found one claymore mine of about 2.5 kg, two T-56 weapons, five hand grenades, twelve 120 mm mortar rounds and six IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) the same day. Recovered IEDs were defused by the Army Engineer troops.


Navy destroys LTTE logistic Boat killing four LTTE carders North East of Point Pedro

Battle Map on Dec 27, 2008 (MoDSL)

Naval troops on sea patrol destroyed an LTTE logistic boat killing four LTTE carders in the Northern seas 12 nautical miles North East of Point Pedro on the 28th of December 2008 around 00:20 hrs.

Navy intercepted an LTTE logistic boat off Point Pedro at midnight and opened heavy fire destroying its fleeing attempt upon interception. Four LTTE sea tiger cadres were also reported to have been killed due to the fierce naval fire directed at the enemy


CV. Sari Bahari Pembuat Bom P 100 - 120

CV. Sari Bahari didirikan di tahun 1993 oleh Ir. Ricky Hendrik Egam di Malang, Jawa Timur. Pada awalnya perusahaan ini mengkhususkan pengadaan mesin dan suku cadang impor bagi perusahaan yang bergerak di industri strategis (BUMNIS – Badan Usaha Milik Negara Strategis).

Saat ini CV. Sari Bahari telah mampu memproduksi alutsista sendiri didukung fasilitas tiga buah workshop yang terletak di Malang dan Kota Batu.

Alutsista yang berhasil diproduksi serta telah bersertifikat yang dikeluarkan oleh DISLITBANGAU (Dinas Penelitian dan Pengembangan Angkatan Udara) dan DISLAMBANGJAU TNI AU.

Alutsista tersebut adalah bom P 100 – 120 (latihan/hidup), warhead pratice cal 2.75” PSB smokey, container motor rocket cal. 2.75”, mounting stand gun cal 5.56 – 12.7 mm dan folding fin rocket cal 2.75”.

Bom P 100 - 120
Sejenis dengan OFAB 100-125. Bom P100 memiliki spesifikasi panjang total 1.130 milimeter, berat total 100-125 kilogram, diameter 273 milimeter. Bom ini dibuat dari bahan besi nodular untuk body, Baja VCN 15 untuk suslub, dan SP – 37 untuk bagian ekor. Ekornya sendiri memiliki panjang 410 milimeter. (TempoInteraktif)

Bom P 100 - 120 (Latih)

Bom P 100 - 120 (Hidup)

Warhead Pratice cal 2.75” PSB Smokey

Container Motor Rocket Cal. 2.75”

Mounting Stand Gun Cal 5.56 – 12.7 mmFolding Fin Rocket Cal 2.75”.

Republic of Korea Military to Introduce Digitally-designed Battle Uniform

A new battle uniform with digitally-designed patterns of camouflage is expected to be introduced in 2010 for all military servicemembers. Also, new battle boots that are lighter in weight and have significantly improved design and functions will be introduced in 2009 for our troops.

The Ministry of National Defense said Dec. 8 that it is now developing a new battle uniform with digital (dotted) patterns for introduction from 2010. The announcement was made at an exhibition of military uniforms and equipment held at the defense ministry by the ministry¡¯s munitions management division.

The new uniform that will be distributed to all servicemembers of the Army, Navy and Air Force, with the only exception of the special forces command, will have improved anti-bacteria and moisture-proofing functions while its shirt will be worn over the pants,¡± a ministry official said. A survey was commissioned in November to evaluate the effectiveness of the new camouflage patterns and materials used in the uniform while a unit will be selected next year to test the new uniforms, according to the ministry official.

The ministry will also start supplying a new helmet with significantly improved protection against bullets, designs and functions from next year. The new headgear has seven memory foam pads attached on the sides of its interior while the number of buttons on the chin strap will be increased to four from the current two, which will make it easier to put on and take off the headgear.

The Defense Ministry also plans to improve its bullet-proof vests and cold gears by 2010. The ministry will improve the insulating capabilities of cold gears, which currently are only similar to gore-tex gears, by using new water-proof, moisture-permitting materials while also reducing their weight through improved designs. The gears will be developed and fielded by 2010.

The new bullet-proof vest, currently under development, will be developed by 2010 to have enough protection against small arms, while it will be designed to also provide protection for abdomen, neck and shoulders. A feasibility study was conducted from April to November. The new vest will be put to use in 2010 following a field test next year.

Also, new battle boots will be distributed to military members starting from 2009. The Defense Ministry not only employed materials that have significantly superior water-proof and moisture-permitting functions for the new boots, but it also decided to apply new gluing and stitching technologies that will each make the boots 121 grams and 85 grams lighter than the existing ones. The ministry said it also plans to introduce its new personal backpacks and tents that were developed this year following a test use that will last until 2010.

The new personal tent is multi-purpose and weatherproof that can be used as a tent, the outer cover for a sleeping bag, rain gear, a stretcher and a buoy.

Also drawing attention at the exhibition were new underwear and socks that have significantly improved qualities, such as new designs and colors, as well as improved sweat absorbing power. New military shovels with improved strength and functions were among the items displayed at the exhibition, that also included new mess kits, combat vests, sleeping bags and personal waistbands.

Meanwhile, the exhibition provided an opportunity for the Defense Ministry to compare its new equipment and gears with those of other advanced nations and to find ways to further improve their gears


The Aermacchi M-346 Master advanced trainer breaks the sound barrier

The Alenia Aermacchi M-346 advanced trainer made its first supersonic flight, reaching Mach 1.15 in the “supersonic corridor” off the Italian Riviera coast.

The first prototype M-346 reached this important milestone during a 75 minute flight which began and ended on the company airfield at Venegono Superiore.

This significant achievement is further testimony to the high capabilities and performances of the Aermacchi M-346 platform, which integrates the power of its two Honeywell F124 engines with extremely effective aerodynamics and the new release of the digital Fly by Wire flight control software. This allowed the aircraft to reach and cross the sound barrier, achieving a top speed of 1,255 kmph and improving upon its own previous top speed of Mach 0.96, achieved in 2007. Test activities will continue until the top design speed of Mach 1.2 is reached.

This is the first time in 52 years than an aircraft designed and built entirely in Italy breaks the sound barrier. The first Italian aircraft to fly faster than sound was the Aerfer Sagittario II piloted by Lt Col Giovanni Franchini of the Italian Air Force’s Experimental Test Unit, which on 4 December 1956 achieved Mach 1.1 at the end of a long dive at Pratica di Mare.

Since then, all supersonic aircraft built in Italy have been either foreign designs under licence – such as the famed F-104 Starfighter – or international collaborative products – like the Tornado multirole aircraft or the Eurofighter Typhoon.


Quds Brigades fires two missiles at southern Israel

GAZA, Dec 27 (KUNA) - Palestinian Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of Islamic Jihad, claimed responsibility on Saturday for firing two missiles on the town of Ashkalon in southern Israel.

The group said in a statement that their fighters were able to fire two locally made rockets, type Quds, at the town.

The operation is in response to Israeli attacks in Gaza, the statement added.
Meanwhile, Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot said that the Israeli minister of Defense will brief on Sunday the government on developments concerning military operations in Gaza Strip.(zt.mb)

Quds 3

Technical Specification Quds
Class A Quds 2
Weight: 23.5 kg (51.7 lb)
Length: 150 cm (a little under 5 feet)
Diameter: 90 mm (3 ½ inches)
Maximum range: 6 km (3 ¾ miles)
Warhead weight: 8 kg (17.6 lbs)

Class B Quds 2
Weight: 33.5 kg (73.7 lbs)
Length: 110 cm (3.6 feet)
Diameter: 115 mm (4 ½ inches)
Maximum range: 7 km (4 1/3 miles)
Warhead weight: 8 kg (17.6 lbs)

Class A Quds 3
Weight: 35 kg (77 lbs)
Length: 130 cm (4 ¼ feet)
Diameter: 102 mm (4 inches)
Maximum range: 8.5 km (5 ¼ miles)
Warhead weight: 6-7 kg (13.2-15.4 lbs)

Class B Quds 3
Weight: 42 kg (92.4 lbs)
Length: 200 cm (6 ½ feet)
Diameter: 127.5 mm (5 inches)
Maximum range: 9 km (more than 5 ½ miles)
Warhead weight: 8 kg (17.6 lbs)


IDF mobilizes tanks, reinforces troops along Gaza border

The Israel Defense Forces on early Sunday began mobilizing tanks and reinforcing ground troops near the Gaza border, in preparation for a possible ground incursion.

Defense Minister Ehud Barak told Sky News that he would not rule out widening the offensive in the Gaza Strip to include a ground invasion.

Barak on Saturday also said Israel "cannot really accept" a cease-fire with Hamas, rejecting calls by the United Nations and the European Union for a truce after Israel Air Force strikes killed at least 225 people in Gaza.

"For us to be asked to have a cease-fire with Hamas is like asking you to have a cease-fire with Al-Qaida," Barak said in an interview with Fox News. "It's something we cannot really accept."

Asked whether Israel would follow up the air strikes with a ground offensive, Barak said, "If boots on the ground will be needed, they will be there."

"Our intention is to totally change the rules of the game," he said.

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert earlier on Saturday said no country in the world would put up with the rocket and missile strikes Israel suffers from and that the time had come to react.

Olmert's words came during a press conference he held hours after the Israel Defense Forces and the IAF carried out attacks in Gaza that Palestinian officials said left at least 225 dead and hundreds wounded.

"Israel has done all it could to preserve the cease-fire with Hamas, but our desire for quiet was met with terror," Olmert said.

Olmert added that Israel "is not itching for a fight, but will not back down from one either."

The Prime Minister also vowed to restore quiet to the lives of Israel's southern residents, adding that they "will not be abandoned." He also said that the IDF operations in Gaza would take time, and asked for patience.

Leader of the Hamas government in the Gaza Strip, Ismail Haniyeh, accused Israel on Saturday of a "massacre" of Palestinians, saying "Palestine has never witnessed an uglier massacre.

" Haniyeh's statement was broadcast by his Islamist group's Gaza-based television channel, Al-Aqsa. Earlier Saturday, Barak held a press conference on Saturday in which he said had no choice and that "the time has come to fight.

" Barak said the IDF and IAF attacks had destroyed "terrorism infrastructure" and hit more than 150 Hamas targets. He also said the current campaign would be widened and will continue for some time.

Barak said Israel cannot stand by while rockets strike the communities of the western Negev and "won't let terror hurt our citizens or soldiers.

" Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni on Saturday addressed the ongoing IDF campaign in Gaza, saying, "Until now we have shown restraint. But today there is no other option than a military operation.

" Livni, speaking in English at a press conference, said Israel had no choice but to act to "protect our citizens from attack through a military response against the terror infrastructure in Gaza.

" Livni called the IDF operations an expression of Israel's "basic right to self-defense.

" The Foreign Minister laid blame for the bloodshed at the feet of Hamas, saying the group "cynically abuses its own civilian population and their suffering for propaganda purposes.

" Palestinians in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip fired at least 54 Qassam and Grad rockets into southern Israel on Saturday after the IDF campaign began. One of the rockets directly struck a home in the town of Netivot, leaving one Israel dead and four with moderate to serious injuries.


AD Tunda Pembentukan Kodam Baru di Kalbar

Sabtu, 27 Desember 2008, JAKARTA - TNI-AD mengkaji ulang pembentukan komando daerah militer (kodam) baru di wilayah Kalimantan Barat (Kalbar). Faktor utamanya adalah keterbatasan anggaran pertahanan.

''Operasional sehari-hari saja sudah sulit. Tidak mungkin kami memaksakan pembangunan yang memakan dana besar,'' kata Kepala Dinas Penerangan TNI-AD Brigjen Christian Zebua di Jakarta kemarin (26/12).

Rencana awal, status Korem 121/Alambhana Wanawwai akan ditingkatkan menjadi kodam pada 2010. Saat ini, Korem 121 membawahkan 300 personel. Sebuah kodam setidaknya membutuhkan 1.200 personel.

Selama ini, Kodam VI/Tanjungpura membawahkan seluruh teritorial Kalimantan. Jika terealisasi, kodam baru tersebut hanya membawahkan teritorial Kalbar. Sementara itu, Kodam Tanjungpura tetap membawahkan Kalimantan Timur, Kalimantan Selatan, dan Kalimantan Tengah.

Christian mengaku, penambahan satu kodam di Kalimantan masuk dalam rencana strategis hingga 2014. Dalam rencana juga diproyeksikan pembangunan markas brigade di Bontang serta Sangatta. Kemudian, di Kalimantan Tengah akan ada dua batalyon baru.

Alasan TNI-AD pun realistis. Yakni, perbatasan langsung dengan Malaysia di Kalimantan sangat luas, mencapai 2004 kilometer. ''Tujuannya, mengatasi kerawanan yang berpotensi muncul,'' tegasnya.

Kerawanan itu, antara lain, konflik perbatasan, sasaran eksploitasi kekayaan alam, praktik pembalakan hutan secara liar, perdagangan gelap, penyelundupan, perdagangan manusia, infiltrasi, sabotase, serta kegiatan intelijen asing.

Jenderal berbintang satu asal Pulau Nias, Sumatera Utara, itu menjelaskan, TNI-AD tidak memaksakan jika dana pengembangan satuan tersebut belum memadai. ''Kami sadar penuh kondisi bangsa yang prihatin saat ini,'' katanya. Berapa pun anggaran dari pemerintah, matra darat akan mengoptimalkan operasi perbatasan yang ada.

Saat ini, hanya ada 32 pos penjagaan di sepanjang perbatasan RI-Malaysia. Empat di antaranya merupakan pos gabungan. Selama ini, Indonesia baru memiliki dua pos lintas batas, yakni Entikong dan Simanggaris. Sedangkan Malaysia telah memiliki tiga, yakni di Biawak, Lubuk Antu, dan Seliku.(rdl/nw)


The Amerika Bomber Project of Nazi Germany

The Amerika Bomber project was an initiative of the Reichsluftfahrtministerium, the Nazi Germany Air Ministry, to obtain a long-range bomber aircraft for the Luftwaffe that would be capable of striking the continental United States from Germany. Requests for designs were made to the major German aircraft manufacturers early in World War II, coinciding with the passage of the Destroyers for Bases Agreement.(Pravda.Ru)

The most promising proposals were based on conventional principles of aircraft design and would have yielded aircraft very similar in configuration and capability to the Allied heavy bombers of the day. These included the Messerschmitt Me 264 (an all-new design), the Focke-Wulf Fw 300 (based on the existing Fw 200), Focke Wulf Ta 400 and the Junkers Ju 390 (based on the Ju 290). Prototypes of the Me 264 were built, but it was the Ju 390 that was selected for production. Only two prototypes were constructed before the programme was abandoned. It is widely claimed (and widely disputed) that in early 1944 the second prototype made a trans-Atlantic flight to within 20 km (12 mi) of the U.S. coast. (

Other proposals were far more exotic jet- and rocket-powered designs, e.g. as a flying wing. The Horten brothers designed the Horten Ho XVIII, a flying wing powered by six turbojets based on experiences with their existing Ho X design. The Arado company also suggested a six-jet flying wing design, the Arado E.555.(Pravda.Ru)






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